Reviews For When the Demon's Away
Reviewer: MajorOtaku Signed 

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Date: 29 Aug 2013 2:11:53 AM Title: A Dream Come True or a Nightmare?

Date: 29 Aug 2013 2:11:53 AM Title: A Dream Come True or a Nightmare?
YES YES YES! InuYasha PLEASE break up with Kikyo! The situation is obviously begging you and Kagome to get together! You might never get a chance like this again!
Please update soon!
Reviewer: cutelittleears Signed 

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Date: 28 Aug 2013 1:52:31 AM Title: A Dream Come True or a Nightmare?

Date: 28 Aug 2013 1:52:31 AM Title: A Dream Come True or a Nightmare?
Just some constructive criticism. Superman's lover's name was misspelled. You wrote Louis. That's a guy name. Her name is Lois. Other than that, love the story.
Author's Response: Haha, thank you!!! I wasn't sure on the spelling and I was feeling to lazy yesterday to look it up.
Reviewer: unicorn740 Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Aug 2013 1:32:20 AM Title: A Dream Come True or a Nightmare?
Date: 28 Aug 2013 1:32:20 AM Title: A Dream Come True or a Nightmare?
Inuyasha definetly likes her!