Reviews For Save Me From This Darkness Surrounding Me
Reviewer: InuYashaReader Signed 

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Date: 09 May 2009 11:04:24 PM Title: Chapter 1: Beautiful Disaster

Date: 09 May 2009 11:04:24 PM Title: Chapter 1: Beautiful Disaster
Interesting...I say a good start, you might want to seperate the letter a little to make it easier to read, but otherwise a great start! :)
Reviewer: BlueBloodedGrl0500 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 May 2009 10:41:29 PM Title: Chapter 1: Beautiful Disaster
Date: 09 May 2009 10:41:29 PM Title: Chapter 1: Beautiful Disaster
The note you wrote might look like a run-on paragraph.
Reviewer: BlueBloodedGrl0500 Signed 

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Date: 09 May 2009 10:39:01 PM Title: Chapter 1: Beautiful Disaster
Author's Response: That's my single problem paragraphs^_^ I was never really good at that. But I will preview before I post. I have another story I'm typing and it is definetly going to be better then this one!

Date: 09 May 2009 10:39:01 PM Title: Chapter 1: Beautiful Disaster
You need to seperate the paragraphs. Its pretty good! ^_^ you might just want to double check before you post a chapter. My computer does it to me all the time so I click preview before I post the chapter.
A good start to what might be a really good story ^_^
Author's Response: That's my single problem paragraphs^_^ I was never really good at that. But I will preview before I post. I have another story I'm typing and it is definetly going to be better then this one!