Date: 31 Dec 2010 2:49:56 AM Title: Chapter 4: The DateChapter 4: The Date Hey guys! Sorry for the wait, but here you go! I don’t own ‘Hey Lover’ by LL Cool J The Japanese in this chapter is followed by a translation in parentheses. W
cant wait for chapter 5 ^^ i have you on my favorites and cant wait to see what happens next.
Author's Response: Oh thank you!! Sorry it took forever to respond lol. I'm actually working on Chapter 5. I blame lack of inspiration and time for my absence! I have like 3 pages done...which isn't much at all, but it's coming along! Hopefully, I'll have it out soon. Thanks for the review!

Date: 12 Jan 2010 4:29:51 AM Title: Chapter 3: Patiently Waiting
yu must dont understand how much i LOVE this!! update soon!!
Author's Response: I'll do what I can as soon as I can lolz! One of my other stories (Sex Ed.) has been on high demand so I'm going to update that first then this one, okay? That one has the sexy demon Sess!! Thanks for the review!
Date: 08 Jan 2010 1:02:34 AM Title: Chapter 2: Enter...Kagome Higurashi
i LOVE this its awesome PLEASE continue the chapters i put this on my favorites.AND PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!keep up the AMAZING work please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Author's Response: I'll update as soon as I can. Since it's Friday, I'll work on it so you can have it (at the very latest) by Monday! Thanks for reviewing. I'm glad you enjoy it!

Date: 07 Jan 2010 9:58:09 PM Title: Chapter 2: Enter...Kagome Higurashi
A very nice start to this. I am looking forward to how their date will go and if Kagome is really innocent.
Author's Response: Oh, thank you!! I'll try to update soon! Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Date: 07 Jan 2010 8:22:11 PM Title: Chapter 2: Enter...Kagome Higurashi
wow..this is AMAZING..i LOVE the sneaky sexy demon trick he pulled..BRILLANT!!!..UPDATE SOON!!
Author's Response: lolz! Sexy? Yes he is! But, sadly, he's no demon in this one. I just couldn't part with his natural good looks though! I'm not that good with demon Sesshy but I do try! Thanks for reviewing!
Date: 04 Jan 2010 11:57:37 PM Title: Chapter 1: Send in...The Killing Perfection
opmg!!!!! this is awesome i LOVE it .pretty please with sugar on top update ! i cant wait i love the story .keep up the amazing work!!!!
Author's Response: Well I'm working on chapter 2 right now while I'm inspired so it'll be coming real soon. Thanks for reading and reviewing ;)

Date: 24 Dec 2009 10:19:26 PM Title: Chapter 1: Send in...The Killing Perfection
PLEASE UPDATE SOON!! i LOVE this so much!!!!
Author's Response: I'll try to lolz! Thanks for reviewing!