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Reviewer: Seikker Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Mar 2014 9:22:48 PM Title: The End

I absolutely LOVED this fanfic. I am so sad that it's over. Is there a possibility of a sequel? Hope so!! 

Reviewer: LadyyT013 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Mar 2014 2:10:47 AM Title: The End

awwww :D...


loved this story !!!!


im just confused... why is it named "when the demon's away?"


Author's Response: I titled it "When the Demon's Away" because of Kouga. I set the title to follow the events right after he went to jail, thus "while the demon's away!" I hope that cleared it up a little. :D Thanks!

Reviewer: Inulover1993 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Mar 2014 2:05:00 AM Title: The End

wonderful ending!!! though im surprised about the koga thing. but i think it worked. anyways great story!!!

Author's Response: Kouga was a last minute add. I had thought about it all day and was like, "yep I want that!" I thought it would be a nice little end of Kagome's fear kind of push, to see Kouga was back to normal and apologizing. Thanks! :D

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