Reviews For Shippo's Day Out
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Reviewer: Sesshomaru_Jen4ever Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Aug 2008 9:47:46 PM Title: Oh great

Shippo's a nudist, is he?

Reviewer: Dark_Author Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01 Aug 2008 7:06:29 AM Title: Oh great

Okay, that was really cute.  It was well written...and well, as I said, friggen cute!  You get a ten from me.

Thanks for your review on All Things Will Come.

Author's Response: Thankies! And luv luv LUV! How your story turned out! Can't wait 4 the sequel! And once again thanks Darks (if I can call u that)

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