Kagashe Trilogy: Part 1: Kagashe's Nightmare by Kagashe_AliAnn

A twist of Inuyasha and DBZ's Future Trunks world, but not a crossover.

Categories: Action/ Adventure Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Miroku, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Completed: Yes Word count: 8462 Read: 69122 Published: 26 Aug 2008 Updated: 20 Nov 2008
Chapter 9 The Revenge by Kagashe_AliAnn
Chapter 9

The Revenge

Sesshomaru, Rin, and Jaken, had come to Totosai’s hut and Sesshomaru said, “Rin stay here.” Rin said, “Yes, my Lord!” She then went inside the hut, and Sesshomaru and Jaken left to find Ciro.
Meanwhile, Koga’s and Inuyasha’s teams, had met where Ko Koa was. “I Ko Koa will kill Kikyo and join with Kanincha,” Ko Koa said. “You’re a bit late; Ciro absorbed Kanincha into his body!” Kagashe yelled, pulling out the Tetsaiga; the wind scar was surrounding the Tetsaiga at this time. “I don’t know who this Ciro is, but don’t take me lightly,” Ko Koa said. “Hah! Who said I was?” Kagashe yelled, running towards Ko Koa. “If you think your wind scar is going to affect me, think again,” Ko Koa said. “Hit the deck,” Inuyasha yelled, and everyone got on the ground; Kirara untransformed into her kitten form. “What’s going on?” Kagome, who was on the ground, asked. Inuyasha put his hand on her to keep her from getting hit, and he also kept his head down. All of a sudden, Kagashe unleashed the Backlash Wave, demolishing completely a shocked Ko Koa.
Ciro was looking in another area going down a river, when he realized, “I should have caught up with that demon by now. It doesn’t make sense unless it was killed.” Ciro blinked. “No it’s impossible, Kagashe barely knows the wind scar, and she wouldn’t be allowed near it. There is no way that demon is dead,” Ciro said.
Meanwhile, Sesshomaru and Jaken had come upon Inuyasha’s and Kouga’s teams, who were off the ground. “And just what do you want?” Inuyasha yelled. Ignoring his brother, Sesshomaru said, “So this was Ko Koa? Ridiculous.” He and Jaken headed back to Totosai’s hut; after they left, everyone blinked.
Three days later, Ciro said, “I would have caught up with that demon by now. There is no mistaking it, the demon is dead.” As the wind from the mountains whipped across his face, Ciro’s expression changed from frustration to anger. “I don’t know who killed it, but that human or demon whichever the case is going to PAY!” Ciro screamed. The dagger at Ciro’s waist, said, “Maybe it’s time to use me.” “Sounga Jr. maybe you’re right,” Ciro said. “We’ll kill all the teams,” Sounga Jr. said.
End Notes:
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and Charactors, they belong to Rumiko Takahashi.  I do not own the idea, that belongs to Akira Toriyama.  I do own Kagashe, Ciro, Ko Koa, Kanincha, and Sounga Jr.
This story archived at http://inuyasha-fanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=690