1. Prologue: When Good Things Come Together by Msmes
2. Chapter One: Shivers by Msmes
3. Chapter Two: Death Wish by Msmes
4. Chapter Three: Emotions That Cut Deep by Msmes
5. Chapter Four: Tensions Rise by Msmes
6. Chapter Five: Craving Better Days by Msmes
7. Chapter Six: Accursed Radiance by Msmes
8. Chapter Seven: Memories Of A Battle Long Past by Msmes
9. Chapter Eight: Treaty Of A Thousand Tears by Msmes
10. Chapter Nine: Make A Wish by Msmes
11. Chapter Ten: Revealed Feelings by Msmes
12. Chapter Eleven: Difference Between Past And Present by Msmes
13. Chapter Twelve: Unexpected Calling by Msmes
14. Chapter Thirteen: Gone by Msmes
15. Chapter Fourteen: Human Cruelty Knows No Bounds by Msmes
16. Chapter Fifteen: A Heart's Despair by Msmes
17. Chapter Sixteen: Eclipse Of The Heart by Msmes
18. Chapter Seventeen: Duel Of Conflicting Souls by Msmes
19. Chapter Eighteen: Negotiations by Msmes
Prologue When Good Things Come Together
The caress of the chilled air punctured Kagome’s exposed skin like the fangs of an animal. Tendrils of ebony hair fell into her eyes, yet she simply wiped them away with trembling fingers and squeezed her eyes shut. Tears cupped her cheeks. Her limbs moved mechanically, as if she was some sort of robot, and her arms felt like hoses at her sides. Compare me to a rag doll and you wouldn’t be far off, she told herself sourly.
The matted gray sky hung overhead like a bad omen, the clouds about to release buckets of rain. The breeze teased her hair with invisible fingers and caused the tangles to frame her ashen face. Dread nibbled at her heart when she neared the base of the Sacred Tree. She reached out to stroke the bark, memories flooding back into her brain.
Naraku’s defeat…the purification of the Sacred Jewel…waking up earlier that morning to find Inuyasha gone from Kaede’s hut…rushing out into the cold to find him…and then discovering him in the arms of Kikyo, their lips locked in a passionate kiss…
Kagome’s hand balled up into a fist against the bark of the Sacred Tree, tears glistening in her eyes. She cursed herself for not thinking of this outcome previously. How many times had she told herself that she held no position in Inuyasha’s heart? How many times had she pondered about being second place in comparison to Kikyo? He belongs with her, she reasoned with herself. I was wrong to think that we would be together. Kikyo was, is, his lover, right? And, I’m just her copy; of what importance am I to him besides a jewel detector? I was a fool to think that our relationship would ever advance.
“I’m such a fool!” she whispered aloud and punched the Sacred Tree’s trunk with all the force she could muster. Wetness spread between her knuckles. She was about to hit the bark again when a hand grabbed hers. She curved around to find Inuyasha, his molten amber orbs vivid with worry.
He inspected her hand and released a frustrated sigh. “I let you out of my sight for only a few minutes, and then you go off and hurt yourself. Do you realize how much of a klutz you are?”
“I’m only human,” she murmured, avoiding his eyes.
“And that’s why I have to protect you.” He ripped a piece of cloth from his undershirt and wrapped it around her fist to stop the torrent of blood. Kagome said nothing when he released her hand and retreated a step backward to assess her condition. She continued to avoid his eyes. “What’s wrong, Kagome? Why won’t you look at me?”
“It’s nothing.”
Understanding dawned on him then and his face flushed. “You saw me and Kikyo again, didn’t you?” When she remained silent, he took it as a yes. “I thought I smelled you. Did you hear what we were saying?”
She bowed her head. “No…I didn’t.”
“Good, because I don’t like to repeat myself.”
She lifted her head to stare at him in confusion at his words. “What?”
“I told Kikyo…goodbye, and that I chose…you…” he drifted off and stared into her eyes, his blush increasing. He refused to look into her eyes. Before she could voice her confusion, he continued, silencing her. “I chose you because you didn’t care whether I was hanyou or human or demon; you only cared for the person I am, and the only person that had ever done that for me before you was my mother. You shed tears for me, and that alone was so foreign to me that I didn’t know how to react. Truth is, I do have feelings for you; you were the only one that ever cared for me in a way that I return. I…love you, Kagome.”
Kagome's pulse accelerated as her hanyou's bold declaration reached her ears. He still avoided her eyes, his cheeks dyed red, yet she could still see the ghost of hope in his expression. How many days had she hoped for this? How many times had she had her heart broken, but still remained loyal to him? She had thought herself selfish for wanting him despite his feelings towards Kikyo; who was she to deny him happiness? Heck, she was only the reincarnate of his former love, a simple copy, and a jewel detector in Inuyasha's eyes. Of what importance was she to him?
But those three simple words of emotion that flowed to the hanyou's lips from deep within his soul caused doubt to arise from where it lied dormant within her. He had practically ripped his heart from his chest and bestowed it upon her, something he would not do unless he knew it was the correct decision. Kagome hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say to him since he had expressed his hidden feelings for her, and felt a wobbly smile replace the "O" her lips had formed. She could feel heat rising to her own cheeks as his words replayed in her mind. I do love him, she thought, convincing herself to voice the words. He was the only reason why I decided to return here. He's the one who protected me, cared for me, and stressed over my safety, even though his heart belonged to Kikyo. My heart used to bleed for him because he had yet to discover happiness and compassion, and now look at him; he is the only one I could ever hope to be with.
Inuyasha noted Kagome's hesitation and glued his eyes to the grass, his ears dropping to his scalp. She doesn't return my feelings, he thought forlornly. I have betrayed her so many times, and now she has lost her feelings for me. No one is meant to love a hanyou. I guess I was wrong, Kagome; even you cannot see past the demon blood that flows through my veins.
"I understand your feelings," he said to her. "No one can ever love a hanyou."
Kagome met his gaze with tears brimming in her eyes and a wavering smile on her face. He took this as a sign and started to retreat into the vegetation and return to the village. That, or hit my head against a rock, he added mentally. She must think I'm an idiot.
He was taken aback by the pressure of a hand on his arm and turned to meet the liquid chocolate eyes of the miko he had vowed to protect. The unshed tears were still there, uncloaked by the presence of joy, and he felt the flame of hope burn his insides premeditatedly. She was his sanctuary, his own little spark of happiness, and he sought her warmth in his arms. How many times had he wanted to speak his mind to her, to tell her how he felt? How each individual touch made his heart fly in his rib cage and how it brought a sense of compassion to his usually cold demeanor; how her warmth diminished the ice that had consumed his entire being to the point where he was frozen and impassive. She had saved his soul and mended his broken heart, tended to the injuries that his former love left behind, and helped him to see bright sunshine instead of the dark side of the moon. She was the spark in his life, his only reason for living.
"You're wrong," Kagome whispered past the lump in her throat, seizing the chance to tell him her own feelings. "Everyone can love a hanyou if given the chance like you had given to me. I never cared if you were hanyou or human or your full demon side; I loved you for the man you were, and for the kind heart that beats in your chest. I never doubted you in battle, and I never lost my feelings for you, even when you left to see Kikyo. My heart would ache when you left, because I feared that she would drag you with her into death, and I would not be there to stop her. But I still had faith in you that you would return to me. My feelings for you will never relinquish, Inuyasha, and I'm thankful that I was able to meet you; I love you, too." She caressed his cheek with her hand, smiling.
“And…” He gulped, still avoiding her gaze. “And…would you become my…mate?”
Hearing the demon term for “wife” slip from his lips caused Kagome’s heart to pound in her ears. He wants me to be his…mate? she thought. And, look at him; he’s so nervous. Does he really want me to be that to him? Does he care for me that much?
“Inuyasha…is that what you want me to be? Your mate?” she asked cautiously.
“Only if you want to be, koi.” His eyes were pleading, but his voice hid it.
Sango had explained to Kagome before that hanyous were lucky to get mates, or anyone that found love within them. Sango had told her that Inuyasha’s demon side was desperate to protect her because it had subconsciously accepted her as its mate. The thought of this had caused Kagome’s mind to reel, but she had simply plastered a smile to her face and listened intently to all Sango had to say; she knew deep within her heart that Inuyasha’s heart belonged to Kikyo, not her, and that when the time came, he would chose his former love. Kagome had convinced herself of this many times in a mantra of words until it stuck in both her mind and her soul; even her heart began to believe it.
Now her feelings revolted against her heart, mind, and soul, and convinced them to believe his declaration of love, and to accept his proposal.
She launched herself at him and they both crashed to the ground, Kagome on top of Inuyasha. “Yes, yes! I’ll be your mate.”
"I'm glad you return my feelings," he admitted, sighing in relief. “And my proposal.”
"And I'm glad that you finally had the guts to ask," she teased, leaning away from him to gaze into his eyes. “So, I’m basically going be your wife, right?”
“In human terms, yeah. But I think we better get properly married in the human way before the real mating ritual begins; I don’t think your grandfather would like it much if I used the alternative method. Do you mind?” His eyes were hopeful.
Wow, he has a lot of honor, Kagome thought with a gentle smile. “My grandfather would like that. Thank you for considering him, Inuyasha.” The blush returned to his cheeks.
“Feh. Whatever.”
Inuyasha watched her move her lips and felt lust inside him. His demon side was compelling him to take her into his arms and kiss away the worries of marriage. His heart swelled for the miko as he helped her to her feet. When she grabbed onto his hand, he felt tingles at the sudden contact. His demon side increased its taunts. How long had he wished for the feeling of her lips on his? How long had he fought against his demon side to protect her from him? Was it possible to love someone too much? He struggled to control his inner outburst, hoping that Kagome didn’t notice.
"Inuyasha, are you okay?" Kagome asked worriedly, placing her head on his shoulder. He almost scowled at his false hope.
"Fine," he lied, attempting to smile to ease her worries.
It was then that his demon side won over and he twisted her around and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. She tasted like strawberries, her lips warm and sensual. She seemed spellbound for a moment before returning the kiss, smiling against his lips. This felt so right to her; it felt as if she was kissing a god, and not the hanyou she had secretly loved up until this point. Her senses became flooded with the emotion of love to the point where she assumed her heart would explode. This is what true happiness and peace feels like, she decided. This is my own little piece of heaven.
Permission from Kagome’s family did not come easy. Kagome’s mother accepted the idea with a bright smile on her face, content with the idea of having grandchildren with cute little puppy ears, but it was Kagome’s grandfather who had the greatest issue. He threatened to tape a sutra to Inuyasha’s back and then throw him down the well himself, and burn the well to the ground after Kagome was permanently locked away in her room. A heated argument between Inuyasha and her grandfather had occurred after that. Kagome’s mother spoke calm words to try and console her father, but luck was not on their side.
“I’m sorry about this, Inuyasha,” Kagome whispered in Inuyasha’s ear while the two parental figures argued. “Grandfather is just being plain difficult; I’m sorry you had to see him like this. He’s just being protective of me, even though he knows that you are protective of me, too.”
He grabbed onto her hand and gave it a squeeze. “It’s gonna be all right; I know it. Eventually the fight will come to a conclusion, right?”
“Right,” she agreed half heartily.
“Okay, Kagome,” her mother finally sighed, smiling gently. “We have finally come to a decision.”
Kagome’s grandfather muttered softly at her side, crossing his arms over his chest in annoyance. He glowered at Inuyasha. Whatever the decision was, he wasn’t very happy about it. Kagome held her breath, and Inuyasha squeezed her hand.
“We have decided to allow you to get married as long as you do it properly,” Kagome’s mother finally said. Her smile widened. “And your grandfather has ‘offered’ to complete the marriage ceremony for you.”
“I did what?” he growled, glaring daggers at Kagome’s mother. She simply smiled at him.
Kagome launched herself into her mother’s arms, tears blurring her vision. “Thank you, Mama! Thank you so much! This is the best day of my life.”
She leaned away for a moment to take a glimpse at Inuyasha and saw that he stood rooted to the spot, dumbfounded. He probably didn’t think my family would do that, she realized. He was probably thinking that we would have to elope because he is hanyou. Does he not realize that my family loves him, and trusts him? I mean, Souta thinks that Inuyasha is his hero and all. I guess it’s up to me to convince him that people can love a hanyou if given the chance to get to know them. I’ll break through his icy shell; I know I can do it.
“Isn’t this great, Inuyasha?” she chirped, walking away from her mother to embrace him. She felt him stiffen in shock before wrapping his arms around her. He buried his nose in her hair.
“Keh. This is wonderful, koi,” he agreed, his voice muffled.
Two days later, and after being properly married by Kagome’s grumpy grandfather, the two returned to the feudal era. They were greeted enthusiastically by their comrades, who instantly congratulated and praised the two on their bonding. Kagome went with them to gossip about what had occurred on the other side of the well after Inuyasha offered up an excuse to complete an important task. Kagome didn’t ask him exactly what it was, but she was instantly suspicious when his absences became more frequent. The two hadn’t mated yet since they wanted to wait for a while, or at least until they made it back to the feudal era where they could have more privacy, but Inuyasha had been away for many nights, and she was forced to stay with Sango and Miroku in their new hut. She loved Sango and Miroku like a sister and a brother, but she wanted time with her husband, as well, and she could only wonder what he was up to.
One morning, she stepped out of the hut to get some fresh air when her eyes were covered by a pair of hands.
“It’s just me,” Inuyasha said in her ear to silence the screams lodged in her throat. “I have a surprise for you.”
She was led, blinded by Inuyasha’s hands, to an unknown location that baffled her mind. Where is he taking me? she pondered. I wonder what the surprise is. PLEASE tell me that this whole thing isn’t a joke and that he’s not taking me somewhere to tell me that he doesn’t want me anymore; that would kill me.
“Inuyasha…?” she asked hesitantly.
“You can open your eyes now, koi,” he said, removing his hands.
opened her eyes to meet the sight of a brand new hut that sat at the entrance to the Inuyasha Forest. It was made of elegantly cut lumber that insolated warmth and created a homely sensation. She inhaled in disbelief. Inside there were three rooms: one for the main room, one for the bedroom, and one for when the pups came, or so Inuyasha explained with a blush tainting his cheeks.
“It’s perfect,” Kagome whispered, taking his hand. “So, you’ve been disappearing from me to build this?”
He shrugged. “I wanted it to be a surprise. Is that such a crime?”
“No, I love it; thank you.”
“Keh. It’s nothing.”
They spent the night in their new home, their arms wrapped around each other in a loving embrace. When Kagome woke up the next morning, covered only by Inuyasha’s robe of the fire rat, she was elated to gaze into the molten amber orbs of her beloved husband. This is what true happiness is, she told herself, a smile reaching her lips. I just hope that it never ends.
Six months later…
Disoriented and beyond exhausted, she raised her hands to her face to halt the onslaught of tears. The chilled air laid gentle kisses on her exposed skin unmercifully, the invisible fingers of the wind teasing the locks of her ebony hair. Her body trembled at the sudden decrease in temperature, and she wrapped her arms around herself as if to insulate heat.
The grave marker that loomed over the burial ground of the great miko Kaede never ceased to bring tears to Kagome’s eyes. At night, when most of the village were deep in sleep, she would find herself here with her tears slipping down her cheeks. Kaede had been a wonderful friend, and she had been like a grandmother to Kagome during her stay in the feudal era. Her last words still echoed in the future miko’s mind, and Kagome could still feel the ghost of contact between their hands when Kaede was rasping her final words. An awful sob wrenched from her throat at the memory.
“Kagome,” she had said, her voice softer than a whisper. “Kagome, I…want ye to be happy. I’m sorry…I won’t be there to comfort ye when ye need me most, but…everything must return to Mother Earth when it is their time; my time has come, child.” She gently squeezed Kagome’s hand. “I want ye and Inuyasha to be…happy here. I want ye to grow and love and never change, and to have many…children running around here. I want your legacy to live on as the….future priestess who…fell in love with…the hanyou…” She had heaved one final breath before falling still, and her hand had become limp in Kagome’s.
The memory was still tender to Kagome’s heart, and her last words had been excruciatingly painful enough to rip through her soul. Kaede was always here for me, she thought. It’s only been two weeks since her death, but it feels as if it happened yesterday. She wished me well, and…she wanted me to have many children…so that my legacy will go on and never relinquish. I vow to you, Kaede, that I will do whatever possible to achieve that goal in your memory; thank you for always believing in my capabilities; I miss you so much…
Kagome didn’t turn to acknowledge the voice that addressed her, but simply stood where she was and whispered, “I really miss her.”
“I do, too, koi,” he agreed. She felt warmth on the upper half of her body and realized that he had draped his robe of the fire rat over her shoulders. “It’s cold out tonight, and rainy. You should consider coming inside before you catch a cold; I wouldn’t want that to happen to you.”
She grinned. “Since when do you express emotions such as worry, Inuyasha?”
“Keh. Since I mated you, and you agreed to be my wife.” He paused and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. Through the material covering her shoulders, she could still feel the warmth of his touch. “Kaede wouldn’t want you to be this sad over her death; she would want you to be more vibrant and outgoing, like in the old days.”
“You act as if it’s a thousand years since Naraku’s defeat, not six months.”
“Maybe because I miss the smile on your face; it’s been gone for two weeks, koi, and I want to see it on your face again; I love your smile.” She didn’t have to turn around to know that he was blushing.
Kagome curved around to embrace him. He buried his nose in her hair which made a giggle slip past her lips; she knew that he thought of her aroma as an intoxicating drug, and he was almost drunk on it now. She found it sweet that he was trying to comfort her, and reached up with one hand to scratch the base of his ear. It twitched under her finger and she giggled again.
She was drenched by the blankets of rain that caressed her body, and she found herself shivering against his body. This simple act didn’t slip past Inuyasha’s attention, and he scooped her up in his arms and carried her back to their hut despite her protests. He settled her onto the futon and wrapped a blanket around her to retrieve the warmth that was lost. Then he, too, laid beside her and gathered her into his arms, placing a chaste kiss on her forehead.
“Everything’s going to be okay, Kagome,” he assured as she nestled into his embrace. “Just get some sleep.”
Kagome shut her eyes and, after breathing in a lungful of his musky scent, fell asleep in his arms.
The pleas that poured from Kagome’s mouth went unheeded as the restrictions on her arms and legs became more concentrated. The hands that held her were dirty and reeked of decay, as if they had killed some sort of demon before capturing her; the words that came from their mouths were just as dirty, and their hold on her increased as each word rolled off their tongues. The men pointed accusing fingers at her stomach, and when she glanced down, she noticed how swelled her stomach had become.
I’m…pregnant! the rational part of her mind conveyed. Is that why they are attempting to capture me? Inuyasha, where are you?!
She struggled against the iron grips that held her back.The man nearest to her slapped her across the face with the back of his hand, the ring on his finger causing a deep incision to form on her cheek. Blood dripped from the wound and Kagome cried out at the sudden pain.
The man smiled at her discomfort.He tilted her chin so that she would gaze into his lustful eyes. “Struggling is useless, honey; take it from an expert.” He chuckled before adding, “Where we’re taking you, you can struggle all you want, but nothing will come out of it besides the death of your child. Tell me: does the hanyou leave you alone like this often?”
Shock numbed her struggles.
He chuckled darkly again and released his hold on her chin. “I knew it. You understand that hanyous deserve nothing more in life than death, correct? And any mate of theirs is an enemy of ours. Now, imagine if a hanyou’s child comes into the picture; can you imagine the outcome, little priestess? Aren’t you sad and angry now that he has defiled you with his child? Have you come to your senses yet?”
No, she raged mentally, fearing that if she spoke aloud that it would harm her baby’s safety. Inuyasha loves me! He only left me alone to speak with Sesshomaru; he’ll rescue me like he always does. He didn’t want to part with me, but he promised me that he would be back. He promised! He would never defile me so dishonorably; it’s totally out of his character. Inuyasha has more honor than all of these men combined!
“Nothing to say, huh?” the man said, admiring her through narrowed eyelids. “I see.” He turned to his men and yelled in a mocking tone, “The girl still has faith in her hanyou! Pathetic, don’t you agree? Don’t you think that we should show her just how much her hanyou has a distaste for her company? He probably used her body for his enjoyment, and once his child is born, I guarantee that he will steal it away and leave her alone. Shall we teach her a lesson, men?
”The men laughed and agreed in yells and shouts.
“Kill the child!”
“Let the hanyou learn a valuable lesson!”
“Show the world that hanyous are not meant to have a family!”
Kagome squeezed her eyes shut and willed the darkness of her mind to take her; she wanted to faint now and allow her mind to conceal her from the insults that the men offered about her beloved husband. When the darkness came, she didn’t resist.
“Kill the child!”
“Let the hanyou learn a valuable lesson!”
“Show the world that hanyous are not meant to have a family!”
Kagome’s eyes flashed open and she bolted into a sitting position, her hand flying to her chest. Newfound tears glistened in her eyes as the reality of the dream set in, and she glanced down at her stomach. A sigh of relief escaped her lips when she realized that she was not pregnant.
“Kagome? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” came Inuyasha’s timid voice from beside her.She could feel his hands on her forearms, burying his nose in her hair in an attempt to calm her.
She wanted to tell him that she was fine, but the words would not come, and she could only remain silent as the tears strolled down her cheeks. Inuyasha noticed this and wiped her tears away with his thumb, planting kisses on her forehead and whispering words that were meant to calm her; she anything but soothed.
Inuyasha’s lips were at her ear, saying, “Koi, you have to tell me what is wrong; I don’t like to see you this afraid. What’s going on inside your head?”
“I…I had a nightmare,” she whispered.
He stiffened. “What happened?” She shook her head. “It was nothing.”
“It was nothing, Inuyasha! Drop it!” she yelled, suddenly infuriated. She instantly felt sorry for her words when Inuyasha recoiled from her and laid back down on the futon, his back to her. Her shoulders sagged and she wrapped her arms around his waist. “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to say that.”
“I know you were just trying to comfort me, but…I guess that nightmare kind of made me feel intimidated. I’m such a jerk…”
He rolled over and pulled her to his chest. “You’re not a jerk. I was prying, and you didn’t want to talk. Plus, I’m the jerk, remember?”
She smiled. “Yeah, I remember.”
“Hey, Kagome?”
He blushed. “I’m…glad you’re smiling again.”
Her smile widened; her hanyou would never change. He would always be as shy and awkward as a blossoming flower, but she loved him nonetheless.
“Me, too,” she agreed and hugged him closer.
After all, he was her blossoming flower.
Death Wish
Kagome partook in the tug of war within herself with a scowl on her face as her eyelids fluttered and threatened to draw her out of her peaceful sleep. The lack of nightmares had caused a string of relaxation to weave itself around her body, and exultant dreams had danced before her closed eyes. But the sudden change in the air had aroused her from her blissful slumber, the current of wind containing the character of a foreboding force, as it kissed her skin and hauled her out of her dreams against her will. Annoyance coursed through her. What does it take for a girl to get some sleep around here? she thought to herself with a sigh of defeat. She gradually opened her eyes.
She could hear the soft breathing of her husband from beside her on the futon, and glanced down at him to see a peaceful expression on his sleeping face. A smile graced her lips. The only time Inuyasha is at peace is when he’s asleep, she thought as she rose to her feet. I wonder what this is force in the air is, and why Inuyasha didn’t sense it, too? Something’s up.
Abandoning her bow and arrows, she stepped out of the borders of their hut.She pursued the essence in the air with great persistence on finding the source. I need to have a talk with whoever granted mikos their powers, she thought with a bitter smile reaching her lips. This whole "sensing the evil aura" thing and being able to find the source of it and all is totally creeping me out.
The rising sun’s brilliant rays draped their light over the future-born miko as she chased her prize with a large sum of diligence. She cast her eyes forward on her intended path, determined to find the source of the evil presence before an awful occurrence fell upon the nearby village. She was resigned to save the village at any cost, especially since it was the place where she and Inuyasha lived and the place where, one day, they would raise their children; she did not want their home to be spoiled and dangerous.
Kagome approached the forest with caution, recalling on many different accounts the evil events that had unfolded here in the past. One of those had been Inuyasha’s sealing to the Sacred Tree, and the death of Kagome’s reincarnate, Kikyo; the thought of the angry eyes of her copy made Kagome shiver involuntarily. The undead miko must abhor her with a passion since she had pretty much stolen Inuyasha from her, but he had done that willingly, and he had shown her in more ways than one that he loved her; it was quite obvious at this point.
Kikyo must loathe me, she thought sourly. I don’t blame her, though; I can’t imagine what would be going through my head after my beloved told me that he didn’t want me anymore. Heck, I’d probably be suicidal or something.
The Sacred Tree loomed over her like an enchanted ghost, the foliage blocking out the light of the sun. Kagome realized that the foreboding aura was centered here, and she turned to find it before it found her. She surveyed the area with cautious eyes, struggling to pick out anything amongst the forest that symbolized any danger. She sighed in relief when nothing appeared to be dangerous; perhaps it was just her imagination, or her mind was still fried from Kaede’s death. She blamed it on that as she started to make her way back to the village.
Before she could take a step forward, though, an arrow shot past her and pierced the bark of the Sacred Tree. She could feel the sting of the arrow on her cheek, and reached with a trembling hand to feel for the wound. Blood smeared her fingertips when she looked at the palms of her fingers.
“Leaving so soon? Why don’t you stay and talk for a while?”
Recognition coursed through Kagome as the words reached her ears. Her body became still, her legs feeling as if they were Jello. Feeling as if she was moving against a strong current, she turned to see Kikyo, an arrow notched in her bow. The priestess’s eyes were wide and filled to the brim with unshed tears, her expression tinted with fury. The dark aura Kagome had sensed prior to her arrival here became strapping as the air tightened and the wind became more concentrated and fervent.
Kagome retreated a step backward, the wind whipping her hair in her face. Her mouth reached the grass.
Kikyo laughed, the sound a bitter, distasteful melody. “Shocked? I don’t see why. You must’ve assumed that at one point or another I would come after you to seek my revenge. Such a naïve girl for stealing the love of a woman; you’re such a weak, spineless creature, and a sad excuse for a reincarnation; I expected better.”
“That foreboding aura…It came from you?” Kagome demanded.
“The aura you felt was simply my hatred for the outcome of this event. I knew it would draw you out of the hut, and out from Inuyasha’s nose, so I focused all of my energy into my hatred.”
“And now your hatred has driven you to dire lengths that require you to take leave of your senses,” she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Kikyo’s expression soured. “I have done no such thing. Now, die!”
She launched the arrow.Pain exploded in Kagome’s shoulder blade, and the girl released a scream in utter agony. The pain forced her to her knees. With trembling and blood smeared hands, she wrenched the arrow from her shoulder with an outward squeak and tossed it into the grass.
Kikyo’s manic laughter rang through her ears.“At loss for words, Kagome? I thought you were a fiery, independent girl. Where’s that fire I’ve always heard about? That was probably the only thing that separated us from being completely alike.” Kikyo’s wry laughter increased in volume, and Kagome shuddered at the sound. “I must say, I’m disappointed.”
“Inuyasha will stop you,” Kagome growled through clenched teeth, clamping a hand down on her wound in a weak attempt to stop the bleeding.
“I wouldn’t worry about him, right now, Kagome; if I were you, I would worry more about myself. Inuyasha will do no such thing to harm me in any way, and I will never earn his wrath, even if I kill you. Even if he does come to rescue you, he will be too late; I will be done with you, and then we will be together for all eternity without the interference of a pitiful brat like you. Give up now, Kagome, because no one will save you now.”She notched another arrow in her bow and released it.
Kagome tried to run.
She collapsed to the ground after a moment, feeling another Sacred Arrow plant itself into her back. Blood stained the back of her kimono. The warm wetness spread between her shoulders, the substance sticky and revolting to the touch. It drained her strength as if someone was sipping out her energy through a straw; the thought caused Kagome to cry out and writhe as if to escape the pain, but solitude could not be found.
“Say goodbye to the world, Kagome, and remember the valuable lesson you learned here.” Kikyo’s voice was at her ear, speaking the words that caused Kagome’s soul to flinch. “And remember my face, because it will be the last face you ever see. Say goodbye to Inuyasha, Kagome, and to life.”
NO! Kagome told herself. I have to fight! I’m not going to die here.
Before she could, however, fight back, she felt a searing pain in her back where her heart resided. The pain was intimate; it felt as if she was being ripped to shreds by the fangs of an animal, and it hurt worse than any kind of betrayal. Kikyo’s laughter ricocheted off the borders of Kagome’s mind. The darkness threatened to pull her under, and Kagome couldn’t do anything but comply.
I’m sorry, Inuyasha; I hope you can forgive me.
Inuyasha awoke from his peaceful slumber to the metallic scent of blood. It taunted his nostrils and yanked him from his sleep, causing his muscles to tense and his pulse to quicken. He vaguely recognized the scent, and a clawed hand sought out the familiar warmth of his mate.He was appalled to find cold, empty air.
Dread and horror fueled his actions as he propelled himself out of the hut and pursued the scent. He begged any kami listening to calm his fears; he asked them for Kagome’s safety, and for her safe return to his arms. But the more he neared the area, the more pungent the aroma became. The sound of laughter reached his ears, the sound disturbing and also familiar.
Inuyasha found Kikyo hovering over the limp body of his mate. An arrow protruded out of Kagome’s back, the sight of it causing Inuyasha’s mind to reel. He could not detect any signs of breathing coming from her; her face was ashen, and her lips were terribly blue…
With hate evident in his eyes, Inuyasha emerged from his hiding spot and approached Kikyo.
She noticed his advancement and grinned, her eyes alive with feigned mirth. She’s happy for what she did to Kagome? he raged, narrowing his eyes menacingly. What kind of sick, twisted person laughs at the people they kill? Oh, Kagome; why didn’t I sense your departure? Why didn’t I follow you, and make sure that you were all right? Please, don’t die on me, Kagome! Please!
“Isn’t it wonderful, Inuyasha?” Kikyo mused. “The girl is finally dead, and now we can be together forever.”
Inuyasha’s eyes widened at her words, and he looked to Kagome to see if her words were true. He almost exhaled in relief when he saw the vague rise and fall of Kagome’s chest. Kikyo, however, took Inuyasha’s lack of answer as a silent agreement and wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her nose in his chest. He stiffened at the sudden contact.
“Together forever,” Kikyo whispered, her voice muffled. “Doesn’t that sound wonderful, Inuyasha?”
He grabbed her by her hands and yanked her off of him, his molten amber orbs alive with fury. “Don’t you understand?” he yelled. “You just killed my mate! And you expect me to forgive you? Let’s face it: you’re not the woman I used to know, Kikyo. Your hatred for Kagome caused you to do things that would make you undesirable by anyone, human, demon, or hanyou. You took the life of an innocent human being, and you should be punished for what you did!”
She stared at him with wide eyes, her expression shocked beyond compare. “She captivated you by a spell, Inuyasha; I know she did. That girl is a witch!”
“Do not accuse her of such a thing! Kagome is a pure, kind being, while you are conniving, cruel, and insane creature. I can’t even find a name to describe you!”
Kikyo recoiled from him and took a step backward. “What will you do to me? Kill me? I’d like to see you try.”
He looked away. “No, I will not kill you, but I will the next time you threaten my mate. Get that through your thick skull, Kikyo; Kagome is my mate, and you aren’t. I love her more than my own life. I will spare your life this time because of the ‘love’ we once shared, but I will not be so considerate the next time we meet. Understand?”
Tears glistened in her hazel eyes. “Inuyasha…?”
“Do you understand me, Kikyo?”
She bowed her head, unable to look him in the eye. “I understand.”
“Then leave.”
She turned on her heel with one longing glance cast at him before retreating into the vegetation. Her soul collectors followed closely behind until their glow disappeared into the shadows.
Inuyasha heaved a relieved sigh and rushed to the side of his mate, feeling for a pulse on her body.He sighed again in relief when he found her pulse. “You never do give up, do you, Kagome?” he murmured, a faint smile on his lips. “I’m thankful for that. I’m so glad you’re alive.”
Inuyasha gathered her into his arms and bounded off in the direction of their hut, struggling not to inhale the aroma of her blood. Worry waded through him when he felt the red substance on his hands. He whispered sweet nothings as he carried her in hopes of her awakening. His hope faded when he realized that her eyes were still shut.
Once he reached the village, he immediately bee lined for the healer’s hut. When she saw him carrying the injured miko, she snapped at him to quickly bring her into her hut so that her wounds could be addressed. He laid her down on the healing futon with a kiss to her forehead before being ushered out by the healer. He complied, but only for Kagome’s sake.
He waited impatiently, watching as the sun climbed in the sky as each hour passed. Finally, the healer emerged from the hut, her hands soiled in Kagome’s blood. Inuyasha quickly rose to his feet.
“Is she okay? How bad are her injuries? Is she going to live?” he demanded of her, resisting the urge to grab onto her shoulders and shake her until the answers came out.
The healer only smiled, her eyes twinkling with what looked like fatigue and relief. “Do not worry yourself, Inuyasha; she will be fine. Her injuries were fatal, yes, but with the right amount of rest, she will be back on her feet in no time at all.”
“That’s great,” he sighed in relief.
“Oh, that’s right,” the woman said suddenly. He tensed when she suddenly laughed at herself. “Excuse my scatterbrain; I forgot to tell you the most critical part."
“Her baby is fine as well; it suffered through no injuries, and it’s going to be as fine as well as its mother.” At his dumbfounded expression, the healer’s eyebrows furrowed. “You didn’t know she was pregnant?”
“She is about three months along. You had no idea?”
“No, I didn’t…” Kagome is…pupped? And, she didn’t tell me?
Emotions That Cut Deep
“Mommy? Why won’t you wake up, Mommy? Daddy is worried about you; he doesn’t like to see you in pain. Please wake up, Mommy.”
Kagome’s eyes flew open at the alarm that laced the child’s voice. Her aching body protested against her actions, as it was unwilling to leave the warm cocoon her subconscious had encased her in. The touch of the wind felt like ice on her inflamed skin. The sun’s brilliant radiance was currently sparing no light, and the majority of it seemed to cover her in a spotlight; the only problem with this was that she was practically blind. But her ears were very much active, and she could hear the anxious whimpers of the child who took up a position at her side.
The whimpers seemed to cut deep within her soul, causing a tender wound to eradicate any source of serenity that opposed its inevitable takeover; Kagome’s mind rejected the whimpers, wanting only smiles and giggles to come from the being beside her.She turned to find a little girl about the age of eight or nine sitting beside her, the curtain of her ebony hair flowing in the beat of the summer breeze. Her golden eyes reflected every emotion she felt at the moment; Kagome could only pick out the ones that were obvious: grief, worry, a miniscule amount of relief.
The girl seemed to lighten up as Kagome blinked, struggling to get a baring of her surroundings. Mass confusion sprung from these thoughts the more Kagome studied the girl; who was she, and why did she resemble herself? But it was the dog ears that resided on the top of the girl’s head that threw her for a loop.
“I’m glad you’re awake, Mommy,” the girl confessed, demonstrating a bright smile that put even the sun to shame. “I was so worried.”
“Who are you?” Kagome gently inquired of the girl, arching an eyebrow. “And, why do you call me ‘Mommy?’”
The girl giggled. “Because that’s who you are, silly; you’re my mommy.” Her words struck a raw chord in Kagome’s heart. Before Kagome could question it, the girl’s next words silenced her. “My name is Inume.”
“Inu…me?” Kagome repeated.
She nodded. “Yes, Inume. And you’re my mommy: Kagome.”
Kagome shook her head incredulously; she had never mothered a child. “I’m sorry, but you must have me confused with someone else.”
“No, you’re my mommy. We look exactly alike, save my golden eyes. Daddy said that I look the most like you because the kamis wanted to craft me in your beautiful image. You would always blush at his praise…”
This girl is…really my child, Kagome realized as she scrutinized Inume’s physique. We could easily be twins despite the age difference. But, why is she here, in the depths of my mind? Will I really mother a child like her sometime in the future? Speaking of the future…
Kagome was released from her thoughts when she broke gazes with the child to survey the area. A meadow that stretched on for miles met her stunned eyes. The swaying grass ticked her exposed limbs, the wind rocking it back and forth as if the two forces of nature were dancing. Wildflowers extended their purple and blue buds towards the heavens, the sky bare of clouds and the color of a foggy shard of aquamarine. The air was warm and the breeze was steady, and the general atmosphere of the landscape was drenched in a placid state. There were no shadows to destroy the awe-inspiring feel that the meadow gave to Kagome; the place was simply perfect, the air clean and unpolluted.
Inume giggled again at Kagome’s dumbfounded expression. “Mommy, you’re drooling.”
Kagome reverted herself back to reality and glanced at the girl that stared back with laughing golden eyes. A smile graced her lips at the image. The smile, the giggle, the eyes; they all reminded her of Inuyasha. The girl was theirs, and only theirs. In this picture, Kikyo was absent, and would remain so. She pitied the undead priestess, but did not dwell on it for more than a second before she heard the timid whine of the girl beside her.
“Inume?” Kagome asked, questioning her daughter’s sudden rise in tension.
“Daddy is worried about you,” the younger girl replied simply.
Kagome bowed her head, memories resurfacing from where they had lied dormant. “Yes, I imagine that he is.”
“That lady, Kikyo; did she hurt you badly, Mommy?”
The future mother noted the way that Inume’s ears were plastered to her scalp, and vaguely realized that she was ashamed. “What do you mean, Inume?”
“Did she…injure you so badly that you might die?” Her eyes were pleading as they gazed intently into Kagome’s. “I don’t want you to die, Mommy.”
“Inume, I’m not going to die.”
Inume suddenly let out a wail that seemed to tear through the heavens and launched herself into Kagome’s arms, tears blinding her vision. Kagome pulled the girl into her lap and embraced her tighter, murmuring words of reassurance to the young girl. It seemed to do no good, though; her words fell on deaf ears. It troubled her tremendously her to see her daughter in this disposition. How many tears had she cried in her whole lifetime? And, how many had been for her sake? Kikyo’s vow to kill her was still on the horizon, and she wondered if the undead miko had attempted to take her life again. If so, how had this effected any children of hers that might exist in the not so distant future? She shivered at the thought, finding her own tears glistening in her eyes.
“Promise you won’t die, Mommy,” Inume said into Kagome’s kimono, her voice muffled. She leaned away and repeated more forcefully, “Promise me, Mommy, that you won’t die. Please!”
Kagome risked a gentle smile, hoping that Inume did not notice the tears that threatened to overflow. “I promise,” she whispered.
“Then, you will wake up and return to Daddy? You’ll make his tears go away?”
“What makes you think he’s crying?” she asked teasingly, poking her in the ribs lightly.
Inume giggled, her tears forgotten. “Daddy never likes to admit it, but he cries when you’re hurt; he doesn’t like it very much. And when Daddy cries, I want to cry. Daddy is really, really strong, Mommy; to see him cry is very weird for us, and we don’t like it.”
“Who’s we, Inume?”
She grinned. “Brother and sister and I.”
“I see.” She paused and glanced at the beautiful majesty of the meadow. The place was definitely not familiar. “Inume? Where are we?”
Her expression soured, and she, too, looked at the meadow. Her eyes saddened. “This is the meadow you come to when you are unconscious; it serves as a peaceful place for you. Sometimes, when I sleep and you are dreaming, I find myself in this place with you. You told me not to tell Daddy, and that it was our little secret. I’m still keeping it, Mommy! I’m a good girl.” She beamed with delight, the sadness emptying out of her eyes.
Kagome laughed and ruffled Inume’s hair, the material like silk under her fingers. “You are a good girl, Inume.”
“Mommy? Will you wake up and see Daddy now? He’s really worried about you.”
“I think that might be a good idea.”
Inume hugged the future miko’s middle, causing Kagome to gasp at the surprise contact. “I love you, Mommy.”
Kagome smiled at the girl’s confession and rubbed her back. “I love you, too, Inume.”
She was startled when Inume was suddenly wrenched from her arms.
As she watched, she was stunned to see that the grass and the flowers were losing their colors. They turned into a color so gray, that she had to turn her head to avoid the sight. The flowers wilted, their beauty forgotten. The beautiful majesty of the meadow was gone, replaced by darkness. Now the clear sky lost its color and became coal black, the color of a restless soul. A black hole opened up in the middle of the meadow, its mouth begging for the items that were sucked in. Eventually, Kagome, too, was sucked in.
Inuyasha squirmed uncomfortably under the full extent of Sango’s glare, feeling as if a single ray of harsh sunlight had remained in his eyes despite the darkened sky. The slayer was not pleased to figure out that her friend had nearly been killed, and by Kikyo, no less. She seethed in anger, and with each glare that she directed at him, he felt a part of himself tear away and cower under a rock; this woman scared him more than Naraku on a good day, especially now that she was five months pregnant.
Miroku just eyed his wife carefully as if she was about to collapse out of the blue, but there was still enough concern to go around for his comrade lying still on the futon.
Inuyasha squeezed Kagome’s hand, hoping to receive a response. None came. His ears flattened to his scalp, and he cursed himself once again for not making it to her side fast enough. He never felt so helpless, so vulnerable. And now that she was pupped...he could only imagine what would’ve happened to the baby if he hadn’t made it in time, if Kagome really had been killed. He would’ve lost the woman he loved most, and the child that symbolized their unyielding love. The thought made his blood run cold. Kikyo had almost permanently destroyed the life he had been desperate to build, and his hate ran deep for her. But pity was also swirled into the mix after recalling the evil events that had occurred between the two that tested their faith, and their love. He squeezed Kagome’s hand again at his revelation on the touchy subject.
Miroku laid a gentle hand on his hanyou friend’s shoulder. “She’ll be okay, Inuyasha,” he assured. “Kagome is strong; she’ll get through this.”
“I feel so…so helpless,” Inuyasha whispered.
The monk recoiled in surprise; to hear Inuyasha speak his true feelings was rare, but he realized then how deep the wounds of Inuyasha’s pain truly were, and plastered a calm smile to his lips. “The healer said she would be fine, did she not? I suggest that you heed her words and quit your worrying; Kagome will pull through like she always does.”
Sango nodded her head in agreement, mumbling incoherently under her breath and sending another death glare Inuyasha’s way.
Message received; Inuyasha shuddered, unable to reply in his usual arrogant way.
He’s such a broken man when his damsel is in distress, Miroku thought sorrowfully as he watched the hanyou glance down at the face of his mate and squeezed her hand. In Kagome’s case, she’s simply his savior, and the protector of his heart; and if the body guard is defeated, then the state of mind that holds his emotions in place will collapse. I pity him, and I hope, for his sake, that Kagome heals quickly.
“You wouldn’t be so helpless if you had protected her better,” Sango said coldly, narrowing her eyelids. “I thought you were half inu-yokai; what happened to that sense of smell that you’re always bragging about?”
“Sango-” Miroku began.
She cut him off with an icy stare and returned to glaring at Inuyasha until he crumbled under his guilt. “You should be ashamed to call yourself her mate.”
Inuyasha’s head shot up at the last word. “You honestly think it was my fault? She’s the one who walked out of the hut! It had been raining the previous day; I was lucky to sniff out the remnants of her scent! And there’s no need to already make me feel guilty, Sango, because I’m pretty much drowning in it.”
Sango stared at him as if he had grown another head.
“What?” he demanded of her, his ill-mannered tone revealing exactly how he felt at the moment: hurt, anxious, and saddened beyond compare.
“It’s just…odd for you to speak your feelings so outward like that,” she admitted, raising her eyebrows. “Looks like Kagome finally got through to you.”
“Keh.” Look at me. I’m reduced to a broken man because a girl gets hurt. I must be so…unworthy in Sesshomaru’s eyes. But this girl is Kagome, and she’s my entire world; I won’t allow anything like this to happen again. He squeezed her hand to reassure himself as he pondered. I promise, Kagome, I will always save you from whatever tries to take you from me. I will always, always, be there for you, no matter what you say; I promise.
Miroku noted Inuyasha’s pensive expression and pulled on his wife’s arm, warning her without words to calm down. She relaxed under his touch and smiled gently.
“We should be going now,” Miroku announced without turning. “Please come by and tell us when Kagome comes around.
The edge to the hanyou’s voice was duly noted, and Miroku ushered his wife out of the hut against her protests. He understood Inuyasha’s pain, for it was once his own, and he knew that he wanted space more than anything had the moment. Grief swelled in his heart at the recollection of Kagome’s ivory skin being paler than usual; it would’ve killed him to see Sango in that state.
“Will Kagome be okay, Miroku?” Sango asked timidly, laying a hand on his arm.
Miroku nodded and gave her a reassuring smile. “Inuyasha is with her now; Kagome will be just fine. Don’t underestimate her, Sango; she’s our Kagome, after all.”
Tensions Rise
Like a wave returning to the sea, the adjoining darkness before Kagome’s eyes vanished. The invisible lock that held her eyelids together retreated without resistance, causing her eyes to flutter open and inspect the area that surrounded her. She expected to find herself on the cold, hard forest floor with an arrow embedded in her heart, her blood seeping from her wounds and drenching her kimono. She was stunned to find a roof over her head and a warm blanket over her wounded body.
The fire trembled in the hearth, its flames dancing to the beat of the night, and reflected light on the sleeping hanyou at her side. She could feel the warmth of his hand in her own, the sentiment substituting for the pain that her wounds offered. She heaved sigh of relief. She was alive; the feeling of his hand in hers was proof of that, as was the pain.
With a bitter smile on her lips, she could only imagine what Inuyasha had gone through. Tears sprang into her eyes. He was probably so worried about me, she thought sadly, feeling ill. I never should’ve put him through that; I’m such a burden to him.
Kagome reached out with a pale hand to caress Inuyasha’s ear. She rubbed the appendage until she felt Inuyasha stir from his sleep, a small moan slipping from his lips. She giggled when he peered at her through ajar eyelids, a spasm of annoyance flickering in his expression before fading to shock. He regarded her groggily and disbelievingly, as if she was some sort of ghost come back to life, before drawing her into an embrace that drew the air out of her lungs in a rush. She gasped in surprise.
Inuyasha buried his nose in her hair, relishing in her intoxicating scent. “You’ve been asleep for too long, koibito; I’ve been beside myself with worry.”
“Sorry,” she croaked, tears springing into her eyes.
“Don’t cry, Kagome,” he pleaded, leaning away from her to gaze into her eyes directly. “You don’t have to be sorry for anything. If you should blame anyone, blame me for not protecting you.”
He silenced her by placing a finger on her lips, his eyes demanding her to keep quiet. “It’s my fault, okay? Nothing more, nothing less.”
Kagome vaguely wondered why he seemed to be more careful with her. She was wounded, yes, but his eyes seemed more tender and caring than usual. It confused her beyond belief. The signals he sent her were odd and bewildering, causing her to squint at him with a frown on her lips. Perhaps it was because of the strange illness that had left her emptying her stomach in the woods for a whole month? Or, maybe it was the fact that she was dead tired all the time? She was unsure, but just as she was about to voice her question, Inuyasha once again silenced her by lifting a cup of strange liquid to her lips.
She spluttered and almost choked; the taste was bitter and revolting. It tasted like bile.
“Sorry,” Inuyasha said, apologetic as she choked on the cup’s contents. “Miroku said that this would help with the pain, even though it tastes like crap.” She gulped down the remnants of the drink and scrunched her nose in disgust. He chuckled at her expression. “I know; it’s pretty bad.”
“Can’t argue with you there,” she managed to say between coughs.
Inuyasha looked away momentarily, his amber eyes seeming troubled for a second. Kagome’s eyebrows furrowed at the sight. She cupped his cheek with her hand, sitting upwards slightly to be able to reach him. “Inuyasha, are you okay?”
“Fine,” he admitted, still refusing to meet her eyes.
“Don’t lie to me,” she whispered.
“I’m not lying.”
“Inuyasha,” she chided, her tone betraying her worry.
He sighed irritably and grabbed both of her hands in his, his eyes finally meeting hers. “Do you have something to tell me, koi?” he demanded of her gently. His eyes searched her own. He tightened his grip on her hands as if he was nervous.
Kagome blinked in surprise. “Not that I can recall. Why?”
He seemed bemused by her response. “It’s pretty important; how could you have forgotten?
”“Excuse me?”
“Seriously, Inuyasha, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Inuyasha recoiled in shock. She doesn’t know? Or, maybe she still refuses to tell me…Kagome, why are you lying to me?
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were pupped?” he blurted, his ears retreating to his scalp when the effect of his words took its toll on his mate.
Kagome blanched at his words, her eyes widening. Her? Pregnant? It couldn’t be possible. It would explain the morning sickness she had received two months prior to this day, and the overwhelming fatigue that plagued her body, and the mood swings. But the chance of pregnancy had never crossed her mind, and even now it seemed irrelevant. She could see why Inuyasha had seemed so cautious with her, why his eyes glittered with betrayal; she didn’t even know that she was “pupped,” and by Inuyasha’s expression, he had assumed that she did.
Her shoulders sagged at the revelation. He must be so hurt, she realized. I don’t even notice that my cycle was overdue; it’s not like I had a calendar to mark the days or anything, so I never noticed. Why didn’t I realize it sooner? Geez, I’m such a moron!
“I had…no idea,” she admitted through unmoving lips, tears leaking from her eyes.
Her hand drifted to her stomach. The thought of life growing inside of her scared her to no end, but excitement was also added to the mix; she was carrying Inuyasha’s child. The thought of starting a family had always pleased her tremendously, and she had even expressed her opinion to Inuyasha, who smiled as if she had offered him the sun. A smile tugged at her lips.
“You…didn’t?” Inuyasha’s eyes narrowed.
“No. How did you ever find out?”
“When I found you, I noticed your wounds and took you to see a healer. After a long wait, and I wasn’t very patient at all, she told me that you were fine as well as the pup. That’s it.”
“Oh,” Kagome whispered, her lips forming an O.
“You’re sure you had no idea?” he asked, frowning.
“Have some faith in me,” she pleaded quietly, knowing well that she was pulling at his heartstrings. She saw him crumble under her gaze. “I would’ve told you if I knew, Inuyasha; don’t you trust me?”
He hugged her close again, attempting to be cautious around her stomach area. “Keh. You’re the only person I trust,” he whispered in her ear. “I’m sorry I ever doubted you. I should be happy that you are carrying this life for me, and I am, really. I guess we were both kind of underprepared.”
“Yeah, I guess we were.” She grinned, but winced when the pain of her wounds came back to haunt her.
Inuyasha’s hold on her faltered and he carefully laid her down on the futon. He placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. “Are you still in pain?”
“A little,” she admitted sheepishly. “Inuyasha, I’m sorry for what happened; I was so stupid! I thought I sensed an evil aura, so I went to investigate before it came to the village. I had no idea it was Kikyo! She said that the aura was her hate for me. She attacked me, and…I couldn’t save myself. I’m sorry, Inuyasha; you almost lost your wife because of her stupidity.” She hung her head in shame.
He lifted her chin so that she would gaze into his eyes. “I already told you: I don’t blame you. I should’ve been there to protect you. If I had known it was Kikyo-” He paused to think, choosing his words carefully. “If I had known it was Kikyo, I would’ve killed her and laid her at rest a long time ago.”
Her shock silenced her next words as she stared into his eyes, appalled by his choice of words. “She doesn’t deserve that,” she told him.
“I know, but it would’ve been better than her going on a killing spree. She was happy that she almost killed you!”
“She was sad; I don’t blame her.”
It was then that Inuyasha truly realized the depth of her heart. He offered a small smile to her in reassurance. “You’re too good for me. You know that?”
“Am not,” she argued, sticking out her tongue.
He chuckled and wrapped the blanket around her body once again. “You better get some rest; it’ll benefit both you and the pup.”
“Yeah, that might be nice,” she said sleepily. “Oh, Inuyasha?”
“Yeah? What is it?”
“I’ve already thought of a name for the baby.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Really? What?”
She grinned and shut her eyes. “Inume.”
“Inume…” he echoed. He was about to question her choice, but found that she was already lulled to sleep by his very presence. He smiled, cherishing the name; the sound of it caused warmth to spread throughout his insides.Inume.
The following morning, Sango volunteered to babysit Kagome while Inuyasha went out to hunt. The hunt was stimulating for him since he would not only satisfy his and his mate’s stomachs, but also the stomach of their unborn child. The thought sent thrills through him. Inume, he thought, once again recalling the name. I hope, for Kagome’s sake, that the pup is a girl; Inume is the perfect name. He knew that most men in this era preferred their wives to bear sons, but Inuyasha specifically wanted a daughter; he wanted to spoil her, and maybe let Kagome help train her to become a powerful miko. He knew the village needed one like a breath of fresh air since Kagome was no longer liable for the job, and to have his daughter be their miko would be a great honor.
Inuyasha was too lost in his thoughts to feel or smell the presence of a powerful demon behind his back. Only when he heard the familiar cool voice did he break free from the captivity of his mind. “You should be paying more attention to your surroundings and not your thoughts, little brother; hunting can be a cruel game.”
He turned to find Sesshomaru standing there, encased in a brilliant ray of morning sunshine.Inuyasa released a feral growl and reached for the Tetsusaiga. “What are you doing here, Sesshomaru?”
Sesshomaru only scoffed. “Do not act so uncivilized; it only tarnishes our family name even more.”
“Answer the question!”
“I understand that the miko is pupped?”Inuyasha stiffened.
“Yeah? What about her?”
“I feel it is my right to see her.”
Inuyasha knew otherwise. He knew as well as Sesshomaru that whatever child Kagome gave to him would be quarter youkai, and that meant blemished children to throw the family name to the wolves. He knew Sesshomaru’s intentions: to kill the mother and be rid of the child. But, hadn’t Sesshomaru come to terms with Inuyasha’s choice of a mate once he heard the news? He had not graced the couple with his presence since the final battle with Naraku. Inuyasha refused to allow him to go near Kagome in case of intentional harm that could be inflicted upon her.
“You will never touch her,” he snapped.
“I simply want to see her, little brother; nothing more, nothing less. Is it wrong for me to see the female who will carry on our line?” Sesshomaru arched a silver eyebrow.
“I know why you’re here, Sesshomaru; you want to kill her and get rid of the child we conceived. Well, I won’t let you harm a hair on her head; she’s mine.” A menacing growl ripped from his throat, and he pointed the Tetsusaiga at the base of Sesshomaru’s neck.
“You think that I will murder her?”
“I wouldn’t put it past you.”
“So naïve,” Sesshomaru sneered. “I do not wish to meddle in your affairs. All this Sesshomaru wishes to do is see the mate you have chosen, and the child that will one day carry on our family name.”
“It hasn’t been born yet, you idiot.”
Sesshomaru’s eyes flashed. “I understand that perfectly, little brother. Now, step aside.”
“The pup, whatever it might be, has a birthright, Inuyasha. Do you not think that the miko would want to know what she is getting into?”
Inuyasha lowered the blade a fraction of an inch to stare incredulously at Sesshomaru. “What are you talking about?”
“You are heir to the Western Lands, Inuyasha. Even though this Sesshomaru does not approve, the child your mate will bear will also become an heir. I wish to become acquainted with this pup as it grows so that it will one day rule over the Western Lands one day in my place.”
“And, what if it’s a quarter yokai?”
“It is still a dog demon. And I know that you would not become lord because of your miko."
“Why don’t you just get a mate of your own?” Inuyasha asked, frustrated.
“This Sesshomaru does not need the company of a worthless wench to complete him. Now, may I meet the miko?”
Contemplating Sesshomaru’s words, and judging the stoic expression that offered no depth into the demon lord’s mind, Inuyasha sheathed his sword and gestured for the elder demon to follow him back to the hut.
Craving Better Days
The relentless of anger of allowing Sesshomaru to see Kagome pursued Inuyasha with each step as he reluctantly led the regal demon to his hut. He kept a steady hand on the hilt of his Tetsusaiga, ready to defend Kagome if anything productive should happen. Fury radiated off of him in waves. Why would Sesshomaru worry about my pup? he wondered. I mean, if he wants an heir so bad, he should get a stupid demon wench and mate with her; he shouldn’t have to depend on me and Kagome to give him heirs to the dog demon throne. And, I really don’t want that kind of life for any of the pups Kagome gives to me…
“You seem angry, little brother,” Sesshomaru said, drawing Inuyasha from his thoughts. “Perhaps you should calm down; I will not harm your wench intentionally.”
“Her name is Kagome, not wench,” Inuyasha snapped with narrowed eyes. “And, what do you mean by ‘intentionally?’ Does that mean you can harm her accidentally?”
“If she angers me, yes.”
Inuyasha bit his tongue to keep the torrent of curses from spilling out of his mouth. He heard Sesshomaru chuckle at his lack of reply.
They approached the hut in silence, Sesshomaru following closely behind with a stoic expression on his pale face and Inuyasha struggling to obtain his anger. When Kagome stepped out of the hut to greet them, more Inuyasha than Sesshomaru, Inuyasha warned her without words to remain where she stood. He smelt her tension rising as he neared. He clenched his hands into fists, knowing that Kagome did not understand Sesshomaru’s presence as much as he did. His eyes softened slightly when they their eyes met, and she visibly relaxed.
Inuyasha strode up to her and snaked a possessive arm around her waist, drawing her into his warmth. Sesshomaru eyed the couple through narrowed eyelids. He raised his eyebrows, studying Kagome through pensive eyes. She shivered under his gaze.
“So this is the wench you have spoken so fondly of,” Sesshomaru finally said, his voice without emotion. He admired her coldly, his body growing rigid as he stared down at the now uncomfortable miko.
Kagome regained her composure and stuck out a hand. “It’s nice to see you again, Sesshomaru.”
He stared at her hand as if it was a venomous serpent. She returned her hand to her side after staring into his fervent golden eyes for a few moments, blushing slightly.
“Let’s just get this over with, Sesshomaru,” Inuyasha growled.
Inuyasha escorted Kagome inside with Sesshomaru at their heels, the elder demon observing the hut with disgust in his eyes. Inuyasha rolled his eyes. Figures Sesshomaru wouldn’t know the importance of this hut, he thought sourly. I built this for our family, and it holds all our memories in it; this hut is special to me and Kagome, and if Sesshomaru can’t see past that, then he’ll be lucky to even see the pup.
Kagome touched his arm, and he glanced down to acknowledge her. “You okay?” she asked softly.
“Fine,” he grunted. “You sit down and get comfortable; I have a feeling that this is going to take a while.”
Inuyasha took a seat beside his wife while Sesshomaru remained standing, his impassive mask retained on his pale face. Inuyasha struggled to halt his glares before Kagome subdued him for being rude, but he still managed to shove all the hate he could muster into his eyes and directed his gaze at his elder brother. To Kagome, it looked as if he was threatening him without words.
“You…came to talk to me, right?” she asked Sesshomaru timidly.
Sesshomaru gave a curt nod. “Yes, I did. I hope that you are more reasonable than your mate.” He sent a glare Inuyasha’s way before continuing. “I understand that you are pupped. While I am not overjoyed on becoming an uncle, especially to a half breed’s child, I have a reputation to consider. It has become apparent that I might not rule the Western Lands for as long as I wish, so I have decided to make an heir out of your pup.
”“Yeah, if we like it or not,” Inuyasha added softly, irritably.
“As I was saying,” Sesshomaru said, glaring daggers at Inuyasha, “the pup would have a very regal life. It will grow up at my palace, and it will enjoy the luxuries that I will provide it. The pup will-”
“The pup will not be living with you, Sesshomaru,” Kagome interrupted, giving the demon lord an icy stare. “She will be living here with her parents, and she will not be having the life of an heiress.”
Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow. “What makes you think it will be a girl?”
Kagome rose to her feet angrily, much to Inuyasha’s dismay and pleasure. “Does that even matter? Boy or girl, it will never live that life, Sesshomaru. This is our pup, Sesshomaru; if you want an heir, go out, get a mate, and make one; don’t rely on others to do your dirty work.”
Inuyasha almost laughed at the surprised expression that appeared on Sesshomaru’s face. To see a demon lord getting upstaged by an angry pregnant human woman was indeed a hilarious sight. Her words seemed to take effect on Sesshomaru, and for a moment, he seemed deep in thought. Inuyasha took this time to take a defensive stance in front of Kagome to shield her from any harm the demon lord would inflict, but was surprised when Sesshomaru remained calm.
“The pup is an heir, like it or not,” Sesshomaru admonished.
“Why don’t you let the pup decide!” Kagome argued from behind Inuyasha.
Sesshomaru chuckled darkly. “I hope it does not have as much spirit as you to argue against a direct command. If so, I have no use for it. I was simply offering the pup of lifestyle without being threatened or killed; you should be grateful.”
Inuyasha’s shoulders slumped as he reminisced in a brief glimpse of his past. He had been threatened, bullied, and wanted dead by most of the villagers; he would die before he allowed that to happen to his own pup. He wanted the happiness of his mate and pup over his own, and would die if it meant that they could live a long, peaceful life.
“Let’s make a deal, Sesshomaru,” Inuyasha said slowly, avoiding his brother’s eyes. “I’ll allow the pup to be an heir, if she continues to live here with her parents and friends.” Great. Since when did I pick up the habit of calling the pup a “she?”
He could feel Kagome’s eyes burning into his back. Sesshomaru considered the idea for a moment before letting loose a sigh.
“We have a deal, then. I will visit the pup as ‘she’ grows.”
Inuyasha breathed a sigh of relief. At least that’s over with.
“How could you agree to that? How can you put our pup’s future in the hands of a demon lord that hates your guts? What were you thinking?”
Ever since Sesshomaru had left only a few minutes ago, Inuyasha had been at the mercy of his angry mate. He suddenly became scared for his life; Kagome angry and pupped was not a good combination. But he kept his poker face intact and listened to every word she yelled at him, feeling as though his eardrums were about to explode.
“You better have a good reason for this,” she snapped, eyes flashing.
“Do you want our pup to be threatened and hunted, Kagome?” he finally asked. “I don’t want our pup to endure the same casualties I did; I don’t want it to lose its mother, father, and get mistreated for its whole life. I just…can’t let that happen…”
She paled. “I didn’t-”
“Think about it?” Inuyasha finished, showing her a soft smile. “It’s okay; you didn’t have to. Sometimes I forget you’re human."
“But, you reminded me every day back when we were still traveling….”
“I lied.” He paused and pursed his lips for a moment, then blurted, “Where did you get the notion that the pup would be a girl?”
“Back with Sesshomaru…you kept calling the pup a ‘she’ or an ‘heiress.’ What makes you think that the pup is a girl? And, where did you come up with the name ‘Inume?’”
She twisted a tendril of ebony hair around her finger nervously, averting her eyes to the floor. “I’ve seen her,” she whispered, “in a dream. Yesterday, when I was still unconscious, I had a dream about meeting her, and she said that she was our pup.”
Inuyasha raised his eyebrows, surprised by his mate’s explanation. “You sure she’s our pup?”
“Good, I’m glad; I wanted a girl, anyway.”
She laughed at his goofy expression and kissed his cheek. “Me, too.”
“So, do you forgive me?”
“…I think that can be arranged.”
Accursed Radiance
There was something about the night that offered Inuyasha some solace. He watched the full moon climb into the opaque sky with intense eyes, wrapping the robe of the fire rat tighter against his body. His thoughts were swimming laps in his mind, mainly about his pup becoming an heiress. He abhorred the idea with a passion. But, then again, he didn't want his pup to endure the hardships he faced in life; just the thought of his pup being beaten and violently mistreated sent his mind reeling. He clenched his hands into fists. His pup, his daughter, would never be treated like that as long as he was still breathing. She had Kagome, right? And Kagome wouldn't stand for such dishonorable actions.
The thought brought a smile to his face, his anger ceasing. Kagome would die if it meant that the pup would have a good childhood; he, too, would see to that. He could already see her, hazel eyes vibrant with fury, as she scolded the villagers for their cruel deeds. She would get onto their hides for doing such evil things, he thought. She would give them no mercy, and that's what will keep our family alive.
It was still hard for him to get over the last word: family. Inuyasha, a hanyou with tainted blood, who was shunned by his half-brother and mistreated for his entire life, had a mate and a pup on the way; in other words, a family. And it was all thanks to Kagome.
Kagome was the spark in his life; his only reason for existing. She had removed the thunderstorm that had been suspended over his head, the entity raining doubt and producing lightning that sliced through his soul. Now, it was replaced by sunshine and love, doubt no longer captivating his heart. She had saved him from the deepest, darkest hole of depression, and now she was his; his to love, his to protect, his to comfort. And she returned his love faithfully, promising to stand by his side and to love him unconditionally. Even on the darkest of nights, her love for him prevailed, and it seemed as if the sun was forever shining; nothing was dark in the presence of Kagome.
Inuyasha jumped in his perch in the Sacred Tree, unsure if he had heard the angelic voice below beckoning him. He peered through the darkness with uncertain eyes, and cursed when he found the dim outline of his mate. Before she could address him again, he had scooped her up and jumped back onto the branch, pulling her into his lap and into his warmth.
"You shouldn't be out here, koi," he scolded gently. "It's cold out tonight."
"Yeah, I've noticed." She laughed and snuggled closer. "I was a little frightened. I woke up to see that you had disappeared, and I got worried. So, I came out to find you."
"Feh. I'm fine; there's no need to worry about me, Kagome."
She sighed. "Yeah, I know, but you seemed a little…weird…after Sesshomaru's visit. Are you sure you're okay?"
"The guy wants to take my pup away from me; no, I'm not okay." He felt her stiffen in his arms, and he drew her closer, burying his nose in her neck to calm her. "There's no need to worry, though; Sesshomaru may be cruel and heartless, but he does keep his word. The pup will be fine, Kagome."
"Then, if you're so confident about it, why are you out here all alone? You know you can talk to me, right?"
"Of course I know! I'm not stupid. I just…needed some time to think."
"Oh," she said quietly.
"I was just thinking about what you mean to me, and how good of a father I'm going to be to our pup," he confessed, laying a hand on her stomach. "I honestly don't think I'm ready."
She laid her hand over his own, a smile on her lips. "The fact that you're worried about it proves that you're going to be a great father, Inuyasha; don't doubt yourself. I know you're going to be a great father no matter what happens. If I can believe in you, then you can believe in yourself, too."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because you're Inuyasha, the son of the great Inu no Taisho and the gentle Izayoi; you're brave, strong, and protective, and you can face any challenge thrown at you with that defiant glint in your eye; you can do anything you set your mind to." She paused and laughed at her last sentence, rolling her eyes. "I cannot believe I just said that."
Inuyasha grinned. "Yeah, but it sure made me feel a little better."
"I…wish Kaede was here. I could really use her advice…"
"What about your mom?"
Her eyes grew sad. "I can't do that, Inuyasha; I promised myself that I would live my life here without forcing her to get involved. Besides, I haven't seen her in months."
"You need someone to talk to. What about Sango? She's pupped, too."
"She's got enough to worry about; I don't want to get her stressed about me, too."
Inuyasha pondered for a moment. "Well, you have me, right? Can you count on my support?"
"Definitely. Why do you ask?"
"Then that's all you need. You're going to be fine, Kagome; I know it. Just, keep on being you, okay?"
She smiled. "Okay."
A moment of silence followed as the two gazed at the moon. Inuyasha glanced down to see Kagome watching it with wide eyes, the luminescent glow illuminating her skin. She seemed mesmerized by the sight, and it caused a smirk to tug at Inuyasha's lips. She looked so beautiful under the moon's influence; it was almost as if she was surreal. To convince himself that she was truly there, he hugged her closer, noting the shivers that wracked her frail human body.
He placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. "You're drooling."
Scoffing, she playfully punched his shoulder. "Am not."
"Kagome, are you scared?"
"What do you mean?"
"About having the pup…Are you scared?"
She paused, thinking it over. At last she said, quietly, "Yeah, I guess I am a little frightened. I mean, I'm still at the tender age of eighteen; in the feudal era, that means that most girls should already have, like, three kids. But, in my time, it's different. I'm a little scared of motherhood, and how the pup will respond to me. I guess I'm as scared as you are about parenting, Inuyasha. But…I'll get over it eventually, right?"
"I don't think anyone gets over it, Kagome. But, we'll manage; we're both as stubborn as heck, so we'll be just fine."
"I hope you're right, Inuyasha," she replied sleepily.
They remained outside until Kagome fell asleep. Inuyasha carried her home in his strong arms and dumped her gently on the futon, wrapping a blanket around her still form. He kissed her forehead and laid a hand on her stomach, pleading that she wouldn't stir and subdue him for touching her inappropriately. He swore that he could feel the pup responding under his fingertips.
"You're going to be happy, Inume," he whispered. "You're going to be perfect. And, you're going to love your mother; she already loves you very much. Please, don't hurt her like I fear you will. I'm…afraid for her, and for you, my precious Inume."
He laid down beside his mate, his back to her, and slowly fell into the depths of sleep. Unknown to him, though, Kagome had heard every word he had uttered, and smiled at his idea of protecting her and the pup. He's going to be a fine father, she thought. I know he'll be fine; he's my Inuyasha, after all.
Morning sunlight filtered into the room, encasing the sleeping couple in bright radiance. Inuyasha was aroused from his sleep first. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he cast an anxious glance at his wife and found her fast asleep, her breathing even and almost silent. He smiled and tossed a log into the fire, stretching his aching muscles and releasing a yawn. His ears detected a slight giggle from the futon.
"What's so funny?" he murmured without turning, grinning.
"You yawn funny; that's all," Kagome said, sitting up.
"Oh? Well, you sleep funny. You kept talking in your sleep last night; thought you'd never shut up."
Her cheeks turned pink. "What did I say?"
"Nothing that I could understand."
She sighed, obviously relieved. "Good. So, are you hungry?"
When she started to get to her feet, he gently pushed back down on the futon and wagged a scolding finger in her face. "Oh, no you don't. I'm cooking today."
"Since when do you cook?"
"Since my mate got pupped." He placed the pot over the fire and dumped the contents of his intended meal inside. He could smell Kagome's confusion on the air current and stifled a laugh. "Surprised?"
"Yeah," she mumbled dazedly. "But, seriously, Inuyasha; I'm more than able to make our meal."
"Not pupped, you aren't. Now, lay back down and get some rest; I'm perfectly capable of making breakfast."
Kagome lay back down with a sigh, pulling the blanket around her aching body. She had to admit, it was nice of Inuyasha to make her breakfast. She simply grinned when he asked where the spoon was, and he didn't object when she got up to help him find it. Eventually, breakfast did get made, and the two settled down to eat. Kagome took small bites, the morning sickness still lingering. However, Inuyasha's very presence seemed enough to calm her queasy stomach, and she finished the whole bowl of porridge before she knew it.
"Looks like you're feeling better," Inuyasha noticed as he took her bowl from her hands.
She shrugged. "More or less."
He was about to respond when frequent knocking outside silenced him. Warning Kagome with his eyes to remain where she sat, Inuyasha pushed back the reed flap to greet Sango, whose eyes were as wide as plates.
"Sango, what's wrong?" he demanded, noticing how she was panting heavily.
She held her fist forward, and then removed the concealment of her fingers to show him what was inside. On her palm, shimmering and radiant as ever, was the Shikon no Tama, the object that had been purified after Naraku's defeat.
"No…" Inuyasha whispered. "Not that accursed thing…"
Will that jewel ever be out of our lives? he wondered, retreating a step backwards. Kami. Now that that thing is back, what will happen to us now? What actions will take hold of us from this point on? I should've known that my happiness would be short lived…
Memories Of A Battle Long Past
Kagome struggled to evoke the memories through the thick haze that was her mind. She recalled the still forms of her friends, blood sobbing from their wounds, as the demon Naraku hovered over them. Inuyasha, clad in his robe of the Fire Rat, growled a threat at the dark half demon who stood before them. He elevated the Tetsusaiga in his hand in preparation to fire the Wind Scar. Kagome stood next to him with an arrow notched in her bow, her aim the heart of Naraku.
Naraku chuckled at the determination that lingered in their eyes. “You really think you can defeat me? I must admit, your attitudes are admirable, but it is wasted on a futile effort.”
“You’ll pay for hurting my friends,” Inuyasha declared, narrowing his golden eyes. He ignored the sensation of pain in his abdomen from where he had been sliced by one of Naraku’s tentacles. Blood smeared his fingertips. “And, more importantly, you’ll pay for hurting me and Kagome.”
Kagome felt heat rise to her cheeks at his mention of her. She had only suffered from a minor injury to her arm from where she had tripped from attempting to help Inuyasha, and Naraku’s tentacle happened to be the culprit of her fall. Inuyasha hadn’t been too happy about that one. But, then again, he hadn’t been too happy when Sango and Miroku had been injured.
Inuyasha smiled at Kagome, nodding his head in encouragement for her to fire her arrow. She knew that he would follow suit with the Wind Scar, and she was convinced that their joint effort would somehow contribute to killing Naraku. Please, Kami, hear my prayer and help us to defeat Naraku, Kagome pleaded mentally as she shot her arrow. Please, let us succeed.
The Wind Scar was released and followed the path that the arrow took. The pink energy that radiated off of the arrow combined with the yellow energy of the wind scar, and the united powers scarred the dirt beneath them as they traveled towards Naraku. Naraku had little time to react before the energies descended upon him and stabbed his body with agony.
“What? No!” he shouted, feeling the pain in his upper torso increase as Kagome’s purification magic settled in. He could feel himself beginning to disintegrate. The jewel slipped from his clutches and fell to the ground as the evil demon disappeared.
“We did it,” Inuyasha whispered, sheathing his Tetsusaiga. There was a hint of excitement in his eyes, but he managed to contain it as surprise flooded through his entire being. “We actually did it, Kagome; Naraku is dead.”
Kagome kneeled in front of the full Sacred Jewel and held it in the palm of her hand. A smile reached her lips. “It’s finally over.”
“But there’s still the jewel to worry about.”
Kagome averted her gaze to her fallen friends. “We’ll worry about that later. Right now, I think we need to help Sango and Miroku.”
Inuyasha aided in lifting Sango and Miroku onto the back of Kilala, who had been coaxing her mistress to wake up after realizing that the demon exterminator was unconscious. As Inuyasha was placing Miroku onto Kilala’s back, Kagome felt her vision go blurry. She stumbled and fell to her knees, her hands drifting to her throbbing temples.
“Kagome? What’s wrong?” Inuyasha’s voice reached her ears, his voice timid at her disposition.
“I feel a little dizzy,” she said, and her voice slurred with each word.
It was not long before her eyes shut involuntarily and she fell limp into Inuyasha’s waiting arms, her limbs paralyzed. She could hear his anxious voice calling to her, pleading for her to open her eyes, but her body refused to obey her commands to sit up and tell him that she was fine. Soon her ears could not even detect his voice, and she plummeted into the shadows of her own mind without resistance.
The jewel, however, which still resided in the palm of her hand, seemed to disintegrate before Inuyasha’s very eyes. With a shock, he realized that the jewel was being purified. Eventually, it was reduced to nothing but empty air. Kagome had done it; the jewel was gone from the world, never to return. The cursed life that the jewel held was finally over.Or so he thought.
“I don’t understand,” Kagome said quietly, exasperated. “I thought the jewel was finally out of our hair.”
“It was,” Inuyasha argued, grinding his teeth. “I watched it disintegrate with my own eyes. How did it come back? I don’t get it! I finally find some happiness, and that stupid jewel has to come along and ruin it. How long will it be before that stupid thing is out of our lives? I don’t think I could take it any longer!” He released a feral growl and crossed his arms over his chest defiantly, seething with anger.
He didn’t care that he had expressed his emotions; he didn’t care that everyone was staring at him with wide eyes. The only thing that caused such an uproar from both his demon and human sides was the jewel that lay in Kagome’s palm, and he wanted them both to shut up before he completely lost it
.Kagome reached forward to touch his shoulder, smiling grimly. “Inuyasha…”
Miroku cleared his throat, directing all attention to the monk. “The jewel’s reappearance is also baffling to the rest of us, you two; Sango and I don’t understand why, either. So, I’m sure that if we all put our heads together, we can figure out exactly why this thing has come back into our lives. Does anyone have any ideas?”
Sango shook her head. “Not a clue.”
“Nothing,” Kagome concluded, sighing heavily.
Inuyasha simply grumbled under his breath, earning a sympathetic glance from his mate.
Miroku released a frustrated sigh and focused his gaze on the jewel. His expression soured. “I never thought I’d live to see that crappy excuse for a wishing well in a miko’s palm. I suppose I was wrong in my assumption.”
“Miroku…” Sango said slowly, pityingly.
“Inuyasha, I fear that I am with you on where your feelings for the jewel lie; I don’t wish for this…stupid jewel…to take away the happiness I worked so hard to build.
”“Do you think I could purify it?” Kagome asked hopefully.
“Perhaps. But, I fear that if it didn’t work last time, it will not work this time. Kagome, I mean you no insult, but your power may not be strong enough to cleanse the jewel.”
She bowed her head. “I see.”
“So, if Kagome can’t purify the jewel, who’s going to do it, monk?” Inuyasha growled, wrapping an arm around Kagome’s waist and pulling her closer to him.
Miroku looked away to avoid the hanyou’s smoldering glare before delivering his answer. “Kikyo.”
Inuyasha angrily rose to his feet. “You expect me to track her down and beg her to purify the jewel for us? No! She tried to kill Kagome! I specifically told her that if I ever caught her trying to kill Kagome again, I would kill her; no questions asked. I’m not going to get close enough to her so that she could plot the same fiasco again! I happen to love my mate!”
Miroku raised his hands up in surrender. “I never doubted your love towards Kagome, Inuyasha; don’t think that I could ever be so cruel. I was just thinking of the future for our children here. Do you want the jewel to be their main concern growing up? Do you want them to worry about whether a demon will come and destroy the village on any particular day? I do not wish to place such a heavy burden on the shoulders of the next generation.”
“Miroku’s right,” Kagome agreed, pulling on Inuyasha’s arm to get him to sit down again. “We have to find Kikyo.”
Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at her. “How could you forgive her for what she did to you?”
“I…don’t know. But, we have to try to make peace with her again, Inuyasha. Please?”
Inuyasha sighed and reluctantly nodded, complying with his mate’s wishes. He returned to her side and sat down. “Fine, I’ll look for her. But I have one condition.”
Sango and Kagome stared at him incredulously while Miroku calmly asked, “And, what is your condition?”
“That I go alone.”
Kagome bit her lip, recalling past events. Inuyasha had schemed to steal the jewel from her grasp on many different occasions before he gradually changed; he and Kikyo had even gotten in a bitter dispute over the cursed jewel, which resulted in Kikyo’s death and Inuyasha’s sealing to a tree. Kagome was hesitant; it wasn’t that she didn’t trust Inuyasha; it was Kikyo she didn’t trust. She worried for Inuyasha’s safety, and she let her concern show when she turned her gaze on Inuyasha.
“No arguments,” Inuyasha told her, refusing to crumble under her intense gaze.
“I don’t want you to get hurt,” she said quietly, taking his hand in hers and giving it a squeeze. “At least let me come along with you.”
“I won’t let you get hurt again, Kagome!” he raged. He squeezed her hand until she was sure that he would cut off her circulation.
“Kagome, he’s right,” Sango said, cutting into their lover’s quarrel. “Kikyo has deep hatred for you; it would be best if you remained here, especially now that you are pregnant. Do you want the baby to get hurt?”
“No, of course not,” Kagome murmured.
“Then you should stay here, with us.” She turned to Inuyasha. “Kagome can stay at our hut while you’re gone; that way we can keep an eye on her. Good idea?”
“The best one I’ve heard all day,” Inuyasha grumbled. “I’ll leave early tomorrow morning.”
“It’s settled, then.”
Her fear became apparent when Inuyasha was about to walk out the door.
It was early. The birds hadn’t even begun their morning songs when Inuyasha laid a chaste kiss on Kagome’s forehead, admiring her sleeping form through sad eyes. He sighed irritably and grabbed the jewel, concealing it in a pocket in his robe of the fire rat. Just as he was about to exit the hut, he felt a pair of arms wrapping themselves around his middle.
“Please, don’t leave,” Kagome begged. He could feel her tears dampening the fabric of his robe.
“I have to go, koi,” he told her gently. “I don’t want this burden to be placed on our pup’s shoulders, or any other kid’s shoulders; I don’t want anyone around here to grow up too quickly, like I did, and I didn’t even have the jewel’s influence. I don’t want to leave you, but I have to go now.”
“Promise you’ll come back?”
“I promise.”
She retracted her hold on him and moved away. Inuyasha cast one longing glance at her before heading out into the morning air.
He followed his nose, and travelled for what seemed like days. He already missed Kagome severely, and the warm breakfasts she would always make him. The sun seemed to climb higher into the sky each time he looked, and before he knew it, night was settling on the rolling hills. He refused to rest, though, and traveled through the night, his muse the mate he loved most. The shorter time I take to find Kikyo, the longer time I’ll have with Kagome, he told himself. Thus was the drive that drove him forward.
It took him two days. At last he cornered the dead priestess near the mountains, where she awaited him near the bank of a river. Her soul collectors shielded her like a blanket, their hums annoying the crap out of the hanyou that watched them. Kikyo dipped her cupped hands into the river and drank heartily before turning her attention to him, shock numbing her features.
“Inuyasha,” she said, surprise lacing her voice. “I did not expect you to seek me out so soon.”
“Don’t get excited,” he replied roughly. “I came to ask for your help.”
“I see.” She scrutinized his demeanor with narrowed eyes. “And, what exactly do you need my help with?”
He revealed the Shikon no Tama from the pocket of his robe. Kikyo recoiled from it as if it was a poisonous snake. “I need you to purify this,” Inuyasha snapped.
“I thought that accursed thing was purified by my reincarnation!”
“For a time, it was; Sango found it in the meadow beyond the village just a few days ago.”
“And, Kagome could not purify it because….?”
Inuyasha averted his eyes. “Because she isn’t strong enough to do it.”
Kikyo seemed pleased by this statement. “I see. I will purify it…under one condition.”
Jeez. Is everyone giving out conditions lately, even me? Inuyasha thought irritably, rolling his eyes. “What do you want, Kikyo?”
“And, how am I supposed to give that to you?”
She grinned slyly. “A kiss.”
“I would never betray Kagome like that!” he snarled, hiding the Shikon no Tama once more. “Forget your help! I knew that this was a bad idea from the start…”
“It’s just a kiss, Inuyasha; nothing more, nothing less. And, Kagome will never know; it’s not like she can spy on us now.” He could hear the lust in her voice, knowing that she enjoyed making him feel uncomfortable. He heard her move closer to him. “Just one kiss, Inuyasha, and the jewel will be purified; I give you my word.”
“Your word means nothing to me!”
“But, what does it mean to your pup? Would you like the jewel to destroy your child’s life like it did to yours?” She smiled, knowing that she caught his attention. “I could easily save your child’s life from the impending doom that befalls upon the jewel; I could save your family as well as others. All you have to do is simply share one simple kiss with me, and I will purify the jewel. Do you want happiness, Inuyasha? Do you want Kagome and your pups to live without the fear of a demon on their tails in search of the Shikon no Tama? I can surely quell your worries.”
He hated to admit that he saw the truth in her words, but he simply complied and once again took out the jewel, defeated. Kikyo, seeing the look of defeat flicker in his unwavering gaze, risked a step forward so that she was upon him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she lowered her lips to his.
Inuyasha squeezed his eyes shut. I’m so sorry, Kagome…
Treaty Of A Thousand Tears
She begged for her savior with silent words, her heart pleading for his company as she knelt before the grave marker. She desperately pictured his golden orbs that shone with defiance, his silver hair that tumbled past his shoulders in straight strands, and his crimson robe that had been given to him during childhood. She wished for the warmth that his arms supported whenever he held her, wished for disobedient glint in his eye, and wished for the feeling of being safe and content under his watchful gaze. It was with this image that aided her through her long, thoughtful period; she felt as if she could feel the ghost of his presence looming over her, at her side despite the fact that he was miles away.
The thought offered her some solace as she mourned, yet his ghostly company was unsubstantial.
She needed him more than she needed to breathe. Her hand reached out to trace the physique of Kaede’s gravestone, unshed tears brimming in her eyes. The cool night air blanketed her shivering body in black, encasing her in the night’s gentle darkness. She shivered and pulled the blanket tighter against her body. It was times like this that she pleaded for Inuyasha’s company, and his robe of the fire rat; she could use both his intuition on the facts, and his support, as well as the warmth that his robe provided.
A grim smile reached her lips. Great. Now I’m relying on Inuyasha to give me solace to this pain? What kind of person am I? It’s only been a few months, and I’m still grieving while everyone’s moved on…Am I the only one who suffers from this? Why do I feel so alone?
“I wish you were here to help, Kaede,” Kagome whispered aloud. “I could use your moral support right about now. That, and your words of wisdom.”
“Kagome, what are you doing out here in the middle of the night? You’re going to catch a cold!”
She turned at the exasperation in Sango’s tone, and found the former demon slayer rushing to her side, a flustered Miroku at her heels.
“I needed some time to breathe,” Kagome explained to the panting couple. “I usually come out here every night to pay my respects to Kaede, and to get some air so that I could think. I’m sorry if I worried you; that wasn’t my intention.”
Sango released a relieved sigh. “It’s fine; we should’ve been keeping an eye on you, anyway.”
“I’m not a child.”
“No, you’re not,” Sango agreed, taking a seat beside her friend. “We don’t want you to get hurt, Kagome, now that you’re pregnant; think of what Inuyasha would say if he saw you out here. And alone, nonetheless!” She shook her head, mumbling under her breath.
“We were simply worried for your wellbeing,” Miroku added, wiping the sweat from his forehead. “Let me tell you, you gave us quite a scare; Inuyasha would’ve gone ballistic if he had been here.”
“But he’s not here, is he?” Kagome replied indignantly.
Sango and Miroku exchanged knowing glances at the tone of her voice, saying in unison, “Mood swings.”
Kagome’s shoulders slumped at their accusation for her rotten attitude. She sighed. “Sorry; I’m stressed up to my eyeballs. First there’s the pup, then there’s the jewel’s return, and Inuyasha leaving, alone, to find Kikyo…It’s hard to comprehend it all. I’m sorry I’m taking it out on you.”
Sango smiled sympathetically and draped an arm over Kagome’s shoulders. “It’s okay, Kagome; we’re just as stressed. But sitting out here in the cold is not going to do anything to solve our problems. Why don’t you come inside and eat something? You missed dinner, and you must be hungry.”
“I’m fine, thanks.”
Miroku frowned. “You’ve got to eat something, Kagome. If it’s not for you, at least do it for the baby.”
The future miko’s reply died on her lips as the reality of Miroku’s words set in. She knew he was right; she still had some control of the rational part of her brain. But there was a distilling presence that loomed in the pit of her stomach that refused to go away, and it made her uneasy. Somewhere, deep inside, was the notion that Inuyasha was in some sort of danger; that he need her help. Through the bond that linked the two together, she could feel his disgust, fear, and grief; endless, unrelenting grief that gripped her soul and squeezed. It unsettled her entire being, and more tears pooled in her eyes at the revelation.
Her hand drifted to her stomach where their child resided. Was the child blind to such grief, or could she feel her father’s pain, too? Suddenly, food became less of a problem.
Kagome never felt so alone.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Kagome?” Sango pressed, eyebrows furrowing in worry.
The girl in question broke through her reverie with the shake of her head, blinking against tears that slipped from the grasp of her eyelids. “Yeah, I’m fine,” she answered dazedly.
“Why are you crying, then?”
“Mood swings,” she lied, stifling a sob.
Sango nodded in understanding. “Just wait until you hit five months; after that, the mood swings don’t seem so bad. Now, let’s go back to the hut and get some food, okay? I made some porridge, and it tastes heavenly.”
“Give me a minute?” Kagome pleaded.
Sango sighed, but allowed Kagome to continue after receiving a sharp glance from her husband. Kagome smiled faintly and stroked the gravestone, relishing in the feeling of the material under her fingertips. “Rest in peace, Kaede,” she whispered almost inaudibly. “I wish you were here with us, to guide us. Please, watch over us, and over Inuyasha; he needs your wisdom more than ever. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us, Kaede; I miss you.”
It was Inuyasha who pulled away first, his expression morphing into one of anger and disgust. Kikyo saw the conflicting emotions that warred within his amber orbs, and simply chuckled at the sight. Her amusement fell in the grief that lingered in his gaze; she knew that he could simply crumble from the pressure of guilt that weighed heavily on his shoulders. He had betrayed the one woman he pledged his love to, the woman he loved and mated with, and the undead priestess knew that he was at war with himself internally.
He was debating, she was pleased to see, on whether or not to tell Kagome of the kiss. A triumphant smirk tugged at her lips. This will surely send the girl running to the well, and Inuyasha running back to me, she thought. He can’t help but be honest with her; his honor is at stake, and he is bound to tell her eventually. I can only imagine the look on his face when he loses both his mate and unborn child in one day. I doubt she can be so good natured now as to forgive him. Being friendly with the enemy, huh? Let’s see how you deal with this one, Kagome…
“I’ve done what you’ve wanted,” Inuyasha said flatly, holding out the Shikon no Tama in the palm of his hand. “Now do what I want.”
“Very well, then.” She wrapped her hand around the jewel and concentrated, focusing her whole being on the purification of the one thing that drew she and Inuyasha apart fifty years ago. Pink light radiated from her fingers. Her miko powers merged with the jewel, bathing it in a bright pink light. But, instead of disappearing, it remained in Inuyasha’s palm, looking as if it had never been broken in the first place.
Kikyo pulled away, exasperated. “What is the meaning of this? It will not purify!”
“What do you mean?” Inuyasha demanded of her sharply, glaring at the jewel through narrowed eyelids.
“It…just won’t purify. I don’t understand this! W-what is going on? This has never happened before.”
Inuyasha was wondering the same thing, except with different emotions. “You tricked me,” he accused, fingering the jewel before concealing it in his robe. “I can’t believe I fell for that!”
“Inuyasha, I-”
“Don’t try to make up for what you did; I know what you were trying to do. To think that, for a split moment, I trusted you…” He shook his head and turned on his heel, beginning to walk away from her. “My mistake.”
Kikyo made no move to pursue him, but simply stood rooted to the spot, shocked.
“My threat still stands,” he admonished before disappearing into the cluster of trees.
Kagome awoke in the middle of the night to soft footfalls outside her hut. Sitting up, she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and peered through the darkness. Silence met her ears for a moment until a grunt shattered it. She nearly screamed when the reed flap was pushed out of the way by a dark figure.
Inuyasha stepped into the hut almost hesitantly, his eyes containing some sort of emotion that Kagome had no name for. When he realized that she was awake, he said, almost as if he was in a trance, “Oh, you’re up. Did I wake you?”
“No, I was awake.” She regarded him suspiciously before slowly wrapping her arms around his middle, burying her nose in his chest. He stiffened at her touch. “I was worried,” she admitted, voice muffled. “I had this…unsettling feeling that you were in trouble. Are you okay? She didn’t hurt you?”
He relaxed and returned the embrace, burying his nose in her hair. “I’m fine; thank you for worrying.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” he said, avoiding her eyes. “What about you? The pup didn’t give you any trouble, did she?”
Kagome almost giggled at him referring to the pup as a “she;” she found it cute. “She’s fine, Inuyasha; don’t worry. Are you tired? Hungry? Thirsty?”
“I’m fine.” His voice was flat; emotionless.
“Something happened between you and Kikyo. Am I right?”
He paled at her accusation, eyes going wide with surprise. Is it really that obvious? he questioned himself. “Yes,” he told her quietly, writhing in emotional pain.
She nodded. “I see. Are you going to tell me what happened, or should I assume the worst?”
Assume the worst and leave it at that. “You’re going to hate me.”
“Inuyasha,” she stressed, gazing up at him with tear-filled hazel eyes. “Inuyasha, I would never hate you. In fact, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to; I trust you. If you don’t want to talk, I won’t press you for answers.”
“No, I need to tell you this.” With a sigh, he gripped her shoulders and stared into her eyes intently. “I went to meet Kikyo, and I asked her if she could purify the jewel. She gave me one condition, and that was to kiss her. She tricked me, though; the jewel wouldn’t purify for her. After that, I left. Kagome, I’m sorry; I didn’t want to do anything with her, but I was thinking of the future and our pup and-”
Kagome laid a hand on his lips to silence his next few words. “It’s just one kiss, Inuyasha,” she said, smiling gently. “Like I said before: I trust you. What you did was noble, and I thank you for that. You put others before yourself, and even though the jewel wasn’t purified, at least you attempted to change the future. As for telling me about this…thank you, for your honestly; it makes me feel a whole lot better about this situation. And, we’ll figure out a way to get rid of the jewel; we’ll pull through like we always do. Just have faith in our abilities, okay?”
“You…forgive me?” he asked slowly, surprised by his mate’s choice of words.She snorted.
“Of course I forgive you; you’re my mate, after all.”
He pressed her to his chest, unmistakably happy with the outcome of his honesty. “Thank you, Kagome.”
“Anytime,” she replied, her voice a squeak.
Make a Wish
Even now it was difficult to comprehend. The jewel- the one item Kagome wished so desperately to disappear-had returned, and with its return brought a string of curses that pursued the Inu-gang. Demon attacks became more anticipated; it was expected that a demon would attack at least once a day, sending the village into a state of turmoil and fear. Only Inuyasha and Miroku could defend the village sufficiently, and Shippo had gone to live with Koga to learn how to fight months ago; Sango was told to keep out of the way because of her pregnancy, and Kagome was warned to stay inside the hut at all times, no exceptions, no arguments. And Kagome didn’t argue against Inuyasha’s command for reasons she could not name aloud.
Perhaps it was the child that was growing within her, or perhaps it was the fact that Inuyasha had issued a command that sent the breath rushing out of her lungs afterward. The sincerity in his eyes as he warned her…it was unsettling, and she couldn’t help but obey. He had used words like “what if” and “maybe,” and had even mentioned her and the pup’s safety at least twice. She had become a responsible mate, wife, and mother overnight; the change was bewildering, yet needed at this point in time. She rarely argued anymore, and went into the pup’s room to think when she was in one of her moods. Inuyasha, of course, was out most of the time, forcing his time and strength into the conquering the demons that craved the jewel. She knew that he hated to leave her; he had told her so on many different occasions. But, he couldn’t let anyone else get hurt and die in his life, her included. And she completely understood.
Her nighttime visits to Kaede’s gravesite were restricted; she was not allowed to stick one foot out of the hut without Inuyasha or Sango or Miroku breathing down her neck. At first she had been angry with this, but the more varied the demon attacks became, the more her anger ceased. She hated it; she hated what the jewel was doing to her life, and to her friends and family. Sometimes, when Inuyasha would leave at night to guard the village, she would cry herself to sleep, her thoughts trapped in nightmares of the outcome of the jewel’s evil. The Shikon no Tama, the one word that brought bitter thoughts to her head and was hated for its cruelty. No happiness came out of it; only evil and destruction. And Kagome wanted it thrown out her life for good, no exceptions, no arguments.
She wanted her life back.
She wanted safety for her unborn child, and for her beloved mate. Was it so wrong to ask the kamis for some peace of mind, or a peaceful life? Kagome shook her head, dismissing the thought. No, we will keep being tortured until we die, she decided, staring up at the starry night through the window in the pup’s room. She rubbed her stomach, pondering deep thoughts. I don’t want this life for our pup; I don’t want her to grow up amongst this pandemonium. Is this truly the fate that will befall upon us, and our children? How long must we suffer until that jewel is satisfied?
The stars offered some comfort to her troubled mind. They sparkled like small fires in the sky, unaware of the destructive events that grasped hold of the world below. It seemed like they were blind to the world’s pain, but simply kept on shining as if to offer a miniscule amount of hope. No hope entered Kagome’s heart, only fear for the evil that would plague her life until death took her. She prayed desperately for Inuyasha’s safety, as well as the safety of her friends and the villagers, and for the pup that was growing inside her as each day came and went. But the stars were pretty, and she couldn’t help but gape at their innocence.
She turned at the fatigue that laced the voice that addressed her, eyes soft with unshed tears. Inuyasha stood at the doorway to the pup’s room, a clawed hand extended as if to grab her and cushion her against his chest. He resisted the urge, however, and simply moved to be at her side, his face aglow with conflicting emotions. Even with his hanyou strength he was exhausted; it was easy to see by the thin sheen of sweat that clung to his forehead. Never before had he witnessed countless attacks on the jewel like this, and he was both physically and emotionally exhausted. Kagome smiled as if to offer him clarity, and his insides melted; her smile could dissipate any exhaustion that plagued his body, or send away the negative emotions that taunted his mind. She truly is my savior, he thought as he wrapped a possessive arm around her waist, pulling her to him. He marveled in her warmth. She is the light in my life amongst this darkness; I don’t know what I’d do without her. Is there another word that shows how I feel about her besides love?
“Aren’t the stars beautiful tonight?” she inquired of him quietly, her voice a whisper. “They shine as if nothing is wrong; I admire that about them.”
“You’re right,” he agreed solemnly. The volume of his voice matched hers.
“Inuyasha? What will happen to us now that the jewel has returned?”
“I don’t know, koi, but I’m not enjoying the outcome so far. Miroku has decided to talk about what we do from here tomorrow, if there isn’t another demon attack to interrupt us.
”“That’s good; we could use a little discussion on that subject. I really hate what this jewel is doing to our lives, Inuyasha.
”“So do I.”
She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder, suddenly overcome with exhaustion; worrying certainly drained her. “I worry about you and Miroku battling the demons; I fear that one of you won’t come back.”
“Feh. Have some faith in us, Kagome; we know what we’re doing. I think it’s the exhaustion, though, that will defeat us, not the demons.” He paused, noting the worry that radiated off of her in waves. He hated the sensation. “I know you can’t help but worry for our safety, Kagome, but at least try to be optimistic about the outcome of every battle; I won’t leave you, ever; that pup will not grow up without a father.”
She graced him with a small smile. “You never give up, do you?”
“I’m stubborn like that.”
“And that’s a good thing; I never want you to give up on anything.”
When she yawned, his forehead creased. “You haven’t been sleeping well, have you?” She shook her head, and he added, “Well, you better get some rest, then; I promise I’ll stay by your side all night. Deal?”
“Deal,” she agreed drowsily.
He whisked her off her feet and carried her into their bedroom. Then he proceeded to lay her on the futon, kiss her forehead, and lie down beside her, pulling her against his chest. He wrapped the blanket around them to insulate heat during the cold night.
“Inuyasha?” she asked quietly.
“I’m here.”
“Why do you want the pup to be a girl?”
He paused at the innocence she placed in the question, thinking it over before answering, “I wanted a little you running around, not a little me; I hoped that the girl would be like you in beauty and attitude, and that she wouldn’t reflect me at all. I…guess that’s why I wanted a girl.”
“I hope she has your ears,” she mumbled. “And…I want a little you running around; I don’t want to be the only one contributing genes to the pups.”
“You mean…you want more?
”“Who said I didn’t?”
Inuyasha was rendered into shocked silence, basking in the angel that was Kagome. She was actually willing to birth a hanyou’s child; and not just one, but many more.
He couldn’t describe the joy he felt at the moment. He pulled Kagome closer to his chest and gazed at her mating mark on the base of her neck, the one thing that bound her to him, and showed the world the proof of their love. He could never express just how much joy he found in her becoming his wife in both senses of the word; words seemed to escape him whenever he thought about it. Kagome was his, and she always would be.He was about to respond, but her even breathing silenced him; she was asleep.
“Thank you, Kagome,” he whispered, despite the fact that she could not hear him.
Miroku and Sango arrived at the hut near noon, their faces both drawn and serious.
Kagome offered them cups of tea as they took their seats to discuss the jewel, a smile on her face despite the foreboding topic. Miroku accepted the tea, thanking her for her generosity and earning a snicker from his hanyou friend. Sango also took the cup and smiled faintly, showing some insight into the demon slayer’s mind; she seemed almost as anxious and nervous Kagome whenever her husband was away. The atmosphere of the room was chilling and unsettling as Miroku addressed the topic at hand.
“I have a theory about the jewel that I would like to share.”
“Anything sounds good at this point,” Inuyasha muttered grimly.
Kagome’s eyebrows furrowed. “What’s your theory?”
“I think that the jewel is restless; it has not been used in such a long time, and purification will not work on it anymore. But, perhaps the use of the jewel’s true purpose will destroy the jewel, and bring peace back into our lives.”
“What do you mean, Miroku?” Sango asked, perplexed.
“Maybe one of us should wish on the jewel.”
A chorus of protests broke out, silencing the calm monk from explaining his theory further.
Inuyasha growled softly at the monk’s idea. The jewel brings nothing but evil, he told himself. A pure wish will still be no good; nothing good comes out of the jewel’s influence. Nothing!
“I say we do it,” Kagome said quietly.
Wide eyes turned in her direction.
“Why?” Sango asked, shocked at her friend’s statement.
Inuyasha simply arched an eyebrow.
“Maybe Miroku’s right, and the jewel will disappear,” the miko explained. “I mean, this might be our only chance to get rid of that thing; don’t you guys at least want to try to get it out of our lives? I don’t know about you, but I don’t want that thing to destroy the happiness we worked so hard to build. Already it has brought mass destruction into our lives in just a matter of days; just image future events. I already can…”
Inuyasha turned to Miroku and Sango, determination in his gaze. “I agree.”
“Inuyasha, be reasonable,” Sango immediately argued.
“I am being reasonable. We have to at least try, Sango; this is the future we’re talking about.”
Sango was pensive for a moment before nodding her approval, sighing heavily at what she had just agreed to. Mentally, she smirked; when had Inuyasha become so mature?
“So, who will make the wish, then?” Miroku asked reluctantly.
“Kagome,” Sango answered.
“Definitely Kagome,” Inuyasha agreed with a nod.
Miroku smiled. “She was my choice, as well.”
All eyes turned to the distressed miko.
“Guys…I don’t know what to wish for,” she said nervously, eyes wide. “I already have what I need; I just want our happiness back, that’s all.”
“Grant us liberation, Kagome,” Miroku told her, his calm tone masking his plea. “Any wish you make will be fine with us.”
She desperately turned to her mate. “What do you want, Inuyasha?”
“Oh, no; this is your wish, not mine,” he argued. “This is your choice, not mine.”
Sango gave Kagome an encouraging smile. “Wish for something that makes your happiness complete, Kagome; think about it.”
Miroku handed Kagome the complete jewel as the miko pondered her wish. Holding it in the palm of her hand, she blanched, not even the shadows encasing the brilliancy of the Shikon no Tama. Wrapping the jewel in her hands and closing her eyes, she whispered her wish. Inuyasha had to strain his ears to listen, but still could not catch wind of his mate’s plea.
The jewel, however, disappeared from her grasp, empty air left in its wake. Kagome opened her eyes and smiled. “It’s done.”
“What did you wish for?” three voices asked in unison.
“Instead of wishing for something selfish, like I was expected to do, I wished for the jewel to disappear from the world forever,” she explained. She grew nervous, though, after a moment and added, almost as if to console herself, “I just hope it remains that way.”
That night, as the miko slept, her hanyou lover relished in the depth of her heart. Never had he seen a woman with such compassion as Kagome; never had he seen a woman with such selfless thoughts and actions as Kagome. Even now she baffled him, even though he was the one who was supposed to know her most.
“Instead of wishing for something selfish, like I was expected to do, I wished for the jewel to disappear from the world forever.”
She was right; both he, Miroku, and Sango had anticipated a selfish wish to be uttered. They had all been extremely shocked, and ashamed, to learn that she had simply wished for the destruction of the Shikon no Tama. He should’ve know better; he, the one who should know Kagome like the back of his hand. He, too, felt ashamed for harboring such a thought.
Even now she never ceased to amaze him.
Without waking her, he planted a chaste kiss on her lips, murmuring, “I love you, my Kagome.”
Then he, too, fell into the depths of his subconscious.
Revealed Feelings
Three months later…
“You’re tardy.”
The shinigami cast his eyes to the ground below in utter humility, bowing his head low to keep his mistress from distinguishing his countenance. “I apologize, Lady Sayurhi; I was engrossed in my trivial matters to the point where I was suffocating. It seemed that the more I worked, the more the importance of this meeting lessened.”
His mistress scoffed. “Such ignorance considering the fact that this ‘meeting’ is fairly important, and I could easily kill you for being late.”
“Once again, I apologize.” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, suddenly fearing for his life.
Sayurhi leaned against the trunk of a nearby tree and folded her arms at her stomach. A frown was pressed to her lips. “Don’t be so formal; you’re giving me a headache. Also, to make sure you understand the lengths I had to go to, I want you to know that the hanyou and his beloved miko are much stronger than you make him out to be. As if turns out, the both of us both underestimated the girl; instead of wishing selfishly, she wished for the Shikon no Tama’s destruction. I should’ve thought of this outcome…”
“I see. The hanyou must be slain, then. I assume that the demon hunters have been notified?” Sayurhi shot him a sharp glance and he recalibrated his words. “So, the demon hunters are en route, ne? This will prove to be very entertaining.”
“I just hope they hurry up and get rid of her; the two of them will pay for allowing Naraku to perish.”
She paused to sweep her eyes over the shinigami’s physique. Her frown deepened at the sight. He wore black leggings that paused at the boots that went up to his mid-calf, and his tunic was burgundy with blood encrusted in the fabric. His black hair was disheveled, his crimson eyes narrowed, and his skin was ashen.
“What trivial matters did you have to attend to?” she added suspiciously, noting his diverted expression. Her dark eyes sparkled with wonder.
“A battle was raging near here, so I decided to step in. Blood has such a wonderful taste, does it not?” He unsheathed his blade and demonstrated the blood that stained the tip. The air became contaminated with the overwhelming odor of decay. “How humans can cause such bloodshed in a matter of minutes always eludes me, yet it is the glint of evil in their eyes that amuses me.”
He shrugged. “I was simply doing my job; you cannot scold me for finding amusement in it.”
“No, I don’t believe I can. Sheath your sword; the smell of blood disgusts me.” He sheathed the sword with a mumble of frustration. Sayurhi narrowed her eyes. “Are you certain you have the audacity to complete this task, Nicroga? You seem too nonchalant at the moment, and I see signs of failure in each step that you take.”
The shinigami’s expression became grave. “I implore you not to call me by such a foul name; it is exasperating to hear. Please, do not use it again while I am in your presence.”
“Why do you deny yourself your true name?”
“Does it matter?”
“No. No, I do not believe it does. Just remain focused on this task, or else it will result in your death.”
“Of course, my lady; I know that the demon hunters will not fail in their job. In fact, I paid them a high amount of compensation to make sure that it is done correctly.”
“Anything to get the job done. That hanyou and his mate will learn the true meaning of suffering in due time, especially now that they have a child on their hands. Just you wait, Inuyasha and Kagome; you won’t be so happy in life until after you’ve defeated me. And defeat will not come easily.”
Bitter winter winds slashed at the world below, the storm overhead gathering its fearful power. Droplets of rain moistened Kagome’s inflamed skin and pushed the residue of sanity out of her mind as her limbs continued to move her forward. A surreal blanket of mist coated her vision, causing it to become blurry and incoherent. In comparison to a doll, she would not differ by much. Her arms hung from their sockets like hoses, her legs taking each step forward as if she was wading through molasses, and the rest of her body followed mechanically. Her eyes held a distant look to them as they stared straight forward; it was almost like she was looking at something that could not be seen by the naked eye.
Moisture seeped through the thin fabric of her clothes and caused her body to tremble with cold. The wind bit and tore away at her skin, and caused tendrils of wet ebony hair to fall into her eyes. The pain in her stomach nearly forced her to her knees; the child within her was kicking, as if it wanted to get out right then and there. With determination she continued towards her hut, tears slipping down her porcelain cheeks.
Since Kaede’s death, she had been aiding the village women in their pregnancies. She knew of the dangers of giving birth in the feudal era; things didn’t go as smoothly as they did in her own time period. But she had never anticipated the outcome of this one woman’s birthing, and even now she was still stung with grief. The woman had cried and screamed as she pushed, tears leaking from her eyes. Kagome had helped to the full extent of her abilities, but it was not enough to play fate; the baby had been born not breathing. She recalled the tears that had streamed down the woman’s face when she realized it. Despite the fact that she was exhausted, she had latched onto her lifeless child and sobbed endlessly, moaning that the kamis were displeased with her. Kagome could only watch through unseeing eyes as the woman clutched the child to her chest. When the father had entered the room, he, too, found tears in his eyes, and demanded that Kagome leave the hut immediately. She had left without argument.
Three months had passed since figuring out her own pregnancy. Now six months along, she was almost afraid of what would occur during her own child’s birth. She had seen many women lose their newborns, and the idea of losing Inuyasha’s child was simply absurd. She was afraid; she was afraid that she would lose the one that symbolized their love, and that Inuyasha would never forgive her. Sango’s birthing had gone exceptionally well. To her and Miroku’s astonishment, she had given birth to a healthy set of twins: two girls they named Mara and Kara. The former demon slayer had been exhausted after the birth, and she was still recovering. A grin almost reached Kagome’s lips as she recalled how careful Miroku was when holding the two little bundles of joy.
But when he had passed them over to Inuyasha was truly the biggest laugh she had ever gotten.
His eyes had filled with such wonder as he stared at the wrinkly aliens in his arms, and he had to have them removed before he did the unimaginable: steal the twins and learn how to care for a baby, which was something he was not completely used to.
By now she had reached the hut. A silhouette appeared through the rain, and Kagome’s body halted in its trek to await its approach. The silhouette eventually became more visible as it neared, and she realized that it was only Inuyasha, an anxious expression on his face. He was a red blur as he moved towards her, eyes filled with concern.
“Kami. What are you doing out here like this, Kagome?” he demanded, removing his haori and wrapping it around her frail body. “This isn’t good for you, or the pup. Now, let’s get inside before you catch a cold; I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
She simply nodded her consent and allowed him to lead her towards the hut, not caring about the direction her feet were going. Once inside, her hanyou mate fretted about her being in the rain all alone, pupped, nonetheless. She listened through deaf ears, her eyes staring into space. She couldn’t bring herself to respond; the last birth had taken its toll on her sanity.
She broke out of her reverie when Inuyasha grasped her hand and gave it a squeeze, his eyes peering through hers.He cupped her cheek with his hand, concern shining in his amber orbs. “Are you okay, Kagome? You seem sad…and distant. Did something happen?”
Kagome swallowed, answering in a raspy voice, “Yeah, something horrible happened. The woman’s baby was born not breathing. Its dead, Inuyasha, and there was nothing I could do to help ease her pain.”
She broke into a sobbing fit then, her tears dampening Inuyasha’s shirt. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her and attempted to console her, but nothing aided her troubled soul; she was simply broken internally, and there was nothing her could do but hold her. He rubbed her back in slow circles, murmuring sweet nothings to calm her down. Eventually her sobs turned into hiccups, and then she was encased in sleep.He never felt so helpless.
When Kagome cried, he wanted to give a slow, painful death to the culprit. But when it was simply an act that caused tears to come to her eyes…he felt powerless. All he could do was offer comfort, and hope that she came out of her depression okay. Still, it hurt him to see her like this.
He laid her down on the futon, wrapping the blanket around her to return the heat that was lost during her adventure outdoors. Her skin was ice cold to the touch, and he was frightened for her health. The rain did nothing to help his mood. It pounded against the roof of the hut like a regiment of marching soldiers, and he cringed with each sound that reached his ears. They were sensitive now that his mate was hurt emotionally, and the only thing that kept him from hiding her in their hut for the rest of her life was his honor; he would protect her, right? Why should he worry about the outside world when he vowed to be by her side?
Her strained voice heaved him out his trance into reality. Her voice was hoarse from crying, and it hurt his ears to hear.
But, instead of addressing it, he simply asked, “Yes, Kagome? What is it?” as gently as he could.
“I’m scared,” she admitted in a whisper, her voice betraying her conscious state; it was obvious that she was half asleep.
“Why are you scared, kobito?” he pressed, hoping to gain some insight into her troubled mind.
“I’m scared that something will go wrong with our pup’s birth, and you won’t want to be with me anymore.”
Shock grasped him at that point, his eyebrows raising simultaneously and his eyes widening. “Kagome, how could you think that?”
“I’m so scared; I don’t want to disappoint you, Inuyasha…,” she whispered before lapsing into sleep once again, drawing the blanket closer to her body. Her breathing became even once again. A single tear streamed down her cheek.
Tears stung at his own eyes then, and he stifled a sob, wiping away her stray tear with his thumb. Oh, Kagome, he thought, anguished by her revealed feelings. He squeezed her hand. I never knew you felt that way. I guess I was too caught up in my own feelings to even consider your own; I was so overjoyed by your pregnancy that I couldn’t even think straight. How could I be so disrespectful to you? How could I ever ask for your forgiveness? I don’t know what I can do to calm your fears.
“Never again will you feel alone, Kagome,” he vowed softly, golden orbs sincere with his pledge. “I promise.”
Difference Between Past and Present
The darkness replaced the clouds above as the storm receded, the gleaming moon becoming revealed and illuminating the night. Below its perch the miko slept, haunted by her dreamless sleep. Beyond her closed eyes, the musty, ebony darkness adorned the span of her vision, encasing her in shadows. Her slumber was peaceful, however, and her expression quelled the fears of the hanyou at her side.
Currently gazing at the aroused full moon, captured in the depths of his own thoughts, Inuyasha switched his glances between the sleeping miko and the moon, mentally comparing them. The elegance of the moon was easily captured in the beauty of his mate; her skin reflected an iridescent glow. Also like the moon, she moved the tides within his heart, something that-and with this he let loose a violent shudder-Kikyo had failed to do. His heart had eclipsed, and now he had found himself an entirely different person, thanks to Kagome. His arrogance had floated away in the wind; he was now more caring, more protective of what was his.
And it was because of this sense of protectiveness that caused him to clench his fists at his sides.
He couldn’t protect her from her own pain, and the guilt was eating him up at the moment.
He turned at the soft voice that addressed him from the doorway, not expecting to find Miroku entering the hut. Placing a finger to his lips to silence the monk, Inuyasha gestured for him to follow as he made his way to the pup’s room; he didn’t want Kagome to awaken unnecessarily, especially when she needed her rest.
Miroku joined Inuyasha at the window, the two silent for a moment.
“Why are you here, Miroku?” Inuyasha finally asked, breaking the silence. “It’s the middle of the night. Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
“I wanted to speak with you.”
“And, you had to wait until the middle of the night to have this conversation?”
The monk sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. “I didn’t want Sango to worry, and I knew that Kagome has had a lot on her plate lately; stress is the last thing those two need, especially now that Kagome is further along in her pregnancy.”
They exchanged their glances to said girl, her protruding belly easily detectable under the wool of the blanket.
“I wanted to speak with you about Kagome’s wellbeing; she has struck me as…sad lately.”
“She’s been helping the village women through their pregnancies and births since Kaede died, and there have been a lot of miscarriages. She’s worried that the same thing will happen to her.”
Miroku nodded. “Her fear is natural; most women have these thoughts at least one time during their pregnancy. But what troubles me is how hard she is trying to hide it.”
“Yeah, I know.” Inuyasha sighed, frowning slightly. “I honestly don’t know how she can hide her pain behind a smile; her emotional strength has always fascinated me. But…this time, I don’t know how to calm her fears. I can’t predict how the birthing will go; only the kamis would know the fate of her, and our pup. The thought scares me half to death…”
“I was scared during Sango’s birthing; the strains of giving birth to twins could easily kill a woman, especially in this era. I was frightened for her health, and her life.”
Miroku thought that his ear drums would burst at the anguished screams that poured from his hut. He needed to be there for her; he needed to hold her hand and help to ease her pain. But only women were allowed inside the hut, and he couldn’t step inside without being hurriedly ushered out.
The women don’t like it when men see very naughty things, he thought with a slight chuckle. Perhaps I should take a peek; it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.
Before Miroku could do become tempted any further, a baby’s wail reached his ears. He wanted to scream; he wanted to run and burst into song and dance, all of which would embarrass him severely. But he didn’t care; he was too happy to put his joy into words. But he was utterly surprised when a second cry joined the first. His apprehension increased when the two sounds indicated more than one newborn.Kagome, who had been with Sango throughout the birthing, appeared in the doorway. The happy, but relieved, smile on her lips was enough to bring Miroku even more excitement. Sango was fine; Kagome’s positive attitude proved his theory.
“She’s just fine,” Kagome assured. “And I believe congratulations are in order; I’m happy to announce that Sango has just given birth to a healthy set of twins.”
“And…Sango?” Miroku asked hesitantly. He was anxious for his wife’s safety.
“Sango is just really tired; the birth took a lot out of her. I suggest allowing her to rest for a couple of days.”
He breathed shaky sigh of relief. “Thank you, Kagome; you have no idea just how grateful I am to you.”
“No problem. You can see her now, if you want.”
Miroku entered the hut on wobbly legs, pushing back the reed flap to find his wife with two babies in her arms, sweat plastering her bangs to her foreheads. In a flash he was at her side, peering down at his new daughters.
“What should we name them?” Sango asked quietly, her voice hoarse from screaming.
He inspected the twins before answering, “Mara and…Kara.”
“Mara and Kara,” his wife repeated, testing the name on her tongue. Enveloping the two closer to her chest, she kissed the two of their heads.
End Flashback
“I’m afraid for Kagome, too,” Inuyasha admitted, reluctant to tell Miroku his own feelings on the matter; he was afraid of being judged. “I mean, her scent indicates one pup, but…I’m afraid of miscarriage or Kagome dying during child birth. If the pain of giving birth to a human child is so great, imagine giving birth to a quarter youkai.”
“The strain on Kagome will be great, as well,” Miroku agreed. He sighed. “She will likely be fine, Inuyasha; she is stronger than we all think.”
“Feh. Yeah, I know.”
He clapped Inuyasha on the back, saying, “Just think of it this way: once this pregnancy is over, you will have more time to ‘practice’ for the next one; just look forward to that.”
“Shut up, you lecherous monk!”
“I assumed you were going to say that at least once during this conversation…”
Kagome’s eyes fluttered open to meet bright morning sunlight, and the golden orbs of her hanyou mate. She jumped back in surprise, but was calmed when she realized that he was simply asleep, his hand clasping her own. She knew he was worried; he was Inuyasha, after all, and her attitude the previous day had probably caused a million alarms to go off in his head. He would press her for answers later; this she had expected.Well, better late than never.
“Inuyasha?” she called.
His ears twitched at the sound of her voice, and his eyes opened. He blinked once and then smiled. “Good morning.”
She laughed at his goofy grin, some of her grief dissipating. “Good morning.”
“How are you feeling? Has the pup been bothering you at all?
”“I’m fine, and so is the pup.”
He breathed a sigh of relief. “Good. I was worried that after your little escapade last night you had contracted a cold.”
“No, I’m good.”
He squeezed her hand, his gaze disapproving. “We need to talk, koibito.”
“I know.”
“Koi, you know that you can talk to me, right? After last night….I don’t feel like you trust me anymore.”
“I trust you! I swear,” she said hurriedly, stressed by his admitted feelings on the matter. “It’s just…I’ve been really afraid that something is going to happen to the pup, and that-”
“That I won’t forgive you?” he finished for her. She nodded, and his ears drooped. He suddenly grasped both of her hands in his. “Listen to me now, Kagome, and listen good. You are my mate; you are the woman I love, the woman I cherish, and the only one I hold close to my heart. Nothing you say or do will ever make me hate you. I can’t afford to lose you; you are the other half of my soul, and I would die without you. If we lose the pup…we’ll both be sad, but I’ll just be glad that you made it out okay. I love the pup but…when it comes to this, your safety comes first to me. You’re the only one who has never wanted me to change my ways, and you never doubted me in battle or in anything else. I ask for that kind of attitude in this situation; just, please know that I trust you more than anyone in the world.”
“Inuyasha, I-”
He placed a finger on her lips to deny the words that were about to pour from her lips. “You are my life, Kagome,” he said, emphasizing each word.
There was a moment of uncomfortable silence as the reality of the danger ahead of them became clear. Inuyasha did not want to even think about what would occur during the pup’s birth; it made unease course through him and his hand flew to the hilt of the Tetsusaiga as if the sword was the key to helping his mate. A low growl ripped from his throat; the thought made him seep with fury. If he could help it, he would protect his Kagome from whatever came their way. Heck, he would even die if it meant that Kagome would stay safe. But when their unborn child came into the picture…he was frightened. He could not save her from that pain, and could only offer comfort when she needed him. The rest was up to her.
And he hated it.
“Oh!” Kagome yelped as the pup kicked her in the bladder. Her hands darted to her middle to soothe the distressed pup. She was relieved when it settled under her fingertips after a few seconds, ceasing its kicks and punches. She could feel Inuyasha’s eyes on her, asking her without words if she was in any pain. “I’m fine, Inuyasha; she was just stretching.”
“She’s been doing that a lot lately,” he said.
“Yeah. I guess it’s a good sign; it means that she’s healthy, and that’s she’ll be a kicker when she grows up. I wonder who she’ll be like? Me, or you?”
“Kagome,” he warned, “we’re getting off topic.”
She lapsed into silence for a brief moment, pondering her next words. Her mind turned blank. “I honestly don’t want to talk about it,” she said flatly. “It’s too depressing. And, look! It’s a beautiful day outside. Do you want to ruin a perfectly good day on something so morbid?”
“Kagome…” Again, the warning tone.
She looked away. “You already know how I feel; there’s nothing more I can tell you. Honest.”
“You’re going to be fine, Kagome; I promise,” he vowed.
“If you say so…”
She glanced up at him through ajar eyelids. “What?”
“The pup. I hope she acts like you.”
She visibly relaxed, rubbing her swelling stomach with her hands. “When I met Inume before, she was a combination of both you and me; stubborn like you, yet kind and gentle. I was afraid to touch her because she looked so fragile!”
“That’s how I felt about you,” Inuyasha confessed quietly. “And I still think that.”
“I’m not that fragile, Inuyasha.”
“Now that you’re pupped, you are.” He paused, his eyes sweeping over her. “You were so fragile before Naraku was defeated; I was afraid that I would break you. Not by touching you, but by allowing you to see what I truly was. Like, when I allowed my demon blood to take hold of me; afterwards, I had thought that you would deny me; I thought that you were going to tell me to get out of your life and stay out. But, then you hugged me, and told me that everything was going to be okay despite everything that I had done…No one had ever done that to me, except for my mother. You were there for me…and I was afraid that if I showed you any more bloodshed, that you would break. Do you see my concern?”
“I understand, Inuyasha; thank you for telling me.” She was beaming.
Inuyasha grew wary. “Why are you so happy?”
“Because you just told me your true feelings without blushing madly, and you weren’t embarrassed to talk to me.”
Red kissed his cheeks then. “And, that makes you happy?”
She grinned. “Yep.”
“Nothing has changed, then…”
Unexpected Calling
The task was clear as glass; any other reference to the deed would be a large amount of unwanted praise.
It was simple to find the girl to which he had been ordered to capture. She stood before his very eyes, kneeling before a grave, the hanyou absent from her side. A wicked smile crept to his lips. His need to kill the miko was great; his craving was an itch that needed a long-awaited scratching, and it would not relinquish until she was in his grasp. But disobeying orders meant his life in return, and it was not something he could sacrifice, even if it meant revenge.
Shinigami eyed the miko lustily, admiration for her beauty and gentleness flooding his senses. But he was the death spirit, and no woman would dare to ever fall in love with him; it was simply an irrelevant thought.
Fury tainted his mind crimson at the foreboding thought. What if he did disobey orders, and took the miko for himself? His eyes grazed over her silky raven hair that tumbled to her lower back, and the way her hazel eyes sparkled when she talked. The only predicament lay in her protruding belly, which carried the hanyou spawn’s child. He released a torrent curses internally, knowing that she would never love him in return because of her unborn child; she would definitely not come to him willingly.
"No matter," he said quietly. “I could use her body, and simply throw her away when I am finished. But, first, I will have to kill the child of hers…”
He could vaguely hear the approach of a human, realizing after a moment that it was simply the leader of the demon hunters. The man was tall with broad shoulders and short, greasy black hair that did not resign itself to the movement of the breeze. His dull brown eyes were icy, cold, and calculating; it was as if a small, individual battle between himself and a ferocious demon were occurring in his mind, and he was pondering moves, even now. Shinigami rolled his eyes. Why do I always get stuck with the human cargo? It is simply irritating. And this man is colder than I am!
“That is the miko, Shiyuko,” he told the man instead, not voicing his thoughts. “She is the one we are after.”
Shiyuko inspected the woman with pensive eyes before giving his opinion, “She would be beautiful if she wasn’t carrying a hanyou’s child.”
“Where is the hanyou, anyway? My men are surrounding her as we speak, and we are ready to attack.”
“Are your scents masked?”
Shinigami nodded in approval. “Good. The hanyou is nearing; I believe he has some news to tell the miko. Before I ended up here, I saw him arguing with a servant from the Western Palace of the dog yokai; the Lord of the West is apparently his brother.”
Shiyuko arched an eyebrow. “Lord Sesshomaru?”
“Why would an infamous yokai lord be associating with vermin? It is completely out of his character.”
“Does it matter?” Shinigami inquired irritably, thrusting out his words like daggers. “The focus is to capture the miko once he is unable to smell the distress in her scent. Knowing him, he will leave immediately so that he will come back earlier to be with his mate; he is leaves the miko alone for very long. Once she is ours, we take her back to your base and lock her away in that gloomy of dungeon of yours. Then the bait will be set, and the hanyou will be lured in. It is your job to kill him before he gets to the miko. Am I understood?”
Shiyuko nodded, his eyes drifting to the hilt of his sword. “I understood perfectly; we will not fail you, or your mistress.”
“That is expected. If not, your compensation will be a slow, painless death.”
“Yes, sir.”
Rising to his feet, Shinigami took once last glance at the miko before leaving the area. She will be mine soon enough, he convinced himself, smiling slyly. I just need to be patient.
The flame of anger was easily kindled at the appearance of Sesshomaru’s messenger.
Inuyasha had come back to the hut after a conversation with Miroku to find Kagome gone from the hut. Worried for her safety, and for the safety of their pup, he set out to find her…only to run-literally-into a small tiger demon.
The messenger was trembling like a leaf against the winds of a hurricane, staring up at Inuyasha with wide auburn eyes. He nearly collapsed into a faint when the hanyou narrowed his eyelids menacingly, glaring daggers. “L-Lord Sesshomaru requests y-your presence,” he managed to say through chattering teeth.
“Why would Sesshomaru want anything to do with me?” Inuyasha replied indignantly, crossing his arms.
“H-he didn’t give me the specifics of the m-meeting, but he ordered that you come i-immediately to the Western Palace.”
“And, you’re sure Sesshomaru issued this message?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Is he delusional?”
“Half asleep?”
“I don’t recall-”
“Lord Inuyasha!” the messenger said, aghast by the hanyou’s barrage of answerless questions. “Lord Sesshomaru is fairly well; he just wishes to see you.”
“Feh. I have a mate to take care of; her needs come first,” Inuyasha said simply, pushing past the shocked tiger demon.
“I-I will be punished severely for this, but Lord Sesshomaru wishes to discuss the pup’s inheritance in more detail with you, Lord Inuyasha,” the messenger said quietly.
Inuyasha paused in his trek, allowing his brain to soak in the messenger’s words. Debating broke out within him on whether or not he should heed his words. Finally, he relented, recalling his promise to Sesshomaru. “Let me tell my mate,” he told the messenger at last. “She’d be worried if I just disappeared suddenly. Stay here.”
“Y-yes, Lord Inuyasha,” he responded feebly, raking ashen hands through dark hair nervously.
Inuyasha knew he was too scared to disobey his command, and departed with that reassurance; he would speak to Kagome alone without a stupid messenger breathing down his neck, and would induce fear if it meant solitude with his wife.
He found her in her usual place- Kaede’s gravesite. He hated it when he found her here, especially if she was alone. He knew that she found comfort in this place, and would usually come here if something was on her mind; before he had not anticipated it, but now he did as he made his approach. She turned when he was a short proximity away.
“You scared me,” Kagome breathed.
“You shouldn’t be out here alone,” he said matter-of-factly, dropping to his knees beside her. “Yokai hunt around this time; you’d be the perfect meal.”
“I needed to think,” she said quietly.
“Don’t we all?”
She inspected him suspiciously, detecting a hint of anger and annoyance in his tone. “Inuyasha? Did something happen?”
“Yeah. I was summoned to the Western Palace by one of Sesshomaru’s servants.”
“Why?” she asked, incredulous.
“Apparently he wants to discuss the pup’s inheritance in more detail.”
“He doesn’t want the presence of own mother?
”“That’s the plan, I guess. Who knows what Sesshomaru’s got up his sleeve? But he’s seriously ticking me off.”
She smirked. “Doesn’t he always?”
“This time, it’s worse; he’s after my pup, and I don’t like it. What if her life is destroyed because of his influence? What if she grows up unhappily? If anything happened to her, I would take my threats to action and kill him, no questions asked. Anyone threatens my daughter’s childhood happiness better start fearing for their pitiful life.” His hands clenched into fists at his sides, and he released a low growl.
“You should go talk to him, then, and tell him your concerns. You’re providing the heir, not him; he should be appreciative.”
He arched an eyebrow. “You don’t mind?”
She dismissed his statement with the wave of her hand. “Nah. This is important; it’s our pup’s future we’re talking about. I’ll be fine.
”“I don’t know how long I’ll be gone…”
She kissed his cheek. “As long as you come back, I’ll be okay.”
Inuyasha, realizing that it could possibly be weeks before he saw his bride again, nervously pressed his lips to hers. He wasn’t surprised when she didn’t fight him, or his outburst of sensual passion; he knew her well enough by now to know that she enjoyed his kisses, no matter how rare they might be; it was embarrassment that held him back most of the time, and he had been dumbfounded when she had understood.
“I’ll be back soon,” he promised. “Don’t do anything strenuous, or reckless. I’ll make sure Miroku and Sango keep an eye on you.”
“I’m not a child, Inuyasha.”
“No, you’re not, but I don’t want anything to happen to you; you attract danger like a magnet. Just…do me a favor, and try to avoid all the danger and stuff. Promise?”
“Promise,” she agreed.
“I love you, koi.”
She grinned. “I love you, too, koibito.”
He cast one last longing glance at her before rising to his feet, his eyes glued to her as he retreated in the direction of the village. Then he was gone.
Kagome sighed, rising to her feet. The colors of the area seemed to fade before her very eyes, reduced to gray with each step her hanyou mate took. She knew his journey would be long, as would his stay at the Western Palace; arguments against the two brothers didn’t exactly end overnight, and this one would be the most heated of them all. During this extended period, she would be alone, and captive to her thoughts. This factor caused a bitter smile to rise to her lips. I don’t want to think about it, she convinced herself as she started back towards the village herself. I’ve been alone before, and I can surely be alone again; I’ll survive.
It was then that she was seized roughly by the arms.
A hand was placed over her mouth to halt the screams that rose from her throat. Struggling with her captors, she pleaded for Inuyasha’s return. She managed to turn her head, and found two unfamiliar men restraining her arms, wicked grins on their dirt-smeared faces. The manic glint in their eyes aroused fear within her. They were pleased-that she could plainly see-by the fact that she was at their mercy, and released a torrent of laughter that brought tears to her eyes. She was in trouble; deep, horrid trouble, and she could not fight back because of her unborn child. She was vulnerable, and they knew it.
More men emerged from the cluster of the trees, forming a circle around their comrades and their prisoner. One man, however, stood out from all the rest. He held a sort of authority amongst the group, as if he had all of their respect, and was quickly made a path in the direction of the distressed girl. And she recognized him.The nightmare she had had before her pregnancy; it was coming true right before her eyes, from the two men grasping her from her arms to the men surrounding them. A startled sob wrenched from her throat. Inuyasha was not here; he couldn’t save her this time. He was off towards the Western Palace without a clue of what was going on, and he would not be returning. She was alone.So she beseeched them for their mercy.
“Please, you have to let me go,” she wailed once the hand was removed. “I didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Nonsense, girl; you have done the unimaginable,” the leader snapped in reply. “You deserve no mercy.”
She struggled against the iron grips that held her back.The man slapped her across the face with the back of his hand, the ring on his finger causing a deep incision to form on her cheek. Blood dripped from the wound, and Kagome cried out at the sudden pain. He smiled in pleasure, and Kagome found herself stupid for not anticipating the consequences of her actions. She had known previously that he would hit her; she should’ve expected it, but she was too naïve and blind to see it. He tilted her chin so that she would gaze into his lustful eyes.
"Struggling is useless, honey; take it from an expert." He chuckled before adding, "Where we're taking you, you can struggle all you want, but nothing will come out of it besides the death of your child. Tell me: does the hanyou leave you alone like this often?"
Shock numbed her struggles.
No, Inume…
He chuckled darkly again and released his hold on her chin. "I knew it. You understand that hanyous deserve nothing more in life than death, correct? And any mate of theirs is an enemy of ours. Now, imagine if a hanyou's child comes into the picture; can you imagine the outcome, little priestess? Aren't you sad and angry now that he has defiled you with his child? Have you come to your senses yet?"
No, she raged mentally, fearing that if she spoke aloud that it would harm her baby's safety. Inuyasha loves me! He only left me alone to speak with Sesshomaru; he'll rescue me like he always does. He didn't want to part with me, but he promised me that he would be back. He promised! He would never defile me so dishonorably; it's totally out of his character. Inuyasha has more honor than all of these men combined!
She was stunned when she found herself thinking the same thoughts as she had in her dream.
"Nothing to say, huh?" the leader said, admiring her through narrowed eyelids. "I see." He turned to his men and yelled in a mocking tone, "The girl still has faith in her hanyou! Pathetic, don't you agree? Don't you think that we should show her just how much her hanyou has a distaste for her company? He probably used her body for his enjoyment, and once his child is born, I guarantee that he will steal it away and leave her alone. Shall we teach her a lesson, men?"
The men laughed and agreed in yells and shouts.
"Kill the child!"
"Let the hanyou learn a valuable lesson!"
"Show the world that hanyous are not meant to have a family!"
Kagome squeezed her eyes shut and willed the darkness of her mind to take her; she wanted to faint now and allow her mind to conceal her from the insults that the men offered about her beloved husband. She couldn’t bring herself to fight back; not now. She was frightened; there was no denying it. I should’ve been more careful, she told herself as more insults broke out. I should’ve listened to my dreams. Instead, I was blind and stupid. How could be so selfish as to neglect my own child’s safety? I’m so stupid…and now I’m going to be punished for it.
"Kill the child!"
"Let the hanyou learn a valuable lesson!"
"Show the world that hanyous are not meant to have a family!"
She resisted to the darkness without resistance, hoping that it would numb the pain of her heart.
Inuyasha…I’m waiting for you…I know you’ll…save…me…
From a distance, the Shinigami observed the capture. So the miko is finally brought to her knees, he mused, chuckling. I believe those demon hunters deserve a bonus for their work; it is truly remarkable.
She was beautiful, even in unconsciousness. She looked like a slumbering angel without wings, her dark hair framing her ashen face, as a man tied her hands and slung her over his shoulder. It was this act that caused him to grit his teeth. The girl is mine! he wanted to scream. He resisted the urge to sprint down into the group, pull the girl into his arms, and run from their spiteful glares with her warmth melting away the cold his skin supported. But that act was forbidden; he wanted her, but he could quell his cravings until the hanyou lay dead. Later, if given permission by his liege lady, he would take the miko and make her his own. Love didn’t concern him; he loved her, right? Why did he need her permission when he was a man? Her protests meant nothing.
“You will be mine soon, miko,” he murmured as the demon hunters departed. “I will not be swayed by the threat of death. You will belong to me, and no one else. Just wait until that hanyou is gone from this world; you will be too broken to even consider the emotion ‘love’ ever again, and that is when I will steal your heart.”
Blood. The crimson substance soils her fingertips as tears cascade down her ashen cheeks. The body in her arms was limp, not breathing…dead…Her thoughts morphed from coherent to blank nothingness in the flip of a switch. She couldn’t move; she couldn’t breathe.
Her soul was crying out, her heart bleeding, and the only reaction she could give was to sob uncontrollably as she caressed the dead body of her brother.
Death by Naraku; it was an unforgivable act, and one that caused Sango’s thirst for revenge to grow. She could see him out of the corner of her eye, at the mercy of Inuyasha, Miroku, and Kagome as they attempted to allow her a moment to mourn. She knew the moment would be brief, however; it would only be a matter of time before she would be forced to rejoin the battle. But she couldn’t bring herself to leave him; not yet.Kohaku, the boy who was the kindest, gentlest little brother she could ever ask for. He had played Naraku’s game involuntarily, and now he was paying the price for it. And she hated it.
Naraku had removed the jewel shard sustaining his life to torment her; now, she knew the true meaning of pain. She knew Inuyasha’s feelings when his mother died; she knew Miroku’s anguish when his father was sucked in by his wind tunnel; she relived the sentiments she felt when her family and friends had been slaughtered, and still felt the tender agony. It hurt worse this time, knowing that she was alone.
No family left to support her…No father to question her choices on a fiancée…No mother to smile yet cry as she allowed her daughter to marry off and start her own life…No little brother to hug her and give her courage when she needed it most…
Dead. Gone. Never coming back.
And that caused Sango to cry even more.
She glanced up at the voice that questioned her, tears leaking from her eyes. She wasn’t surprised to find the same droplets of water sparking in Kagome’s eyes, too, as the future miko’s eyes swept over her position. Sango knew Kagome felt the same pain she did; the girl felt remorse, too, at Kohaku’s unfortunate death, even though she had only known him for a short-lived period of time.
“Sango, I’m so sorry,” Kagome choked as she kneeled beside the distraught demon slayer. “This wasn’t meant to happen…”
Sango nodded, her eyes glued to the pale face of her little brother. Her grip on him tightened as the resonance of Naraku’s dark chuckles reached her ears. She wouldn’t let the sinful hanyou touch him again, even though he was dead; she would die before Naraku inflicted more pain on anyone. She stood her ground with Kagome sobbing quietly at her side, Miroku giving her an anguished glance, and Inuyasha growling threats at the threatening demon.
Dead. Gone. Never coming back.
She wouldn’t allow Kohaku’s sacrifice to go to waste.
Sango’s eyes flashed open from her night terror, her breaths coming out in rushed gasps. Beside her she heard shuffling, and turned to find Miroku at her side, gazing down at her anxiously. His hand caught hers and brought it to his cheek, their skin making contact. Sango visibly relaxed at the sensation; she was glad that Miroku was here to comfort her, even though he had no notion as to what was going on inside her subconscious.
“Are you all right, Sango?” he asked softly, eyes portraying his worry.She nodded her answer.“You must be tired; you’ve been dozing on and off all day. Looks like the twins took it out of you, ne?”
At his words, she turned her head to glance at the two small bodies cuddled against her side. Her expression softened, and Miroku added, “They’ve been sleeping as much as you have; you all must be exhausted.”
“Is everything going to be okay?” she inquired of him, her voice hoarse.
He dropped her hand for a moment to bring a cup to her lips. She drank it heartily, completely parched, in a way that any drunk would’ve been proud of. She barely tasted the liquid on her dry tongue, but it seemed to satisfy her raw throat. She was disappointed when it was lifted out of her reach.
“Everything is going to be fine,” Miroku answered in response to her previous question. He grasped her hand in his once again, giving it a gentle kiss. Noticing the fear that still lingered in her eyes, his brow furrowed. “Sango? Are you sure you’re okay? Please, don’t lie to me.”
She turned her head to avoid his eyes. “I…I had a dream about Kohaku’s death.”
Miroku nodded, understanding her pain. “He is in a better place now, Sango; there is no pain where he is. His sins are not his own, but Naraku’s, and I highly doubt he will contradicted for it.” He paused to distinguish her guarded expression. “It’s okay to be sad, Sango; you have suffered through a great loss, and you need time to mourn.”
She shook her head. “No. I should be happy. If it’s not for me, then it has to be for Mara and Kara.” She turned her eyes to her sleeping children. Reaching down, her face aglow, she scooped them into her arms, kissing both of their foreheads. She gasped when they cuddled closer to her warmth, clutching her sleeping robe with small fingers. A small smile reached her lips. “They’re my life now,” she whispered.
Miroku smiled and hugged her to him, relishing in the warmth of his new family.
“Inuyasha and Kagome should share in this moment,” Sango said after a moment. “They’re part of our family, too. Can you go to their hut and ask them if they want to come over to our hut for supper?”
His frown faded. “Kagome is home alone, actually; Inuyasha had to depart unexpectedly to go to the Western Palace. While you were asleep, he came by to make sure we kept an eye out for Kagome. I will get Kagome, if you want; I’m sure she’s tired of making her own suppers, especially now that she’s pregnant. Plus, if we’re supposed to keep an eye out for her, it might not be a good idea to let her dine alone.”
“Poor Kagome…Is she ever going to be left alone with Inuyasha without the prying eyes of others? I feel so bad for her…”
“I will collect her, then; she must be lonely.”
Miroku left the safety of the hut, the image of his wife and children fading into the background with each step he took. The sky overhead was bare of clouds, the sun warming the surrounding landscape and grasping the ambiance of peace. The day was perfect; Miroku felt as if Naraku had never existed in the first place, and that this peace had never died in the first place.
But this peace was short lived when he entered the find the hut naked of inhabitants.
It was midafternoon; Kagome should’ve been inside the house right now, like she always was; she only went to Kaede’s grave early in the morning or at night. Alarm coursed through Miroku, and sweat beaded on his brow. Pleading for a mishap, he rushed towards Kaede’s gravesite, holding on to the strand of hope that weaved itself around him. When he broke through the trees and found only the Sacred Tree and the grave beneath it, his spirits sank.
Kagome was gone.
She was exhausted.They had been traveling for three days in some unknown direction, and had been on the road since dawn broke over the hills. Kagome didn’t know how much further she had to walk; she didn’t the destination in which she was forced to go. Her feet ached with each step she took, yet she silenced her complaints and kept her eyes forward; she didn’t want to cause trouble.
She had woken up after her faint to find herself slung over a man’s back. Once he had realized she was awake, he barked out her status to the others and set her down roughly, tying her hands behind her back with a piece of rope. Then he sharply commanded her to walk. She obeyed without question, not willing to risk the safety of her child.
“Hurry up, you stupid girl!” a man snarled at her slowing pace, roughly pushing her forward.
She bit back the protests that rose to her lips.Inuyasha…Where are you? she thought. I hope you’re safe.
The traveling procession carried on without a word.
“What do you mean, ‘Kagome’s gone?’” Sango asked incredulously at Miroku’s news, eyes wide with genuine surprise.
“I mean that when I went to her hut, she was gone. She isn’t by Kaede’s grave, either!” Miroku’s scowl deepened at the reality of his words. “Inuyasha is going to kill us.”
“Do you think she was…kidnapped?”
“The thought has crossed my mind before.”
Sango bit her lip, suddenly worried for her friend. “Miroku, I’m scared. Perhaps we should send a messenger to Inuyasha; this could be a serious situation, and one that we should not be involved in.”
“I agree.” His eyes drifted to their still sleeping children, suddenly worried. “What if we are next, Sango? I fear they’ll take you along with Kagome. Perhaps they are angry at the people who killed Naraku, and want revenge? The possibilities are endless. I will send a messenger immediately; the sooner, the better.”
Human Cruelty Knows No Bounds
Rising tendrils of the morning sun peeked over the hilltops, the air becoming overwhelmed with the sound of songbirds. As the darkness of the night dispersed, Kagome forced herself to her feet, head bowed. Shrouded in the new morning light, Death itself stood before, examining her with an amused twinkle in its eyes. She had learned to live with that sort of examination; she had endured his fervent gaze for many days now-five to be exact. But-no matter how many times she tried-she could not help the shivers that overtook her body. She was scared; she couldn’t help it. The last few days had been torture. She had been forced to walk through many different terrains, and was exhausted from the effort. Of course, Death had watched her casually from his perch on a gelding, a smirk on his chapped lips. His powerful gaze was enough to make her cringe. And-through that action-she felt an eloquent sense of fear.
Sleep deprived and weary from travelling, Kagome’s tears were instantly relinquished whenever they came to her eyes; she was too exhausted to cry now. Still, a ribbon of hope weaved itself around her that her savior would come for her; that he would save her from this escapade. The demon hunters-as she heard them call themselves multiple times-had expressed no fear in the fact that she belonged to a hanyou, and that that hanyou would certainly thirst for revenge because of her kidnapping. She knew Inuyasha would be furious if he knew, and she clung to that thought as if her life depended on it.Death-or, so she called him; his name was still unknown-snickered as she stumbled.
“You’re lucky, wench,” he said flatly. “Our travelling days will be over soon. Try not to keel over before we reach the palace; you won’t serve us any justice if you’re dead.”
She nodded in response, unwilling to figure out exactly what would come out her defiance.
When she felt the lack of eyes on her, Kagome rubbed her stomach, hoping to soothe the pup that grew underneath her fingertips. Papa will come for you, she wanted to say. Papa will not let those evil men touch you.
A man saw what she was doing and called out to Death. Death halted his horse and dismounted, roughly handing the reins to a subordinate. He strode up to her, the dirt cackling underneath his boots. His dark eyes were narrowed, the wind running its fingers through his black hair. Kagome shrank back at his approach. She whimpered when someone grabbed her by the forearms, halting her retreat.He elevated her chin so that her eyes would meet his.
“You are a nuisance,” he snarled. “Why anyone would want you as their wife is beyond me. Don’t show any affection to that hanyou-spawn’s child; it will only quicken its death, as well as your own. It would be best not to test me when I’m in such a foul mood. Am I understood?”
She resisted the urge to spit in his face, but nodded to his question.
“Hmph. Watch her carefully,” Death instructed to his men, releasing his hold on her chin. His men nodded in agreement, murmuring words of consent as Death mounted his gelding. With a sharp command, they continued to move once again.
Threat or no threat, I’m not going to let them hurt Inume, Kagome told herself desperately, willing herself to believe it. I’m not going to blow Inuyasha’s one chance at happiness.
They travelled as the sun climbed higher into the sky. By the time they reached an abandoned castle, Kagome felt as if her feet would fall off. They marched past the castle gates and into the courtyard, where a crowd of demon hunters awaited. Women, men, and children watched with wide eyes as she was led into their sight, their eyes drifting to her stomach. She could see the disgust in their eyes; their fear. They cowered away from her when she came in proximity of them.
Death reined his horse in her direction, shouting, “This is the mate of a hanyou-spawn; his personal concubine, if you please. Now that she is pregnant, the hanyou will steal the child away, and leave her alone, just as she deserves. I doubt we need more abominations running around, do we?” At the chorus of “no’s,” he added, “The hanyou will come for her; of that we are sure. And we will kill him as well as his child! Then, then woman would learn the true meaning of suffering. Let them learn the stupidity of a hanyou and a human becoming man and wife-becoming mates! Humans and demons-especially half demons-should never be together!”
The crowd raised their fists to the air, calling out insults to Kagome as she was led away. Despite their insults, she wasn’t ashamed; she loved Inuyasha with all her heart, and she would not let a crowd of demon hunters alter her opinion of him.
Kagome felt a sense of apprehension as she was ushered into the dungeon by two hunters. Rubbing her stomach and murmuring sweet nothings, she suppressed a shiver at the sudden drop of temperature. The room was dark and damp; she could barely see what was in front of her eyes, and was glad for the torch that one of the men carried. In the cells, she could vaguely see a variety of demons. Some-to her horror-were dead. The men merely sneered in their direction and pushed her forward, not caring what her reaction was. By the time they reached her designated cell, she was near tears. She was pushed inside, and the barred door was shut behind her. A lock clicked.
The man with the torch chuckled. “This is what you get for settling down with a hanyou, you despicable wench. It’s a wonder we’ve let you live this long! Don’t worry, though; we won’t have to wait long.”
The men laughed as they departed, leaving Kagome to wonder what they meant.The darkness set in after the departure of the torch.
“What do they mean?” she whispered to no one in particular, fear lacing her tone. “What’s going on?”
“They’re going to kill you.”
She strained her eyes to peer through the darkness, and was shocked at the sight of a female demon in the cell in front of hers. She could barely see the waterfall of red hair that fell to the girl’s hips, or the familiar tail attached to the girl’s rump. Kagome gasped in realization. “You’re a kitsune!”
The girl nodded. “Yes. My name is Tilita, and I am from the north.”
“Why were you captured?”
Tilita scoffed. “Because I’m a demon; I thought that was obvious. And-because I’m captured-that gives them the excuse to do unspeakable things to me. You’re the lucky one; you actually get to escape this place!”
Kagome nearly choked. “W-what do you mean?”
“I mean that you’re going to die tomorrow, execution-style.”
“And that’s a good thing?”
Tilita’s expression softened. “You’re human, and you’re pregnant. All they have to do is kill the baby, and then use you in whatever way they want. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if you became their concubine in the next few days, if they take a liking to you. But-because they’re trying to kill your mate-they’re just going to kill you, simple as that. Do you know how many of us would beg for such liberation? We’re lucky to get fed!”K
agome sank to her knees, a sob wrenching from her throat. Tears sprang into her eyes. “We have to get out of here,” she whispered.
“Trust me, we’ve tried. Unfortunately, we’re in the lair of the demon hunters; they have all the weapons, and they could kill us before we take a step. That’s what happened to most of the demons that escaped. But, since you’re human-and pregnant, at that-I doubt you could leave.”
“I can try.”
Through the darkness, Kagome could see Tilita roll her eyes. “Fine, but you’re only quickening your death. Plus, you’re going to die tomorrow morning, and the guard doubles at night. How do you expect to make it out?” At her lack of reply, she sighed irritably. “I knew it. You humans are all the same; you act so tough, yet you can’t back it up. Be thankful for death, stupid; it’ll get you out of this crap.”
Kagome-lost in the tide of her sorrow-could not offer a reply.
“What do you mean ‘she’s gone?’” Inuyasha demanded of the messenger, the color of his eyes shifting between amber and crimson.
He had been in a trivial meeting with Sesshomaru about the pup’s inheritance-which was not interesting in the least-when a messenger had burst through the doors, asking for Inuyasha. The messenger grew pale as he relayed the message to the flustered hanyou, who watched him like a dingo watches a human baby. He didn’t expect the furious response that emanated off of the recipient once the effect of the message set in.
“Lord Miroku and Lady Sango said that she was simply gone, and that they couldn’t find her,” the messenger stammered. “Lord Miroku said that it was urgent that you return.”
Inuyasha slammed his fist down on the table, causing the messenger to flinch. “They should’ve been looking after her! How could she go missing?”
“Do not expect your human companions to do your own job for you, little brother,” Sesshomaru admonished. “If you had brought your wench with you, she would’ve received the greatest accommodations. In fact, I assumed that you would bring her along. Do not blame others for your mistake; it is your job to protect her, and you failed.”
“Shut up, Sesshomaru! I never asked for your input.”
“No, but you needed to hear it from somebody.”
Inuyasha shut his eyes as his demon blood threatened to take over. His Tetsusaiga was at his hip; of that he was sure, but it did nothing to dissipate the inevitable takeover of his other blood.
Kagome, he thought, picturing her facial features. Kagome! I will protect you this time; I won’t let anyone hurt you again! I promise!
His eyes flashed open, the irises as red as the blood that would soon stain his claws.He pushed past the awestruck messenger and made his way towards the exit.I’m coming, Kagome; don’t worry.
She didn’t succumb to sleep as easily as she wished. Once she was half asleep, a disturbing image would flash before her closed eyelids, and she would bolt awake, sweat beading on her forehead. The darkness offered her no comfort; it only seemed to increase her fear, if anything. In front of her, she could hear Tilita pace inside her cell, murmuring incoherent words under her breath.
Sensing the kitsune’s tension, Kagome asked, “Do you have a family?”
Tilita paused in her excessive movements. Kagome didn’t have to have night vision to see the pained expression that flickered on the girl’s face. “Yeah, I’ve got a family. In fact, I have a mate, and a son named Toyito. The demon hunters were trying to take my son, but I got captured instead. I don’t regret it.”
Kagome raised an eyebrow. “What about your mate? Has he ever attempted to save you?”
“Once. He was killed, and they made me watch as they cremated his body. I don’t know what happened to my son.”
“I’m sorry for making you remember such a painful memory; it’s not my place to ask you such a personal question.”
Tilita shrugged. “S’alright; I don’t care. What’s done is done, and there’s nothing I can do to change what fate has laid out for me. I just…I just hope that my son is okay; that he’s alive.”
Kagome offered her a small smile. “I’m sure he’s just fine.”
“Yeah…you’re probably right. So, what’s your story?”
“I’m an inu-hanyou’s mate,” she said quietly. “I was captured a few days ago near our village. He had to leave to speak to his brother, and he couldn’t bring me along, so I was left behind. But I was taken by the demon hunters, and that’s how I ended up here.
”“His brother is Lord Sesshomaru of the West, isn’t he?”
Surprised by Tilita’s reply, Kagome said, “Yes, he is. How do you know?”
“They speak of Inuyasha a lot around here; I assumed that he was your mate. A lot of people were surprised that Sesshomaru was his brother.” She laughed without a trace of humor. “I was surprised; Sesshomaru is one intimidating demon. I met him-once-by accident, and he nearly wiped me off the planet with his sword. Luckily, I managed to escape. Please tell me that your mate is not as idiotic as his brother?”
She laughed. “Sometimes, but he’s truly a great mate; I don’t think I could live without him. Sesshomaru…well, they don’t get along much, but sometimes you can see the resemblance between the two.”
“I can imagine.” Tilita was silent for a moment before reluctantly asking, “Do you really think we’ll get out of here?”
“Without a doubt,” Kagome replied bluntly.
“I…I hope you’re right. I want to see my son again.” By her tone, Kagome knew that the kitsune was near tears.
Kagome gripped one of the bars with one hand, staring at Tilita as she wiped away her tears. “You’re going to be fine,” she whispered. “I promise.”
Tilita snorted through her tears. “Promises mean nothing to me at this point; a promise won’t save me from death; a promise won’t bring back my mate. Why should I believe in your promises?”
“Have some faith, okay? If it’s not for getting out of here, then have faith in me; I promise I’ll find a way to get you all out of here.”
“You sound determined…”
Kagome smirked. “Maybe because I am.”
“You’re either really, really kind, or really, really stupid.”
“Compassion and annoyance are one and the same; without one, you cannot have the other. They are intertwined, and yet people misuse their purposes. You can choose to show kindness, but can you choose to become annoyed and bitter? Kindness is a choice, whether it’s positive or negative. Bitterness? Annoyance? Yes, I believe they are a choice. When did humanity become a race of theft, deceit, and lies? When did we succumb to bloody wars that ravaged the world? When did people start to take the fragile lives of others, and find joy in the process? Human cruelty knows no bounds.”
Kagome frowned as she replayed Kaede’s wise words. Releasing her grip on the bar, she settled back down into a comfortable position, preparing to fall asleep once again. Human cruelty knows no bounds, she mused, shutting her eyes. Is that really true?
She allowed sleep to take her then.
A Heart’s Despair
His resolve was as expansive as the Sea of Japan.
He was ardent in his task; not even the cruelest weather could halt his pursuit. The crimson of his eyes matched the dying rays of the fiery sun, the amber having departed from his irises. His extended claws were clenched into fists at his sides, and caused him no difficulty as he propelled his feet forward. His heart ached painfully within his chest. He had failed her; he had left her behind to face the perils of his absence, and now he alone was paying the price.
She must’ve been frightened, was his articulate thought. She must’ve cried so much…and I wasn’t there to protect her. What kind of husband am I to neglect my own mate’s safety? How will she ever forgive me?
“I’m coming, Kagome,” Inuyasha murmured to the empty air. “I won’t let anything happen to you again.”
Fleeting as he was in his thoughts, he couldn’t help the mental image of seeing a cold, dead shell of what used to be Kagome cross his mind. Her vacant hazel eyes…her deathly pale face…the chill of her skin…it was a picture that seemed to murder his very being. It assaulted his mind, and he did nothing to resist as all his mental barriers were cut down. His pace slowed involuntarily; this harbored thought did nothing to ease his worry, and, if anything, it only increased his strive to reach Kagome in time. Inuyasha had been lucky to be able to smell her scent; he thanked the kamis immensely for such generosity. He could smell the distress, the grief…the fear in her natural aroma. It sickened him; poisoned his intuition. He couldn’t help but feel vulnerable.
How can I expect to protect her if I can’t even protect myself? he asked himself. How stupid can I get?
Despite the predicaments set against them, Inuyasha did not blame Miroku and Sango; it was his fault that he had not escorted her back to their hut himself; it was his fault that she had been left alone.
Internally, he debated on whether or not he should release her into her own time; the well still worked as efficiently as it did before the jewel’s purification, and she would be safer in her own time period. But he couldn’t bring himself to relent to the idea. How could he allow her to go through the ups and downs of giving birth without him by her side? How could he allow her to leave him after they had finally gotten their one chance at happiness? He didn’t want to leave her alone.
But-then again-how could he let her get captured?
What does it matter? She probably won’t forgive me after this, he convinced himself. I put her through this unbearable fear, and now she’s going to pay the price for my mistake. I could only imagine what they’re doing to her…Pushing her through the well seemed like to liable solution to this problem. Perhaps she could start a life on her own, and learn to live without him. He stifled a growl at the thought of Kagome-his Kagome-marrying another man, and having children together. He would rather spill his blood on the rocky terrain than allow her to commit such an ignorant act against him. He was locked away in the prison of time, and escape was inevitable; it was unheard of, and he knew that he could never belong in Kagome’s world if he somehow pulled it off. Yes, he could possibly live 500 years due to the demon blood that flowed through his veins; yes, he could probably manage to survive long enough to once again find her in his embrace. But, 500 years…the time would be like yanking his teeth. And, he wanted her to be happy; he didn’t want to pain her by allowing her to say his face again.
She was human; he was hanyou. They were never meant to be together in the first place.
He wanted her to have a life, even if it was with a different man. The pup, however, was a different story…but it was one story that he didn’t want to hear at the moment.
“I’m coming, Kagome,” he murmured.
Fear flowed through her like the blood running through her veins. Her anxiety grew when the pool of torchlight lit up the gloomy halls of the dungeon, spilling light in her eyes and causing her to blink rapidly. She hadn’t seen the light in two days; she hadn’t seen food or water in two days, much less taste it on her dry tongue. Her strength had seeped out of her body as each hour passed, and now she found herself hunched over in the corner of her cell as she fell in and out of consciousness. Two men peered at her through amused eyes, wicked smiles on their dirt-smeared faces. The torch cast its light on her, allowing them to observe her trembling form. She was scared; she was cold, and her forehead burned with fever.
The men laughed in mockery of her misfortune. In the cell behind them, Tilita growled.
“You’re lucky, miko,” one of the men taunted. “We had delayed your execution earlier in preparation to capture your hanyou mate; we heard he was stronger than we made him out to be, and that we shouldn’t underestimate him. We have strengthened our defenses for his arrival, if he decides to show up.” He grinned. “Today’s the day, miko; I hope you said your prayers.”
Kagome had, but none of the Kamis seemed to be listening.
She shut her eyes and indulged herself in one last prayer as she was hauled to her feet. The men chuckled and released torrents of laughter at the tears that cupped her cheeks. Tilita’s growls increased in volume.
Kagome opened her eyes as she was led out of her cell. Her eyes focused on Tilita, who was grasping the bars of her cell in her fists. The two had become great friends during her short stay here; she couldn’t help but feel sad that she might never get to see her again.
“Be safe, Kagome,” the female kitsune whispered as they passed.
“You, too, Tilita,” Kagome responded softly. “I’m sorry for not keeping my promise.”
“You’re forgiven.”
Her trepidation adorned the remaining areas of her heart and squeezed out any lingering emotions that dared to cause a conflict. She shivered at the men’s contact on her forearms, their cold touch causing goose bumps to rise on her skin. I’ve got to get of here, Kagome thought, her fear only escalating. I can’t die…not yet! I’m not going to tease Inuyasha with a happy life, and then throw it all away because of my own stupidity! Inuyasha, please, you have to come…You have to save your child, if not me. Please…
They had reached the exit to the dungeon by now, and Kagome shielded her eyes from the harsh sunlight. The warmth of the spring air kissed her skin, and she shivered at the change in temperature. The sky above was naked of clouds, the breeze gentle and alluring. But-despite the calm ambiance-she couldn’t help but shudder at the sight that lay before her eyes.Death himself-with a sword in his hand-stood on top of a wooden platform in the middle of the castle courtyard. A grin was ushered to his chapped lips as she was led up the stairs and forced to her knees in front of him. Behind her, she could hear the murmurs of the small crowd of hunters as their gazes burned into her back.
Death approached her, his dark eyes filled to the brim with evil. “The time has come for both the miko and the hanyou to learn their lessons. Human and youkai are not meant to be together, ever! And, conceiving a child? Completely irrelevant! You are a blemish to mankind; you are vermin. You have betrayed your race, and there is no forgiveness. Accept your death, miko, for it shall not be brief.”
The crowd cheered in assent behind her back.Kagome shut her eyes as the sword was elevated.Her heart lurched violently in her chest as she realized the depth of her situation. She was going to die; she was certain of it. And Inuyasha would be too late.
I love you, Inuyasha, was her desperate mental call. I will always love you.
Pain exploded in her chest. An agonized grunt escaped her lips at the feeling of a blade within her, the blood rushing down her torso in a waterfall of red. Kagome lifted a hand to her wound, feeling the moisture of her blood staining her fingertips. Death watched her vehemently, preparing to let her bleed out; of this she knew with certainty.
The voice grew nearer as she collapsed to the ground. Before she could comprehend it, she was being caressed in warm arms, her limp body cradled against a chiseled chest. Molten amber eyes peered down at her through an array of radiant light, his tears falling like raindrops onto her face. But she could barely feel his warm arms around her through the excruciating pain that plagued her body. It was like a thousand knives had been plunged into her heart, and now her life force was bleeding out of her body with each passing moment. She couldn’t move; couldn’t breathe. She struggled to exhale, but her airways seemed to swell and reject any entrance of air.
Through the brilliant light, she saw an angel. But…angels didn’t cry, right?
“Kagome…Kami, I’m too late…” His voice cracked on late.
Kagome lapsed into stunned silence for a moment, her brain soaking in his words. He wasn’t late; he was just the opposite. He was here, wasn’t he? He would protect her like he always did, right?
His eyes were tender when they landed on her; she felt like if she said one thing out of place that he would break, like glass. And, the warmth that flooded into her heart…it was stimulating, and filled her with love. Her hand reached up to caress his cheek, only to find it layered in a thin sheen of tears.
Then she smiled.“You came for me,” she whispered past the lump in her throat.
In the distance, she could hear men yelling. Inuyasha growled and pulled her closer, burying his face in the crook of her neck.
“I’ll always come for you, Kagome,” he whispered. “Please…don’t die…”
She couldn’t find the words to reassure him; she couldn’t find the will to reassure him. Her mouth had stopped working; she had no control over it. Kagome could only stare into the eyes of her mate, who stared back at her with grief evident in his eyes.
She gazed at her savior with tear-filled eyes, a spasm of fear igniting within her. She would never see him again, much less feel the warmth of his arms. She was cold; her body felt like a giant block of ice. She could only wonder what Inuyasha was feeling at the moment, holding her dying body in his arms.
“I’m sorry, Inu…yasha,” she said, the words bubbling to her lips. She was surprised by the raspy tone of her voice.
“Why are you sorry?” he demanded of her in a sharp tone. “You didn’t do anything wrong; I wasn’t there to protect you, and you paid the price for it…Do NOT blame yourself, Kagome!
”“Sorry,” she mumbled again, the only thing she could think of to say. Her eyes filled with tears of pain, and of loss.
Never again would she see him.
The darkness closed over her eyes.
Eclipse Of The Heart
At first, he didn’t know how to react.
Her smile was still intact despite her lack of life. The blood was soiling his fingertips, his claws becoming bright red with her blood. He could smell her fear of death no matter how hard she tried to hide it; she couldn’t conceal it behind a smile this time. Vaguely he could feel his tears cup his cheeks. He couldn’t stand to watch another woman die in his arms; not like this. First Kikyo, and then Kagome…it was too stifling to bear. But this new pain…it seemed to slaughter his heart to miniscule fragments. The
agony was undeniable as it was excruciating; he couldn’t bear to lose her, not yet. To be subject to this pain for his whole life could easily defile all he worked so hard to build. He wanted her to be the mother of his children; he wanted her to wake up by his side for the rest of their lives, and to live with him throughout the ages. They had deserved it after all this pandemonium, haven’t they?
The pain that struck Inuyasha then was worse than a sword to the heart; worse than losing Kikyo all over again. Her body was limp in his arms, and he couldn’t halt the torrent of tears that sprung from his eyes. Moaning like a wounded animal, he clutched her to his chest.
Distantly, Inuyasha heard the yells of the demon hunters, and the brandishing of weapons. But he didn’t care about the approaching danger.
She was gone; she was far beyond his reach.And Inuyasha couldn’t help but be swallowed up by his own grief.
Vaguely, he could feel his youkai blood overwhelming his body. His eyes flashed crimson, adrenaline searing through his body. His heart eclipsed into his youkai heart. Gently laying Kagome down on the grass, the hanyou slowly rose to his feet. No one in the courtyard missed the red that glinted in his normally amber eyes. Inuyasha lunged forward, Tetsusaiga absent from his hand, and brought his claws down in the direction of the nearest demon hunter.
The man let lose a horrid scream as the blood gushed from his wound, his life seeping out of his body. He fell to the ground, obviously dead.
Like ants, the men started towards them, weapons aimed at his heart. Surprised by the agility and speed of the hanyou-gone-youkai, the men had little time to react before Inuyasha’s claws were upon them. Their weak assaults on him were easily thwarted; they barely fought back against him as his claws tore them all to shreds. Finally, he cornered the man who had killed his mate; his Kagome.
The man was in the corner of the courtyard, his sword raised to defend himself against Inuyasha. The sword trembled in his grasp as Inuyasha advanced toward him.
Inuyasha flexed his claws, sending the man a murderous scowl. “You’ll pay for what you did,” he snarled. “She didn’t deserve it!”
“She did deserve it, half-breed,” the man retorted, feigning bravery. “She mated you, a disgrace to all youkai! She deserved to die for her stupidity, as well as her child.”
Anger seared through Inuyasha at his words.
“You will die for what you have done!” he seethed.
With a growl, he released the fury of his claws. Upon impact, the man was stabbed with unimaginable pain; it was something that not even he could fight back against. The darkness closed over his eyes like wildfire, and his final breath receded from his lungs. He collapsed into the dirt, his screams dying away on the wind like an echo of a memory.
Narrowed crimson irises surveyed the landscape, obviously disgusted. Littered remains of human bodies decorated the span of his vision, the stench of decay assaulting his sensitive nostrils. As his eyes returned to their normal color, and the tattoos faded from his cheeks, he turned to his fallen mate.
Her ebony hair framed her ashen face, her blood soaking her kimono. This image taunted his sanity and threatened to throw him over the edge. She was dead; her chest neither rose nor fell to symbolize breathing, and her once rosy cheeks were as pale as a fish’s belly. And he knew-despite the hope that it might not be true-that his unborn child was dead as well.
“Kagome…” he mumbled, almost incoherently. He choked on his tears.
Risking a glance at his claws, he winced at the blood that smeared his fingertips. She would not approve of this; she would not approve this massacre. It was clear that the ball was in his fate’s court, and that he was simply a bystander, waiting for the outcome of the game.
In the midst of his thoughts, he was dumb to the blanket of rain that draped itself over his shoulders. Moisture soaked his body, causing him to release a violent shiver. The chilled air laid unmerciful kisses on his exposed skin as he gathered his dead mate in his arms, a scowl embedding itself on his face. His destination was clear.
He didn’t know how long he traveled, but his strive was clear. His legs propelled him forward, unaffected by exhaustion or grief. By sundown, he found himself at the Western Palace.
He brushed past servants and guards who dared to halt his advance, and soon found himself in the presence of Sesshomaru himself in the borders of the demon lord’s study.
The elder demon lord paused to distinguish Inuyasha’s physique before removing his eyes to the girl who lay in his arms. His eyes neither widened nor filled with tears, but remained impassive and calculating. His eyes swept over Inuyasha’s bloodied claws.
“It seems you have been busy, little brother,” Sesshomaru mused.
“Feh. Don’t try my patience, Sesshomaru.” Inuyasha gestured to Kagome. “Save her.”
Sesshomaru frowned. “She is dead.”
“I kinda figured that out,” Inuyasha sneered. “Use the freaking Tenseiga and save her! Save her and the pup!”
“I assume it is the death of your wench that sent you over the edge, has it not?” Sesshomaru ignored Inuyasha’s growl as he rose to his feet.
“Do not call her a ‘wench!’” Inuyasha snarled. “Please, just save her and the pup! I’ll get on my knees and beg if you want me to. Just…please…”
Sesshomaru seemed pensive for a moment, his gaze locked on the dead, smiling face of his brother’s mate. As if unconsciously, he unsheathed the Tenseiga.
“I will save your mate, and your pup,” he finally answered. He scoffed at Inuyasha’s surprised expression. “Do not misunderstand; I am only committing this act for the pup, since she will be the heir to the Western lands. But I warn you…the pup may not be able to be saved.”
Sesshomaru raised the sword, briefly admiring the imps of the underworld with narrowed eyelids. He sliced through the unworldly beings without strain, and exiled them to the underworld once more. They melted away with a cry of pain. He sheathed the blade as the girl’s soul returned to her body.
“It is done,” he said simply.Inuyasha pressed Kagome to his chest as she breathed her first breath of life. He glanced up at Sesshomaru, unconcealed gratitude in his amber irises.
“Thank you,” he said sincerely. “What is my consequence?”
“No consequence; just leave. I do not want human and hanyou filth in my castle if I do not need it.”
Inuyasha nodded. “I will leave.”
Carrying his mate, Inuyasha left the Western Palace.
Shinigami cursed at the scene before his eyes. Littered remains of humans soiled the dirt beneath his feet, the scent in the air enough to cause him to wrinkle his nose. Lady Sayurhi will not be pleased, he thought bitterly. The hanyou will pay for this.Suddenly, the intoxicating scent of blood reached his nose. He smiled at the aroma.
“So, the men have not failed me after all,” he mused. “The girl is dead. Now it is the hanyou’s turn.”
Turning on his heel, Shinigami fled the scene.
A spasm of apprehension coursed through Kagome's entire being when she opened her eyes from the invisible lock that held her eyelids together. She inhaled sharply at the adjoining darkness. She was simply floating in midair, her arms wrapped around her. The fear glided down her spine and caused perspiration to bead on her forehead. W-where am I? she asked herself, her eyes darting around the barren landscape in utter fear and despair. Tears brimmed in her pinecone eyes. What's going on?
The realization hit her like a bus: she was dead.
Wait! I can’t be dead, she insisted to the darkness, unable to speak the words that flew to her lips. I’m not dead! I can’t be! Inuyasha…where are you?
It was then that she was hit with the realization that she was never going to see him again.
“He is alive, Kagome.
”She nearly jumped out of her skin at the unfamiliar voice, eyes wide and filled with tears.
“He is waiting for you.”
Waiting for me? she thought. Is that…even possible? I thought I was dead.
“You must go to him. Do you want him?”
Her heart swelled.
"I want Inuyasha," she whispered, covering her face with her hands as tears spilled from her eyes.
Intense sobs wracked her body.She was astonished when heat kissed her skin and light appeared through her eyelids. She opened her eyes and removed her hands from her face. A void of bright white light was surrounding her, drowning her entire body in an ocean of untainted light. Kagome could feel herself falling, and a spark of hope ignited within her as she clung to consciousness. Perhaps this was her escape; perhaps she would make it out and be reunited with her beloved Inuyasha.The thought sent thrills through her.
The light consumed her, and Kagome opened her eyes.
Duel Of Conflicting Souls
Kagome reentered the world from a place of darkness. She glanced at her surroundings, recognizing the roof above her head and the hand that clasped hers. Blinking her eyes to clear the blurriness from her vision, she resurrected the morbid events that had occurred to her. She shuddered at the bitter memories.
The kidnapping…the prison cell, full of demons…Tilita…the sword, piercing her flesh as if it were paper…
She wondered if Tilita had gained her freedom, and prayed that the female kitsune had found her son.
But she couldn’t help but feel bewildered at the change of scenery. Since when had she arrived home? And, since when had Inuyasha fallen asleep beside her, his hand gripping hers tightly?
“He saved me after all,” she whispered to herself, a stray thought that had escaped the confinements of her mind. She glimpsed his sleeping face through teary vision, her body trembling with sobs. He had saved her, and their child; she was free from the men who had wanted to murder her.
Did murder me, she corrected herself. But, how am I alive? How could I be here? Unless…
A startled gasp escaped her lips, the unexpected noise arousing Inuyasha from his deep slumber.
His eyes opened, and molten amber met melted chocolate.
“Kagome!” he whispered at the realization that she was conscious. “You’re okay…”
She stared at him silently, her hand unconsciously reaching to cup his cheek. He laid his own hand on top of hers.
“What did you do?” she asked softly, stifling a sob.
He arched an eyebrow at her question. “What do you mean?”
“How am I alive, Inuyasha? I was dead! That man killed me. What did you do to bring me back?” The tears flowed endlessly now, a river of salty water running down her cheeks.
“I…went to Sesshomaru,” he answered reluctantly, frowning. “He brought you and the pup back to life with the Tenseiga.”
“The pup! Is she going to be okay? Oh, kami…”
“Sesshomaru said that…the pup may not survive…”
“No,” Kagome moaned, clutching her stomach. Sobs wracked her body. “No, no, no! This can’t be happening…I won’t let it…Kami…Please…Please don’t let me lose my child! Please!” She reached for Inuyasha, grabbing onto his hoari and sobbing into the fabric.
And Inuyasha broke inside.
“I’d die if it meant saving our daughter,” Kagome whispered, her voice muffled.
But Inuyasha could hear it as clearly as someone screaming.
He gripped her shoulders, leaning back so that she would gaze into his eyes. “Don’t talk like that,” he gently scolded. “Our daughter will be fine; I know it. Just…go back to sleep, okay? Everything will be fine once you wake up; I promise.”
She allowed him to lay her back down on the futon, her eyes almost rolling back in her head as she resisted sleep.
“Inuyasha?” she asked groggily.
“I’m here.”
“What happened to the other demons at the castle? There was a whole dungeon of them.”
Inuyasha grinned at his mate’s concern. “They’re all free, Kagome; I liberated them.”
“Thank the kamis…”
Her eyes closed, and she surrendered to sleep.
Tilita breathed in the fresh morning air, her lungs accepting the refreshment with gratitude. She stretched her aching limbs and released a moan in pleasure, a smile pressed to her lips. Her gaze focused on the rising sun.
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that, she thought. I never thought I would miss the caress of the wind on my skin. Thank you, Inuyasha, Kagome; I am finally free to do what I wish. You have saved me.
Mirth shone in her eyes as she recalled the event.
Kagome had left only twenty minutes before. Tilita was still gripping the bars of her cell, calling out every curse word in the book at the demon hunters. She couldn’t shake the feeling that Kagome was dead; that she would never be free. Kagome’s sacrifice was in vain.
And she was beyond angry.
Suddenly, the door to the dungeon was thrust open, the guard who was currently posted at the spot falling down the stairwell. Tilita didn’t flinch at the scent of death or blood that filled the air. The resonance of footsteps neared her, and she was astonished at the sight of a man-a youkai, she corrected-clad in a red robe came to stand in front of her cell.
His crimson eyes were narrowed. “Have you been trapped here for long?”
“I have,” she answered, wondering what his purpose was. Then it dawned on her. “You are Inuyasha, are you not? Kagome’s mate.”
Confusion shone in his eyes. “You know Kagome?”
“Yes. She was in the cell across from mine. She promised me before they took her that she would get us out of here.” Her eyes suddenly glazed over with worry. “Is she okay? Where is she?”
“She’s…fine. And…safe.”
Tilita frowned. “You’re lying; I know you are. What happened to her?”
“She was killed by the leader of the demon hunters. But she won’t be dead for long; I promise.”
Dead…Just like her husband…
Tilita found a tear streaming down her cheek. “She will be all right?” she asked, stifling a sob.
“She’ll be fine.” He assessed the locks that confined her, and broke it with one slice of his claws. “Get out of here, and take the other youkai with you; the keys are on the guard’s body.”
Tilita arched an eyebrow as she stepped out of her cell. “Why didn’t you use the keys in the first place, idiot?”
He grinned, and it was menacing. “Where’s the fun in that? Plus, I have to leave. Get them out of here.”
“I will.” When he turned to go, she added, “Take care of Kagome. I know that, somehow, you’ll bring her back to us.”
Inuyasha paused, keeping his back turned to her. “I will try,” he simply replied.
Then he exited the dungeon.
Tilita grinned at the pure excitement of being free once again. She had spent years in that dungeon, and was finally on her way to find her son. As she neared the valley nestled between the snow-capped mountains, she found herself coming face to face with a young man who had suddenly placed himself in her path.
Her breath caught in her throat.
His red hair was disheveled in the morning breeze, his green eyes filled with unshed tears. He was tall; taller than Tilita by at least four inches. Time had aged him; he was at least sixteen now, which made him a man. But, in her eyes, she was still the little boy he had been ten years prior.
“Toyito?” she murmured, stepping forward with her arms outstretched.
“Mother…it’s really you,” he said, launching himself into her arms. “I knew you would come back! I recognized your scent. I missed you, Mother…”
Tilita embraced him, filling her lungs with his intoxicating-and familiar-scent.
Thank you, Kagome, she thought, smiling. And, thank you, Inuyasha; you have freed me. Now, I can live in peace with my son.
“I love you, Toyito,” she whispered into his hair.
The sun dipped low beneath the horizon, tendrils of crimson, purple, and orange coloring the darkening sky. Faint memories of the same landscape from previous occurrences drew Kagome out of her reverie and thrust her into reality, her head spinning from the sensation. Releasing a shaky sigh, she rubbed her throbbing temples. I guess I woke up a little too early, she thought with a bitter laugh. She sought Inuyasha’s company, and found him by the fire, cooking breakfast.
The tantalizing aroma of freshly made food reached her nose, and she released a sigh in pleasure.
Inuyasha turned to grin at her. “Morning, sleepy head. Hungry?”
“Starving,” she answered, stretching her aching muscles. “Why are you cooking? That’s my job.”
He shrugged. “You needed your rest.”
“Thank you,” she said sincerely, smiling.
Contractions plagued her body as she ate. She tried to suppress her pain-filled expression for Inuyasha’s sake, but nothing could compare to the agony. She was surprised when yet another contraction came within what seemed like only fifteen minutes of the first one. Is it just me, or are they getting more varied? she thought, suddenly panicking. Then it hit her when moisture spread between her legs. Oh, no! Sango told me about this. I’m going into labor!
“I-Inuyasha?” she called, her voice feeble from shock.
His eyebrows knitted together at the tone of her voice. “What’s wrong, Kagome?”
“I-I think the baby is coming.”
He shot to his feet, eyes wide. “Now? Here?”
She nodded quickly.
“W-what do I do?”
“Find Sango, or a midwife,” she managed to say through the pain. “And, hurry!”
Inuyasha was reluctant to leave her alone in the midst of this pain, but nodded nonetheless; he had to find someone to help his mate.
He stepped out of the hut, only to find a strange man waiting patiently outside.
The man was clad in black leggings that paused at the boots that went up to his mid-calf. His tunic was burgundy with blood encrusted in the fabric. His black hair was disheveled, his crimson eyes narrowed, and his skin was ashen….too ashen to be human. A dark blade was held in his iron grip. Inuyasha regarded him with caution.
Inuyasha grasped the hilt of his sword. “Who are you?” he demanded sharply.
The man’s grin was cunning as he stepped forward. “I am the Shinigami, the spirit of death. And I am also the one who ensured the death of your mate.”
His eyes widened at the spirit’s declaration. He unsheathed his blade. “So it was you who did that to her…”
“Yes, it was me. Is that such a problem?” His eyes glinted in amusement. “She was holding you down, Inuyasha. But, don’t worry; you’ll meet her in the afterlife soon enough.”
Fury tainted Inuyasha’s vision red. He raised the Tetsusaiga. "Kongousouha!"
Diamond spears erupted from the blade of the sword. The Shinigami dove to the ground, avoiding the attack. Once the last diamond spear was gone, he rose to his feet, sword raised once again.
“That was nothing,” the Shinigami retorted, smirking.
“Feh. I’m just warming up!” Inuyasha replied arrogantly, raising his blade again.
A horrid scream from Kagome reached both of their ears.
The Shinigami’s smirk faded. “So the miko is still alive, eh? I thought the demon hunters had killed her. No matter; I can kill both her and you, and be done with it.”
“What do you want with her?” Inuyasha snarled.
“You’ll only figure that out when you’re dead, half-breed!”
The Shinigami leapt into the air, expertly flinging his sword forward towards Inuyasha’s unprotected back. Inuyasha tried to elevate the Tetsusaiga to block it, but his attempt was futile; the Shinigami was moving too quickly, and he could only brace himself for the pain that followed.
But a spinning boomerang thwarted the Shinigami’s attack.
The death spirit landed on the balls of his feet a few feet away, glaring at the taijiya who had just entered the clearing.
“Inuyasha!” Sango called, dressed in her former uniform. “Are you all right?”
“Help Kagome,” he commanded, ignoring her question. “I can survive.”
“Go!” he snapped at her defiance.
She nodded and started towards the hut.
Inuyasha visibly relaxed. Sango was Kagome now; Sango would help her.
Inuyasha pointed the Tetsusaiga’s blade at the Shinigami’s torso, snarling menacingly. “What do you want with Kagome?”
The Shinigami smirked. “Her death,” he replied bluntly.
Inuyasha-out of anger-unleashed the Kaze no Kizu. For once, the kamis seemed to take pity on him; the Kaze no Kizu cleaved the Shinigami clean in half, splattering the ground with the spirit’s dark blood. Inuyasha was about to release a cheer in victory, but the two broken halves molded together once more, and the Shinigami was once again alive.
“That was rude,” he merely said, raising his blade. “I am a spirit, remember? Mortal weapons cannot kill me! Give up, half breed, and admit defeat while it is still an option.”
“Feh! As if!”
“Suit yourself.”
The Shinigami lunged, sword elevated. The blade shone with an iridescent red as it neared, wisps of the Shinigami’s energy trailing behind it. Inuyasha had no time to dodge, or even to draw a breath before it was upon him. The blade pierced his flesh, excruciating agony stabbing his torso like a million daggers. Warmth erupted from where the blade had pierced.
“I’m surprised you have lasted this long,” the Shinigami mused, his voice near Inuyasha’s ear. “I had thought that you would be a challenge. Looks like I underestimated you.”
The Shinigami withdrew the blade and jumped back, watching with amusement as the hanyou fell to his knees.
“W-what the…?” Inuyasha wheezed, hands clasping his bleeding wound.
“You have been injected with my poison, half-breed; you will die soon. In fact, you must be paralyzed to the spot right now. Only my death will release you, which I doubt will happen.” He grinned slyly. “It looks like the miko is now mine for the taking. Have fun in the underworld, Inuyasha; your mate will soon be joining you.”
“No!” Inuyasha seethed. “I’ll kill you!”
But he couldn’t move to carry out his threat.
The Shinigami was now darting towards the hut, his blade elevated and prepared to kill.
And Inuyasha couldn’t stop him.
“KAGOME!” he shouted. But words could not help her now.
The Shinigami burst through the reed flap-
-only to be sliced in two by the Tenseiga.
The Shinigami crumbled to his knees before the feet of Lord Sesshomaru, the scene causing Inuyasha’s blood to run cold. The death spirit stared up at the cruel demon lord, an agonized expression marring his ashen face, before his body dissolved and dispersed into the wind.
“I failed you, my lady,” was his last dying whisper.
The pain of the poison faded from Inuyasha’s system, and he rose to his feet as Sesshomaru sheathed the Tensiega.
“What are you doing here?” Inuyasha demanded of his brother coldly, eyes narrowed.
Sesshomaru merely turned his back, and started his trek back to the Western Palace. “I was here to do what you could not,” he said over his shoulder. “You need to take more pride in the protection of your mate, little brother.”
Then he was gone.
Another scream pierced the air, and Inuyasha hurriedly sheathed his sword and lunged for the hut.
Inside, he found Kagome panting as she lay on the futon, her hands grasping Sango’s like lifelines. Perspiration plastered her ebony bangs to her forehead. He was alarmed by the scent of blood that shrouded the air within the hut, but quickly went to Kagome’s side, clasping her hand in his.
All thoughts of abandoning her in her own time suddenly dispersed from his mind.
“She’s going to have the baby any minute now,” Sango revealed. “I don’t know much about hanyou pregnancies, but apparently the baby is ready to be born; that is why her labor is so short. Do you want to stay, Inuyasha, or do you want to leave?”
“Stay,” he answered, never tearing his eyes from his mate.
The worst of the pain wracked Kagome at that moment, and she released a howl in pain. Her grip on both Inuyasha and Sango’s hands tightened until they were sure that their circulation would be cut off. The contractions became more severe, and she felt the need to push. It was excruciating; every contraction was forcing pressure on her tissue, forcing it to widen in preparation for the baby. She suppressed an agonized scream.
“Kagome, keep pushing!” Sango finally said, excitement coloring the tone of her voice. “I can see the head now! Come on, Kagome!”
“Kagome…” Inuyasha whispered, completely awestruck.
She cried out painfully as the head inched further and further out of her body. Over her pain-filled cries, she could barely hear her mate’s words or the encouraging words from Sango. She felt as if she was being ripped in half in the inside; like she was going to die. Her body stung and burned in ways she didn’t even know was possible, and she stifled more screams of pain.
“Come on, Kagome! You’re almost done! One more push!” Sango cried.
“You can do it, Kagome,” Inuyasha said.
Kagome mustered all her strength into the last push, squeezing her eyes shut and releasing a moan in pain, pushing until nothing remained inside of her. She lay there for a moment, attempting to even her breathing, when something was pressed into her arms.
Her breath hitched.
Covered by a blanket, nestling into her chest, was a small creature. From this angle, she could two dog ears at the top of the baby’s skull, as well as the wisps of ebony hair. No cries emanated from this little alien, but she didn’t care; she could only gape at the child that she had conceived out of love.
Her little Inume.
“Inume…” she whispered, her voice hoarse from screaming.
She lifted her hand to stroke the baby’s cheek, the sensation of it like satin under her fingertips. She heard Inuyasha inhale sharply, and turned to look at him. Tears assaulted his eyes as he gazed down at the little bundle in his mate’s arms. Kagome smiled at his reaction.
“This is…ours?” he asked hesitantly, almost disbelievingly. He peered down at the wrinkly creature in her arms, curious by the size of his daughter.
She nodded her answer. “This is our Inume.”
The couple didn’t realize the frown on Sango’s face as Kagome transferred the pup to Inuyasha’s arms. Basking in the glory that was Inume, nothing seemed more important.
Inuyasha smiled down at his newborn daughter, kissing her forehead and basking in her warmth. She was beautiful; it was obvious that the kamis had crafted her in Kagome’s image, but also his own. Her cheekbones were his; her eyes were his. Even now, they gazed up at him with such childish innocence, that he could barely contain his excitement. He glanced at Kagome, who was beaming as if he had given her the world. But it was just the opposite; Kagome had given him everything he had ever needed. A family…a daughter…a life…He couldn’t be any happier.
But Kagome caught Sango’s concerned frown when the taijiya attempted to hide it.
“Sango, what is it?” she inquired, worry lacing her voice.
Inuyasha glanced up at Sango quizzically, catching the spike of fear in his friend’s scent.
“Kagome…the baby isn’t crying,” Sango whispered.
“She’s alive,” Inuyasha snapped, pressing the child gently to his chest.
“Yes, but…usually the baby would cry after being born…”
Kagome’s eyes widened, and Inuyasha surrendered Inume to his mate. Tears sprung from Kagome’s eyes as the pup opened her eyes. Her eyes…The color of molten amber; the color she had inherited from her father. There was a slight chance that she would never see those eyes again…and the thought broke her.
Inume has to survive! she convinced herself. I’ve seen her…She survives!
“Do not misunderstand; I am only committing this act for the pup, since she will be the heir to the Western lands. But I warn you…the pup may not be able to be saved.”Sesshomaru’s words struck a raw cord in Inuyasha’s chest. He cursed the Shinigami with all his might, and the man who caused him to seek Sesshomaru’s aid. It was because of him that he was going to lose his pup, and he couldn’t help but feel guilty. How could I have been so stupid? he thought, watching as his mate succumbed to crying. I didn’t protect her…Now our pup is going to pay the price. How could I neglect their safety like I did? I should’ve brought her with me…I should’ve protected her better than I did. I’m such a failure! How will she ever forgive me?
“Kagome…” Inuyasha started to say, but he was cut off by his tears.
Sango was also wiping the tears from her eyes, but managed to say in an even tone, “I may be wrong, though, Kagome; she could survive. I just…I really hope she’ll be okay…”
Kagome nodded. “Thank you, Sango…for being here. I don’t know how to repay you.”
The taijiya dismissed Kagome’s comment with the wave of her hand, and disappeared from the hut to give the couple privacy.
“She’s not going to die,” Kagome whispered, placing a kiss on Inume’s forehead. “I know it. I saw her in my dream…I know she’s going to survive…”
“But, she’s not crying, Kagome; that’s not a good thing,” Inuyasha replied.
“I know, stupid! But she’s not going to die; I won’t let her!” She cradled the baby against her chest, choking on her tears.
“Sesshomaru said this would happen…”
She squeezed her eyes shut. “I refuse to let her die.”
Inuyasha scrutinized his child, frowning. “Maybe it’s a birth defect…”
“You’re right. Maybe…” She gasped, a single tear cupping her cheeks. “Maybe she can’t speak; maybe her vocal cords were cut or something. But, I don’t understand…That can’t be it…She spoke so clearly in my dream…”
“That’s the only explanation for it, Kagome; you saw her in a dream. In her dreams she could probably speak, but, here…I don’t think she could speak, Kagome.”
“At least she’s going to live, right?” She gazed up at him expectantly, tears in her hazel eyes.
He pulled her close, reaching out with a clawed hand to stroke his daughter’s cheek. “She’s going to be fine,” he whispered.
“You’re not…mad at me?”
“Why would I be mad at you, Kagome?” Inuyasha asked, incredulous by her question.
“Because she can’t speak; because I gave you a child that cannot live up to your reputation. I’m so sorry…”
Inuyasha was frozen in shock. “How could you say such a thing?” he demanded of her softly. “I would never leave you, or my daughter. So what if she can’t speak? She’s mine, you’re mine, and I would never leave the both of you. You two are my life…and I don’t care if she’s flawed. She’s mine; ours.” His eyes softened. “I love you both. And I’m just glad that she’s alive; that the both of you are alive.”
“You mean…you’re okay with this?”
He kissed her lips, making her swoon under the contact. “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he whispered when he leaned away.
The couple glanced down at their child, their eyes growing soft as they pressed kisses on her newborn skin.
Their life could never get more perfect.
Lady Sayurhi frowned at the news that reached her ears. “The Shinigami has failed in his task, you say?” she inquired, repeating the servant’s words.
The servant nodded, violently trembling. “Y-yes, my lady; the hanyou’s elder brother defeated the Shinigami with the slice of his sword."
“Is that possible? The Shinigami is an unworldly being; he cannot be killed by mortal weapons.”
“His elder brother used to power of the Tenseiga.”
“’The sword that cannot cut,’” Lady Sayurhi murmured. “Of course; it can only destroy beings that are not of this world, like the Shinigami. I should’ve known the two have been placed under Sesshomaru’s protection…”
The servant gulped, nodding. “It is most unfortunate, my lady. What are your orders?”
She smiled. “We wait.”
“Wait, my lady?
”“Yes. Allow the hanyou some peace with his mate and child…and then destroy everything while he is too engrossed in his serenity.” Her grin became sly. “He will soon pay for killing Naraku.”
It was almost impossible to comprehend the turnout of these morbid events.
At first, he thought his eyes were deceiving him. Was this really the girl he had fallen in love with those few years ago? Was this really the girl he had vowed to keep safe, no matter the consequence? Her eyes were the same, much to his pleasure; they still shone with innocence and purity, their color like melted chocolate. And, her hair…it was still the same shade of glistening ebony, but it was longer, and reached her waist now.
Another difference was the baby cuddled against her chest, her golden eyes peering up at her mother with newfound wonder. Inuyasha watched the two interact with a grin on his face, his-their-daughter clutching onto Kagome’s kimono with tiny fingers. But he was suddenly saturated in sorrow as he watched his daughter open and close her mouth, no words or sounds escaping from her throat.
He would never hear their daughter speak her first word, or any words at all.
She was mute.
He clasped his hand to his forehead, squeezing his eyes shut. The meeting with the village healer had proven the couple’s theory: Inume had a birth defect due to her resurrection from the Tenseiga, and she would never utter a sound in her whole life. The news nearly broke Kagome, but she was instantly relieved of such pain when she learned that her daughter would indeed live. Inuyasha, however, could not forgive himself so easily.
It was his fault; he knew it was. Because of his lack of protection, Inume would never speak to him, and Kagome was forever scarred; a large scar now marred the skin under her kimono, its size as large as the blade of a sword. The scar was his punishment for his crime, and yet his mate had to bear it for him.
Inuyasha released a low growl.
“Inuyasha? Are you okay?”
He glanced up at his mate, her fawn eyes drenched with worry. She had grown up; this incident had definitely aged her several years. The music of her voice was as angelic as it had been when she was still a youthful fifteen year old, yet it was colored with a knowing tone; a tone that indicated that she had seen many unimaginable things, and that she had gained experience from their lessons.
“Kago-” He started to say her name, but he didn’t wish to ripple her pool of happiness with his words.
He was rendered speechless just by staring into her ageless brown eyes.
“Something wrong?” Kagome suddenly asked, drawing him from his trance.
“Keh. It’s nothing,” he responded quickly, avoiding her eyes.
She suddenly leaned into his side, her head resting on his shoulder. A shaky sigh escaped her lips. “What are you not telling me, koibito? Please; I promise I can handle it.”
“No arguments, please,” she said, cutting him off. Her sharp tone certainly addressed her role as a mother, despite how foreign she was to the job.
He lowered his lips to hers.
Her soft lips against his caused tingles to surge through him. At first she was shocked by his sensual declaration, but eventually gave in, her arms wrapping around his neck. His fingers became tangled in the mane of her hair, her intoxicating aroma nearly causing him to become drunk with pleasure. He was saturated by the effect of the blissful kiss; he couldn’t help but try to deepen it.
He was disappointed when she leaned away, her cheeks tinted pink.
“I couldn’t breathe,” she explained at his dejected expression. “Are you sure you’re okay? You seem…off. Please, Inuyasha; tell me what’s going on!”
Inuyasha cringed as her voice relayed her tension. “I…I can’t stand it,” he confessed.
“Stand what?”
“I can’t stand that I can’t atone for what I did!” he finally said, his words confined in a shout. “I can’t stand knowing that Inume will never speak again because I couldn’t protect the two of you! If I hadn’t made it in time…if I hadn’t been there…Kagome, the two of you could’ve actually died, and there would be no way to bring you back.”
“You know I forgive you,” she told him gently. “And I’m sure that Inume will understand, too. Don’t blame yourself, Inuyasha; it’ll drag you down.”
Inuyasha shook his head incredulously. “I know what I did…”
She sighed, placing the now sleeping Inume in the wooden cradle beside the futon before attempting to rise to her feet. She swayed, nearly falling onto the floor, before Inuyasha caught her by the forearms and drew her to his chest. Kagome didn’t resist when he buried his nose in her hair.
“You need to be more careful,” he warned in her ear.
“Staying in bed for a whole week doesn’t exactly help my balance,” she teased, smiling.
“Feh. It was for your own good; you were exhausted.”
“Exhausted is an understatement.”
He pursed his lips, his eyes returning to their sleeping daughter. “If I could get her voice back, I would.”
“I know you would, Inuyasha; I don’t doubt that.”
“But it will never happen.”
Inuyasha suppressed the urge to kiss her soft lips again. Since when had she become so tantalizing? Red kissed his cheeks at his contemplation. Since when did I become like the monk?
Then it dawned on him. Holy crap. Why didn’t I realize it sooner? It’s mating season again…
“Inuyasha? What’s wrong?” She scrutinized his expression curiously. Her eyes fell on his red dyed cheeks. “Why are you blushing?”
“It’s nothing,” he responded quickly.
She giggled. “Your face is as red as the slap marks Sango usually gives to Miroku. Are you thinking of something perverted, oh husband of mine?”
He smiled at the resonance of her giggles. How long had he yearned to hear such an upbeat sound? Compared to his childhood period of solitude, her musical giggle meant everything to him. He didn’t want to admit it, but loneliness was the only thing he could draw fear from; he would spend many nights among the branches of the Goshinboku, drowning in his loneliness, but also afraid of spending the rest of his years alone.
With Kagome here…His face flushed at the sudden provocative thoughts of Kagome. Feh. I really am turning into the monk!
His silence was her answer. “I knew it! You are thinking of something perverted!”
“Shut up, wench,” he retorted, pushing her down on the futon.
Their lips touched, and their bodies melted into one.
Morning came early the next day…in the form of Sesshomaru’s appearance.
Inuyasha-who had been sleeping soundly-was instantly awakened by the grunt outside the reed flap to his hut, Sesshomaru’s familiar scent assaulting his nostrils. He hurried to dress, and managed to awaken Kagome in his haste.
“What’s wrong?” she asked groggily, her arm shielding her eyes from the abrasive sunlight.
“Sesshomaru’s here,” he said simply.
She, too, quickened her morning routine.
Inuyasha stepped outside the hut as his mate tended to their daughter, dressed in only his hakama and undershirt. Sesshomaru observed his clothing with narrowed eyes, his nose wrinkled in obvious disgust. “I see you and the miko have been busy,” the regal demon mused, raising an inquisitive eyebrow.
“Feh. It’s none of your business what we do,” Inuyasha sneered, but he blushed nonetheless. “What are you doing here, Sesshomaru?”
“It has come to my attention that the pup has been born. I feel it is my right to meet her.”
Instead of arguing, Inuyasha merely gestured for the demon lord to follow him into his hut; he would keep his word, especially if it meant the protection and happiness of his daughter.
Sesshomaru followed his half-brother into the hut, his regal grace forgotten in the presence of his niece. He stared at the young pup cradled in the arms of his half-brother’s mate, stared at the dog ears at the top of her skull, and at the signature amber eyes that proved her inheritance. But what struck him as odd was the pup’s silence.
“She is mute,” he concluded, still observing the pup and the flustered miko.
It was Kagome who answered him, “She was resurrected by the Tenseiga, but her voice was lost in the process. It’s a birth defect.”
“She is blemished; imperfect.”
Inuyasha released a feral growl as he moved to stand in front of Kagome, hoping to block any harm that the demon lord would inflict upon his mate and child. “She’s just fine, Sesshomaru,” he snarled. “If you denounce your word to make her an heiress, then that’s fine with me; she’ll be better off with us than living such a regal life in your presence.”
“I am not desperate for an heir, little brother, but I still extend my offer; her protection is guaranteed.” He glanced at Kagome, gesturing toward Inume. “May I?”
She nodded, and stepped in front of Inuyasha’s defensive stance to deposit the child in Sesshomaru’s waiting arms. He held her like she was going to break at any second, his eyes observing her features with interest. His surprise grew when Inume’s eyes widened, and she reached out to grasp the material of Sesshomaru’s kimono. A smile became visible on the child’s thin lips.
Inume cuddled deeper into Sesshomaru’s arms until her eyes closed from the effort, and she lapsed into sleep.
Sesshomaru’s mind was reeling. “You may take her back now,” he said stiffly, handing the slumbering child back to her mother.
Kagome cooed and kissed the pup’s forehead before laying her in her cradle, wrapping the warm, thick blankets around her daughter’s small body.
Inuyasha grinned at Sesshomaru’s obvious discomfort. “New for you, eh?”
“Hn,” was his brief response.
“Will she really be okay, Sesshomaru?” Kagome inquired of the demon lord worriedly, returning to Inuyasha’s side. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to him, never tearing his eyes from his half-brother. The couple awaited his answer.
Sesshomaru gave a curt nod. “I will live up to my word, as promised. The pup has been placed under my protection.”
Kagome smiled. “Thank you, Sesshomaru.”
“I will visit often as she grows to inspect her lifestyle. When she comes of age, I expect her to prepare for lessons on becoming the first female Inu-no-Taisho. Is that understood?”
“Depends,” Inuyasha growled. “When does she come of age?”
“When she reaches the age of sixteen.”
“Do we have permission to visit her?” Kagome asked, biting her lip.
“As often as she permits, yes.”
Inuyasha’s eyebrows knitted together. “And, what will you be doing when she finally reaches sixteen? It’s not like you’re going to die anytime soon.”
Sesshomaru avoided Inuyasha’s eyes as he replied, “I am waiting for Rin to come of age, as well. She is twelve at the moment, but when she reaches the age of sixteen…I will ask her to become my mate. I do not wish to become Inu-no-Taisho and hold on to my relationship to Rin at the same time. Father’s relationship with my mother as well as your mother was jeopardized by his being the current Inu-no-Taisho, and I wish to live in peace with my mate and any pups she might give to me.”
“So you’re going to dump all this responsibility on my daughter?” Inuyasha snarled. “How selfish can you get?”
“In sixteen years, these feudal times might be over, and your daughter will rule over peaceful lands. I simply want to be…happy…If your daughter chooses not to become the Inu-no-Taisho when she comes of age, I will respect her decision.”
Kagome covered Inuyasha’s mouth with her hand to halt his argument. “Do we have your word on that?” she asked, hope glistening in her eyes.
Sesshomaru nodded. “I give my word as the current Inu-no-Taisho.”
“What will you do if she refuses to become Inu-no-Taisho?”
“Then I will reclaim the title, as is my birthright, with my family at my side.”
Kagome nodded her approval. “Very well, then.”
“I…agree also,” Inuyasha finally admitted once his mate’s hand was removed from his mouth.
Sesshomaru nodded. “It’s settled, then. Sixteen years, and your daughter will claim the title Inu-no-Taisho.”
It was not something Inuyasha was looking forward to.