Summary: It sat there. Swishing softly when ever the wind would stir.Sesshomaru was asleep... I had to know what it was ,... and I had to touch it.
Categories: Drabbles, Humor Characters: Kagome Higurashi
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 105 Read: 2375
Published: 26 Jun 2011 Updated: 26 Jun 2011
Sesshomaru sat next to the tree farthest from the group. Inuyasha was up in the tre above me and Sango was sleeping soundly next to me.
But I couldn't sleep. I couldnt get my mind off of the thing next to Sesshomaru. That fluffy thing... What was it? Was it like a tail or a dead animal or something? It looked to soft,.. i just wanted to roll around in its fluffiness!!
Thats when I noticed him looking at me.
I blushed deep red and i heard a laugh escape his lips as he looked towards Rin.
"Miko, it's my tail."
Now if only I could touch it.