Twist and Turns of Love and War by xnightzxdaynaomi
Summary: Humans and Yōkai have been at war for ten years. Kagome Higurashi is the General of the Humans and Sesshomaru with Inuyasha are the Generals of the Yōkai. What happens when a Demonness betrays Inu and Sessh to save Kagome and ally her? And what happens when an even greater foe then themselves appears that they learn to fight together to face? And what’s with these new emotions that show up towards the one they hate, or so think they do? Read to find out. There will be many unexpected twist and turns in this story. SesshxOC, KagxInu
Categories: General, Humor, Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance Characters: Custom, Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kagome's Mom, Miroku, Naraku, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo, Souta Higurashi
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No Word count: 11219 Read: 29739 Published: 02 Jul 2012 Updated: 05 Jul 2012
Chapter 3 by xnightzxdaynaomi
Author's Notes:

So.... I hope everyone is liking this so far. 

I would be nice to get some review? I just might update this quicker if their are. *Hint Hint* 

The Twist and Turns of Love and War

Chapter 3

Kagome gasped as she saw the young yōkai fall from her window to the hard floor below. Forgetting that she hated the yōkai at the moment for killing her friends and family, she rushed over to the other side of the room and knelt on the floor, taking the young yōkai into her arms. He was out cold and bleeding from multiple bad wounds across his back that looked a lot like marks from a whip and a bad gash across his left arm that was the main source for all the blood that soaked his clothing. Now that she had a close view of him she was able to tell that he was a young kitsune, now more than a few years at least, but then she remembered that yōkai aged differently than humans, so he could be a lot older then he seemed. But forgetting about how old he was she stood quickly, yet carefully, and rushed over to the table she had, where she held small meeting with her friends and a few majors from the army, and laid the kitsune upon it. She grabbed the medical kit under her bed, filled with clean clothes, and herbal medicine, she made herself, thanks to Lady Keade. Lady Keade was the one who thought Kagome everything she needed to know, special when it came to her training her to become a Miko. Kagome and her parents never where able to figure out why, but when Kagome was born she was born with strong spiritual powers, and thus she was trained to become a Miko and a warrior, a great tool to use against the yōkai. Lady Keade also thought her about herbs and what plants could be used to cure certain wounds and illness. Kagome then began to tear off the torn shirt off of the kitsune and began working on the wounds on his front before she moved to the ones on his back. 
After a few minutes, the young kitsune was now clean up of all blood and all his wounds were wrapped, he now laid on Kagome’s bed sound asleep, wrapped up in warm blankets when there was a soft knocking on her door. Kagome glanced to the kitsune before she jogged over to the door and opened it to come face to face with no other the Sango. 

“Sango!!!” Kagome yelled with joy as she hugged her friend tightly. “I’m so glad you’re okay. I was so worried!!” She frowned slightly. 

“Kagome!!” Sango said with excitement as she hugged her friend back, happy too that she was unharmed. “I’m fine, I’m glad you where able to escaped. And I’m sorry about your father. He was like a dad to me too, I will miss him just as much as anyone else around here will.” She frowned, saddened by the lost. A two tailed cat purred on her shoulder, trying to give her a bit of comfort, and was petted on the head with a thank you. 

The two tailed then jumped from Sango’s shoulder to Kagome’s to do the same but stopped and hissed as it glared into the bed room, its tails up right. “Kirara what’s wrong?” Sango asked her fateful companion. 

“Don’t worry, Kirara. He means no harm.” Kagome said softly, slightly embarrassed that she was going against all laws and housing and injured yōkai in her room. 

“Who’s he?” Sango asked trying to peak around Kagome to see what had Kirara going nuts.

“Please Sango, don’t go overboard. He came to me asking for help, and he so young! I couldn’t turn him down.” Kagome pouted as she stepped aside to let Sango in to see. 

“Oh Kami!?! He is young. But how?” Sango said softly as she saw the young Kitsune sleeping upon Kagome’s bed. Sango never was one to judge Kagome, especially when it came to something like this. For she knew Kagome was a kind soul and could never turn down anyone when they asked for help even when they didn’t ask she still did without question. 

“I don’t know how he got up here. But he was in my window when I walked in and asked for help before he passed out.” Kagome said explaining what had happened and also explained the wounds the young Kitsune held, unsure as to how or why he has them.

“He must have done something the other yōkai didn’t like and escaped. But how did he know to come here?” Sango wondered, as she and Kagome sat there pondering how and what could have happened. 

Then Kagome’s eyes went wide with shock. “If he knows where this castle does that mean the others do too!?”

“Could be.” Sango’s eyes mirrored Kagome’s eyes, filled with fear. “If so we have to get ready they could attack at any time!” 

“But how can we be sure? Could they really know or not?” Kagome stood and began pacing the room thinking. Sango sat there watching her friend, worried about what could happen. If the yōkai did know where the castle was they would have to put up a strong defense, and hide all the civilians. But even she knew that they wouldn’t last long against them. Not even all the forces where here yet. It would take at least two more days before the last of the warriors arrive, and the yōkai army could attack them at any time. Just what could they do? 

“They don’t know where it is….” A soft raspy voice came from behind Sango on the bed. Making her jump to her feet in one swift moment, and then looking down at the Kitsune in another, with Kagome by her side. 

“Huh?” Kagome and Sango said at once. 

“They don’t know where this castle is.” The young kitsune said weekly. He eyes were only able to open half way with the little amount of strength that he had at the moment. 

“Then how did you get here?” Kagome asked, kneeling beside the young kitsune. “Do you hurt any where?” she asked in a soft caring voice. Like the one her mother would use on her when she was sick, or had gotten injured in anyway. 

The young Kitsune shook his head. “Only a little.” He paused and winced as he took in a deep breath that sent a sharp pain throughout his back. “Me and only one other know of this place. Did you happen to find her?” He asked his eyes pleading. 

“No we found no other.” Kagome glanced to Sango, who saw the look and understood nodding. 

“I’ll be right back.” Sango said and ran out the door, Kirara sat on the end of the bed still looking to the young Kitsune and mewed when he winced in pain. 

The young kitsune sighed sadly. “I hope she’s okay.” He closed his eyes. 

Kagome stood and walked over to the fireplace and arranged to logs to start a small fire. After it was started she placed a black tea metal tea pot over top of it and began mixing some herbs in it, all of this was done in about five minutes before she walked back over to the Kitsune and sat beside the bed. 

“What’s your name?” Kagome asked curiously. 

“Shippo.” The kitsune said weekly. 

“Well Shippo, get some rest. You’ll be safe here.” Kagome said and glanced at the fire. “And if we hear word of your friend, we’ll let you know.” 

Shippo nodded and drifted off to sleep dreaming of past events. 

Shippo’s Dream:

It was dark out, the sun had just set and I had just settled down next to a warm came fire. I’ve been away from Lord Sesshomaru’s place for two days now, searching for the Human’s castle, under Master Inuyasha’s order. Little did he know how I hated him so and that I only did this mission cause I got to travel and be with her. 

Across from me sat her, my best friend, my big sister. A young Demoness name Yuliana. She doesn’t remember who or what she is or where she had come from. No one in the Southern or Western lands seems to know who she is either, so she’s not really trusted by anyone but by me. I meet her about two years ago when a big fight was breaking out between the yōkai at the camp and I was caught in between. She saved me and I’ve been her friend since. Now she slept across the fire from me, and I watched over her as she slept. 

The night was strangely calm and quiet. No owls or animals where heard around us. The sky above was dark and moonless giving me this eerie feeling. But I kept watch all that night, nothing happened as the night passed on and the sun began to rise. Yuliana woke before day break. She put out the fire and carried me as it was my turn to sleep. She said we were close to the humans, that she could smell them on the wind, that’s why she was picked by Lord Sesshomaru himself. He trusted her more than the other yōkai, only cause of her unique ability’s to be able to sense and see things that where farther away than the rest of them could, that and she was faster and stronger than most, winning most of the challenges against the other yōkai. She only lost two, one to Lord Sesshomaru and one to Master Inuyasha. But besides that she had earned his trust and thus became Lord Sesshomaru’s second in charge despite everyone else hating it. 

It seemed like forever before Yuliana had awoken me from my sleep, the sun was high in the sky above us and we were crouched behind a tall thorn bush. As I woke I could hear the soft murmur of voices on the other side of the bushes and caught the scent of the humans on the wind. Yuliana sat and listen as did I. I was unsure as to what she was doing but after the voices had faded she jumped over the bushes and ran off across a wide opening. A followed her as best as I could, we were not seen by the humans as we ran by them in silence. There was only one place for us to hide and that was in the ruins of a burnt down shack. The rest of the land around it was treeless and grass less, nothing but dirt and mud for miles around, except for the little bit of shrubbery we where currently hiding behind. 

We sat there for a while as the day drawn on and night finally came and everything was silent. That’s when I finally looked to Yuliana; her face was lost in thought and pain. Did this place bring back a forgotten memory? “Yuliana,” I whispered her name and tugged on the sleeves of her battle kimono, a thin piece of black cloth, with silver swirls and stars on it. It came down to below her knees with slits up to her waist on each side. Below she wore cloth wrapped around her legs. A thin sword hung at her right hip in its sheath held by the silver obi around her waist. Her silver-blue eyes glowed in the little moonlight, and her dark black hair blended in with the night. “Are you alright?” 

My voice seemed to snap her out of her thought as she looked to me and nodded. “Yes…” she said softly. “I’m fine. Let’s get moving.” She said as she ran back the way we came. I wasn’t quite sure what we doing, for I thought that now that we found the human’s land we should take some evidence back to the others, but she just ran and I followed. It wasn’t until we were back on the yōkai land that she stopped in her tracks. “Shippo you must promise me something.” She glanced down at me, and I just nodded. “If you are ever hurt run back to this place and run to the castle. Go to the second floor window in the back, you’ll be safe there. I do not know why you will be I just have this weird feeling that you will. And please don’t let Lord Sesshomaru know of this, I hate to betray him but I must. It’s as if my destiny and my past lie with the help of these humans and I must find out why.”

I was confused and I could tell with the look on her face that she was too. But I nodded and understood. I wasn’t going to tell anyone and I believed her word. “But what of Master Inuyasha?”

“Defiantly don’t let that pup know.” She said her words thick. She hated Inuyasha just as much as I did. “No one must not know ever. Even if we must split up, never tell.” She said and picked me up, I was tired and she could tell so she carried me back to Lord Sesshomaru’s castle to tell them the bad news. 

End of Shippo’s dream.

Shippo woke as a warm liquid was poured down his throat. He awoke to find himself in a girl’s arm, the one that had helped him before, as she poured a warm nasty tasting liquid down his throat. He almost spit back up but she stopped him. 

“Don’t do that. I know it taste horrible but it will help heal your wounds quicker, please just drink it.” She said soothingly and he knew then that it was true and drank it. The warmth of the drink began to law him back to sleep. He fell back asleep, back to the dreams of him and Yuliana.
End Notes:
So please do Review and tell me what you think. More reviews = More chapters!!
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