Date: 02 Nov 2013 12:46:18 PM Title: Foot in Mouth
Hey! I saw this update and flipped out cause I have been waiting for this for ages. So so happy man, but just a hint. You like go from a normal convo to like a yelling brawl to like a pity party and back again too quickly. Just slow down that bit and you will have one hell of a fanfic! (See wat i did there black butler fans?!) Peaceeeeeeee, Inuyashas Hanyou. Oh and please update soon!
Author's Response: Haha, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Sorry it's been so long! Thanks for the advice, I read some of the chapters and see what you are saying. To explain why Kagome's moods are so jumpy; my sister went through something like this and her moods tend to do exactly what Kagome is doing... but she's always been a weird child haha! I'll tone down my mood swinging Kagome! BWAHA! (Sebby is the best by the way! Loves me some Black Butler!)

Date: 02 Nov 2013 1:17:49 AM Title: Foot in Mouth
Glad to see that you're back! I can't wait to see what happens next! Are they going to make up any time soon? Will we be hearing from Kouga soon? I just gotta know!
Author's Response:
Haha! I'm working on the next chapter now! It may be Sunday before it's up but I'm really going to try and have it done this weekend! -fingers crossed-
Kouga isn't coming back for a while but he will come back. -dramatic music plays-