Summary: Smoke still rises from the Setsuna estate after the Great Dog Demon's sacrifice. Still clutching her newborn tight, cold, weak, and alone, Lady Izayoi returns to find her lover only to find one of his sons rummaging through the wreckage. This is the story how Izayoi survived that freezing cold night.
Tensions mount as the Great Dog Demon's top allies defect from Sesshomaru's leadership. Thanks to his mother, she convinces the allies to swear allegience to her other son, InuGenki, and thus creating the Eastern lands. After donning the his father's armor that was left to him, Lord InuGenki assumes rule over his lands as well as expand north.
Categories: Adult,
Angst/ Drama,
Action/ Adventure
Characters: Custom
Series: 犬元気 登場!Enter InuGenki!
Chapters: 1
Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 2348
Read Count: 2683