Reviews For When the Demon's Away
Reviewer: MajorOtaku Signed 

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Date: 25 Aug 2013 2:38:24 AM Title: Revenge is a Bitch and so is she...

Date: 25 Aug 2013 2:38:24 AM Title: Revenge is a Bitch and so is she...
I can't breathe lmfao ! Kagome let him know who's boss!
Reviewer: unicorn740 Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2013 1:36:26 AM Title: Revenge is a Bitch and so is she...
Date: 21 Aug 2013 1:36:26 AM Title: Revenge is a Bitch and so is she...
Now that was funny! A new twist to the beads. Nicely done!