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Reviewer: Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17 May 2008 8:34:59 AM Title: Chapter 25

This is very good. As I recall I read some of this, but never had finished up on reading. I look forward to reading the continuation.

Author's Response: Thank you! You may have, this story was up for quite a while on AnimeSpiral. If so, I'm very happy you found it again to finish it. Thank you for reviewing!-Namiyo

Reviewer: Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17 May 2008 6:57:23 AM Title: The Revelation

Very interesting turn of events... Kagome a hanyou. Though it is not farfetched, I cannot wait to read more after I leave this review.

Author's Response: Ah, I'm glad to hear that. I really wanted to keep it at least plausible seeming. I'm glad, and I hope you enjoy it.-Namiyo

Reviewer: Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17 May 2008 6:48:23 AM Title: The End of the Beginning

I like the beginning. It is quite detailed and I can really see the scenes in my mind as I read.

Author's Response: Thank you very much. -Namiyo

Reviewer: pokiepal Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08 May 2008 3:32:58 PM Title: Chapter 25

that was a good start to a great trilogy!  Thank you for the good read I will be going on to the second one soon!!!  I really like your writting.  There is no boring dribble that so many other writers do.  I don't remember any lull in the story where I felt like saying "GET ON WITH IT!"  So thank you for such a well thought out and writen story!

Author's Response: Thanks! It's my pleasure, half the fun is people enjoying the stories. Ah, I understand what you mean, I feel the same wasy about stories that drag. Thank you for the kind review!-Namiyo

Reviewer: pokiepal Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 May 2008 1:08:14 PM Title: The Guest

I too really like this chapter.  It really helps to visulize inu and mir friendship. I am lovin the story so far

Author's Response: Thank you! -Namiyo

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