Kagome From the Future by SunsetBoulevard
Summary: Inuyasha and his friends are enjoying a sunny relaxing day, when suddenly they meet....Kagome? She's Kagome from the future which is actually the past. Confused? Read it! 
Categories: Romance, Romance > InuYasha/ Kagome Characters: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 2804 Read: 12197 Published: 04 Apr 2010 Updated: 07 Apr 2010

1. Chapter 1 by SunsetBoulevard

2. Chapter 2 by SunsetBoulevard

3. Chapter 3 by SunsetBoulevard

Chapter 1 by SunsetBoulevard

Kagome From The Future

Disclaimer: All characters/ basic story line are property of the amazing R.T and I am in no way associated with her or the publishers.

Inuyasha and his friends were taking a break from pursuing Naraku and were sitting on a grassy hill under a shady tree enjoying the sunshine, fresh air and one of Kagome’s mother’s lunches.

“Mmmm,” Kagome sighed, leaning back and resting against the tree trunk. “It’s been so long since we’ve taken a break from chasing after Naraku and just enjoyed the day like this.”

“Keh,” She looked over at Inuyasha who was lying stretched out in the grass “If it were up to me we’d still be looking for for him, we’re just wasting time sitting around like this.”

“Now, now Inuyasha, remember we don’t all have your brute strength and endurance. We’re only human.” Miroku admonished with a sideways glance at Sango who nodded her silent agreement.

“Hmph.” Inuyasha rolled over onto his side. His friends got into a conversation about the conveniences of Kagome’s time and took no more notice of him. Inuyasha didn’t mind though, he was too lost in his own thoughts. But like his friends, he too was thinking of the future.

“So, we defeat Naraku, and then what? What will happen to all of us? Miroku and Sango are engaged so that pervert will finally get all the babies he wants but what about me or Kagome?”

Ah. Kagome. His mind froze when he thought of her. He’d always known deep down she was beautiful of course, but lately he’d stopped denying it to himself. Her pools of raven black hair and the way it fell into her beautiful dark eyes that sparkled when she smiled. The curve of her plump rosy lips and the creamy color of her silky skin. Oh God, and those impossibly long legs of hers. He was always hyper aware of her body, especially when she rode on his back. Every curve, every line. Just thinking about it made him shudder.

“Inuyasha!” A voice woke him up, “Come on we’re leaving!”

It was Kagome. She was bending over him, looking at him quizzically. “Wow, I’ve never seen you so lost in thought before. He blushed slightly and quickly got up, customary scowl replacing his surprise and embarrassment.

They had not gone far, when suddenly, Inuyasha stopped.

The sky began to darken and flashes of purple lightning flitted across the sky.

“W-what’s happening?’ Shippou asked jumping up onto Kagome’s shoulder.

Suddenly there was a flash of purple light 10 feet in front off them and a woman seemed to fall out of midair.

The sky cleared and the woman straightened up and dusted herself off. She looked to be in her early twenties and was very attractive. Dressed in the traditional attire of a miko, she had a mass of raven hair that cascaded down her back like waves, dark expressive eyes and pale cream skin.

She frowned as she looked around. “Damn that stupid well.” then her eyes fell on where Inuyasha and his friends stood frozen and widened. “Oh no, this is bad.”

“Kagome!” Miroku cried in surprise. “She looks like...”

“Like YOU,” Sango finished.




End Notes:


Review, review, REVIEW. Suggestion? Comments? :) Should I continue?

Chapter 2 by SunsetBoulevard
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, they belong to the one and only R.T

“Ummm, well this is awkward,” said the woman half laughing.

“Wh-who are you?” asked Kagome in a shaky voice.

“Well....I’m YOU, from the future I guess you could say. Only about four years in the future though, not 500.” She laughed as her eyes sparkled with amusement.

She looked around at her surroundings. “You know, I remember this day, it was right before we...” she looked back at them then shook her head. “Uh, never mind, I wouldn’t want to give anything away and mess things up. Although I think my being here has already messed things up. Like I said I remember this day, but I sure don’t remember meeting myself. I think that’s something a person wouldn’t be likely to forget.” She smiled again, but this time it was to hide the worry that had started creeping onto her face.

“So, do you have anything to eat?” she asked looking at Kagome. “I’m starving!”

Five minutes later, they were seated again at the base of the tree on the hill and the other (future) Kagome was accepting a rice ball from...Kagome.

The entire group stared at her as she ate. They were still in shock.

“Mmmm mom’s cooking, I’ve missed it so much! I haven’t seen her since I ....” She colored, glanced at Inuyasha and cast her eyes downward.

It was Miroku who found his voice first.

“Um, Kagome-sama, I don’t understand how can you be here when you’re already here. I mean how did you....”

“Get here in the first place? Through the well of course.”

“But the well takes me to the future, 500 years in the future. And then it always takes me 500 years to the past. This Era. How did you only go back four years?” asked the younger Kagome.

“The well hasn’t worked correctly every since we defeated Naraku.” She glanced warily around as if afraid that the world would end if she said too much. “It trapped me for three years in the future and then when I managed to come back, the well’s magic sealed up again. Or so we thought. I jumped in today to get Yuka’s dolly out from the bottom where she had thrown it in and suddenly I saw a glowing light and found myself here.”

“So, we do defeat Naraku?” asked Sango.

“Well, in my reality, yes.”

“What do you mean, your reality.”

“Look, if there’s one thing I’ve learnt with all my jumping from future to past, it’s that the future is not set in stone, it can be easily changed, affected and altered, for better or for worse. My accidental visit here may prove harmful and may hinder your attempts to destroy Naraku. If the worst should happen, I would cease to exist in this form and my reality would disappear. Another Kagome would take my place.”

Shippou shook his head, “Whoa, this is waaayy too confusing.”

The older Kagome smiled, reached out and ruffled his hair.

“So, who’s this Yuka?” asked Kagome, trying to learn more about the future she could (and apparently did, for now)have.

“Miroku and Sango’s daughter.”

Miroku’s face broke into a happy grin. “We have a child?!”

“Actually more like three. Yuka and Aumi are twins and the day I arrived back in Feudal Japan was the day after your son was born.”

Miroku’s face shone with happiness and excitement (Sango on the other hand was looking embarrassedly down at her lap) and he probably would have asked more of the future miko but was interrupted by Inuyasha who had finally spoken for the first time.

He had been completely mesmerized by the miko and his mind had been a total blank for the first few minutes they had known her. Only now was something registering in the back of his head that something was wrong.

“Wait, you CAN’T be Kagome.”

“I can’t?”

She looked at him, her dark eyes filling with confusion and he nearly lost his train of thought. Gods she was beautiful.

He shook his head a little to clear it. “Your scent is different.”

She blushed bright red and looked away. “Well, Inuyasha I'm pretty sure that a woman's scent is supposed to change when she is expecting.”

“WHAT?! I’m pregnant. I’m mean your pregnant. I mean...”

The current Kagome looked flustered and seemed unable to look anyone in the eye after this statement was made. Slight horror registered on her face.

“I admit nineteen might seem a little young to people in our regular era, but here it’s pretty normal. It took me awhile to get used to the idea though. Don’t worry.”

“Kagome-sama!” said Miroku with a lecherous smile, “I had no idea that you were THAT kind of woman. Having a baby without being married?”

“I’m NOT that kind of woman and I AM married” she said wrinkling her nose at Miroku who had started to laugh.

“Oooo, anyone we know?” he asked teasingly.

She blushed and looked away. Only the Shippou saw the small glance she stole at Inuyasha.

“Don’t tell me you married that disgusting wolf.” Inuyasha was looking at Kagome with horror on his face.

“Oh Koga? No no, he and Ayame got married about a year after I left. They have a child now, a little girl named Yuri.”

“If it’s not Koga, who is it? Anyone we know?” Miroku slyly glanced at Inuyasha who bushed slightly and pretended not to be paying attention.

The normal Kagome coughed nervously, “Umm, let’s change the subject.”

End Notes:




the next chapter or the one after that has a little smut in it, so be warned. (I plan on following the future kagome back to her own time.)

come on, come on REVIEW. :)

Chapter 3 by SunsetBoulevard

A day later, they arrived back in Kaede’s village. The older Kagome had asked them to take her back to the well so she could get home faster.

The journey had been over fairly quickly but it had been a rough one for three people in particular. Sango, Inuyasha and the Kagome’s were all sick of Miroku. The entire ride he had refused to take his hands off of Sango, stating that she would bear his children one day anyway, why not start now? This had resulted in a very flustered and irritated Sango and a very injured Miroku.

Inuyasha and Miroku (one with angry yelling and the other with perverted comments and sly innuendos) kept persistently asking Kagome who she had married and the younger Kagome sat in stunned , embarrassed silence breaking it only to sit Inuyasha when he said something particularly out of line.

Now the group stood in front of the well and said their final goodbyes and Kagome began climbing over the well to jump it. Just before she did, Inuyasha called out, “Oh come on, just tell us!”

She looked back and gave him a small smile than made her eyes light up mischievously. “I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out by now. Just think for a second, who else would I leave everything from the future for?” With that she jumped into the well and was gone in a flash of purple light.

Realization struck Inuyasha and Kagome’s faces as everyone turned to look at them.



Kagome began climbing out of the well, only to be grabbed by a strong pair of hands half way up. She found herself looking into two angry and worried golden eyes.

“What happened to you?!” Inuyasha demanded.

“Yuka just said that you disappeared in the well and when I tried to go after you, the well had already sealed! Do you have any idea how dangerous jumping in that well was Kagome? I could have lost you again! Maybe forever this time! You could have.....”

His words were silenced when Kagome reached up and pressed her lips to his. “I’m sorry” she mumbled against his lips, pulling him still closer by his collar.

She felt him soften a little and kiss her back, wrapping his arms around her.

“You really scared me.” he said softly as she leaned her head into his chest.

“You know I’d never leave you again, even by accident. This is where I belong, with you. Not the future. Knowing that will always bring me back.”

She looked up into his eyes and gently stroked the side of his face.

Her gentle touch awakened something in him. He kissed the side of her face and began to slowly make his way to the base of her throat, “And what,” he growled seductively still planting kissed on every bit of exposed skin, “are you planning to do to make it up to me for all the worry and stress you’ve put me through?”

She shuddered a little as his warm breath tickled the back of her neck.

She smiled and pulled his face up towards her own “Oh, I could think of a few things.” He leaned down and captured her lips with his own once more.


Inuyasha and Kagome sat beside each other as usual in front of the campfire but a certain hanyou was carefully avoiding eye contact and blushing slightly. The others had left them alone on the excuse of filling up their water bottles or going into the hot springs. An awkward silence hung in the air.

The past couple days, had been pure hell for the both of them. Even Miroku had the decency to not tease them, but they had been unable to look at, talk to or even be around each other. Kagome, though not admitting it out loud, soon grew comfortable with the idea that they might marry and have a baby someday. She even secretly anticipated it. Still, she couldn’t think of kissing Inuyasha without blushing, let alone what they would do to have a baby.....

Inuyasha was another story. He couldn’t say what he felt towards this news. Sometimes he felt happy inside, that someone had finally accepted him and that Kagome felt or would feel the same way as he did and that she would always be by his side. Other times, he was fearful, of what though, he couldn’t exactly say. He wasn’t even what his feelings towards Kagome were. All he knew was that, when she was gone, he felt like a part of himself had been ripped out, that he would do anything to keep her from harm and that with all her smiles and kind words she had become as important to him as Kikyo had ever been. Maybe he loved her? He didn’t know. (or at least wouldn’t admit, even to himself.) A part of him was still afraid of rejection.

He couldn’t even sit in the same room with her half the time. If he did he would start thinking about her hair, or her eyes, her lush lips, the gentle swell of her chest, the curve of her hips, how short that skirt of hers really was and how when she bent over you could just catch a little peak of lacy black underwear. He would have to run out of the room to keep himself from grabbing her and kissing her right there.

In front of the fire, the silence continued. Kagome was watching Inuyasha out of the corner of her eye to see if he would stop avoiding her.

Suddenly Kagome couldn’t stand it anymore. “Inuyasha! Would you at least look at me! Ever since we found out that we....that...well you know, you haven’t been able to look me right in the eye!”

She turned towards him, “I mean is it really so bad that we got married or what?

Inuyasha was, at this juncture, maddeningly uncomfortable and very, very red.

"I mean, at least, you could give me a reason for the way you’ve been acting! Is my body really that disgusting that you don't want to even consider the idea? Is that it?"


"Because I'm tired of it!"

"Er, Kag-"

"Just because you have the emotional complexity of a two year old doesn't mean that I have to put up with-"

"Kagome!" Inuyasha grabbed a hold of Kagome who, he had summoned up enough cognitive ability to realize, was probably more than a bit hysterical at this point.
“It...it’s not that. I think...that...you’re beautiful.” he struggled a little to get the words out. “But it’s just that.... I couldn’t even imagine you feeling the same way about me as I do about you and even if you did....why would you...why would we......the world would think....”

He sighed in frustration and turned away again. “Just forget it okay! Like she said the future can change.”

Kagome’s eyes widened, “Is that what this is about? About you being a half demon?”

She put her hand on his arm “Inuyasha! How could you think that I would care about what other people say? I love you just the way you are and I wouldn’t want the future to change!”

Inuyasha stiffened and turned slowly to face Kagome. Surprise flitted across his face.

Kagome seemed to have realized what she had said and she blushed bright red.

They stared into each other’s eyes for a moment, trying to silently communicate what they felt, trying to see what they other would say.
Unknowingly, they were leaning closer and closer to each other, their bodies taking control of the situation while their minds were four years in the future.

That’s when their lips met in the perfect kiss, molding together and moving in harmony It wasn’t even a passionate kiss or a particularly long one but it was enough. Because it spoke a thousand words to the two lovers and whispered the promise of tomorrow.





End Notes:



A/N: omg this chapter took FOREVER to write. I had my mind on like a billion other things. It's also a lot longer than I thought it would.

up next: just what is kagome doing to inuyasha to make up for her absence? oh kagome, you naughty, naughty girl ;) also a possible short introduction to miroku's family.  

i should be able to upload it by Sunday depending on the amount of schoolwork I have.  

thanks for all your support guys and as always REVIEW (constructive criticism would be appreciated as this is my first time writing a fanfic.)   

This story archived at http://inuyasha-fanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=1695