SessKagura by PitaBread
Summary: A little Kagura/Sesshoumaru angst in rememberance of Kagura.
Categories: Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagura, Poetry > Haiku, Angst/ Drama Characters: Kagura, Sesshoumaru
Challenges: None
Series: Random Haiku
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 13 Read: 2620 Published: 31 Jan 2010 Updated: 31 Jan 2010
Story Notes:
In tribute to the beautiful episode where Kagura dies, I made this.  R.I.P. Kagura!
SessKagura Tribute Haiku by PitaBread

they clash, yet yearn for

the other; moon and wind will

never be as one


End Notes:


 So sad.  

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