Reviews For SuperLuv
Reviewer: Pure Miko Signed 

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Date: 22 Jul 2013 12:16:36 AM Title: The Boy Who Won His Girl

Date: 22 Jul 2013 12:16:36 AM Title: The Boy Who Won His Girl
The song made this a little confusing but it's really sweet :)
Author's Response:
I know haha. I went back and re-read it and was like Oh lord this is confusing. I pretty much took Shane Dawson's video and wrote it into a fanfiction. I thought it was cute! haha! Thanks!
Reviewer: LadyyT013 Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Jul 2013 5:01:53 PM Title: The Boy Who Won His Girl
Date: 21 Jul 2013 5:01:53 PM Title: The Boy Who Won His Girl
cute :)
Author's Response: Thank you!