Date: 30 May 2009 8:40:54 PM Title: Chapter 6
Hopefully her departure will be a lesson learned for InuYasha. What could happen as Sesshoumaru's citadel in 3 weeks time?
Date: 30 May 2009 8:35:54 PM Title: Chapter 5
InuYasha has the foot in mouth syndrome. Sometimes you want to knock him upside the head. Kagome kind of did... go girl!
Date: 30 May 2009 8:09:09 PM Title: Chapter 4
Yes, indeed... It is kind of comedic how Kouga turns tail.
Date: 30 May 2009 8:04:39 PM Title: Chapter 3
Uh oh... that kiss sparked something with InuYasha? Oh, the embarrassment and shock... I would be if it were me... and possibly appalled.
Date: 30 May 2009 8:00:39 PM Title: Chapter 2
Very sweet. Kagome is always a tool of the kami. Always getting in trouble... a big source for amusement. :)
Date: 30 May 2009 7:56:47 PM Title: Chapter 1
Oh poor Rin... looks like Sesshoumaru might also be in for a lesson.
Date: 28 Jun 2008 4:31:24 AM Title: Chapter 5
eeep i loved this chapter
but one question do you really tink that abou Twilight because thats the best book i have ever read and edward is just so HOT hehehe and the book is not over rated xP
Date: 28 Jun 2008 4:11:10 AM Title: Chapter 4
haha this chapter was awesome i cant beleive kagome would beleive sesshoumaru i mean he keeps his word but never gives off enough information only letting their imagination do all the gory details haha
Date: 28 Jun 2008 3:57:45 AM Title: Chapter 3
holy crap she is in so much trouble.
please sesshoumaru save her!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: 28 Jun 2008 3:48:41 AM Title: Chapter 2
"oh hell" is something only inuyasha would say before a kiss hahaha
i think this is a great chapter
Date: 28 Jun 2008 3:41:05 AM Title: Chapter 1
i fing this story very entertaining and funny porr sesshoumaru must be in a panick right now and rin too hahaha
Date: 28 Jun 2008 3:32:20 AM Title: Chapter 5
You have me interested for more. I figured English would be the second language. Of course I don't know what Japanese students study but it makes sense to me! I was thinking that Kagome would be bringing a lot of health-type books for Rin, and possibly teaching her something like yoga or maybe a more modern phyiscal activity to do. I look forward to more, keep the chapters coming. :)