Date: 30 Dec 2008 1:00:39 AM Title: Interview8
That WAs AS funny as ever! I really enjoyed your story hope you make another fanfic soon!
Author's Response: Thankx!I plan on writing another fanfic too.But,it's going to be on another site.:(
Date: 30 Nov 2008 12:53:33 AM Title: Interview1
We should be friends

Date: 30 Nov 2008 12:49:36 AM Title: Interview7
I could not stop laughing.

Date: 21 Sep 2008 4:15:54 AM Title: Interview1
If I make a interview I want you to be my cohost Please

Date: 21 Sep 2008 4:04:03 AM Title: Interview7
That was incredibly funny!!!!!!! 10

Date: 20 Sep 2008 1:23:43 AM Title: Interview7
Poor Sango. lol. Great job Pooba and Cristin!

Date: 24 Aug 2008 5:01:33 AM Title: Interview6
I'm sorry! In my previous review, I completely forgot to give credit to Cristin! So, Cristin...I'm terribly sorry! You did a wonderful job as well, and I hope we'll be seeing you cohosting some more of these interviews!
Once again, great job guys!

Date: 21 Aug 2008 2:14:22 AM Title: Interview6
lol. This one had be laughing my head off! Great job, Pooba! Ten!
Also, I wanted to tell you that I added another story, just in case you wanna check it out... ;-)
Author's Response:
1.Thanks2.Cool3.You forgot about Cristin,my uhh...co-host....yeah that's it!

Date: 08 Aug 2008 4:28:44 AM Title: Interview1
Your interviews are a lot of fun to read, so I hope you continue to write them! Ten from me!
Author's Response: Thanks!!!!By the way,nice epilogue!!!!:D

Date: 08 Aug 2008 1:14:24 AM Title: Interview5
Lol! And HEY! YOU STOLE MY FUNNY FARM STUFF! I should have never given u the lyrics on neopets... =_= Oi...
Author's Response: And you stole it from Garfield,everyone's most favorite fat cat!!!:3
Date: 07 Aug 2008 4:19:10 PM Title: Interview1
THat was fantastic LOLz. Couldnt stop laughing!
Author's Response: What I said below!
Date: 07 Aug 2008 3:53:43 PM Title: Interview1
THat was fantastic LOLz. Couldnt stop laughing!
Author's Response: Thanks!I love hearing from my fans!!!Thanks for reading & reviewing!

Date: 06 Aug 2008 8:15:14 PM Title: Interview4
awsome that was funny poor mic
Author's Response: I know,I pity my mic too...........(I really don't even why I have one I mean,these Interviews are written!!!)......^0^;;(Don't tell anyone I said that....)
Date: 03 Aug 2008 6:54:57 PM Title: Interview4
ok. that must be one of the best fanfics ever, seriousely!
Author's Response: Uhh...thanks!This is actually my first fanfic....^0^;; well anyway I'm flattered that you think it is.

Date: 21 Jul 2008 10:08:42 PM Title: Interview2
Oh that's rich! ^_^"
Date: 16 Jul 2008 3:30:18 AM Title: Interview1
Author's Response: Thanks.XP