犬元気 登場!Enter InuGenki! by OmuYasha
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fanfiction/6374/images/InuGenki.pngThe Dog Demon General has passed away. Lady Izayoi is left to fend for herself with her newborn, and Sesshomaru is out on the prowl searching for Tetsusaiga's power. But, InuYasha has another brother? What motivates him to side with her? The Dog Demon General bestowes his clothes and armor to his second son, and with Sesshomaru gone, factions swear alliegence to InuGenki and break away starting his own Territory. Quickly, he recieves Tohoku and Hokkaido as dowry increasing his lands ten fold. Unfortunately, during preparations for his wedding, he finds out about Lady Izayoi's passing, and it's up to Lord InuGenki of the Northern Lands to find InuYasha before he gets killed!

Categories: Humor, Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance, Adult
Characters: Custom
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 2
Series Type: Moderated

Chapter 1: Requiem by OmuYasha Rated: PG-13 [Reviews - 2]

Smoke still rises from the Setsuna estate after the Great Dog Demon's sacrifice. Still clutching her newborn tight, cold, weak, and alone, Lady Izayoi returns to find her lover only to find one of his sons rummaging through the wreckage. This is the story how Izayoi survived that freezing cold night.

Tensions mount as the Great Dog Demon's top allies defect from Sesshomaru's leadership. Thanks to his mother, she convinces the allies to swear allegience to her other son, InuGenki, and thus creating the Eastern lands. After donning the his father's armor that was left to him, Lord InuGenki assumes rule over his lands as well as expand north. 

Categories: Adult, Angst/ Drama, Romance, General, Action/ Adventure
Characters: Custom
Series: 犬元気 登場!Enter InuGenki!
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 2348 Read Count: 2653
[Report This] Published: 28 Aug 2017 Updated: 28 Aug 2017
Chapter 2: Defection by OmuYasha Rated: PG-13 [Reviews - 1]

InuGenki begins to hit it off well with a priestess named Mitsuki whom he met at the Bone eater's well. After hearing about his father, Mitsuki's children make themselves known. Their mother teaches them a valuble lesson on making allies with strong youkai instead of fighting them.

 InuGenki leaves to recieve his father's momento from Totosai. After donning his father's armor, he arrives at his mother's castle where she outfits him with his father's clothing and hairstyle. Unbeknownst to him, his father's allies await for him outside to pledge their allegience to him.

After his meeting he comes back to rescue Mitsuki's youngest daughter, literally butchering the youkai like a pig. Mitsuki chooses to reward our hero for his deeds. 

Categories: Adult, General, Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance
Characters: Custom
Series: 犬元気 登場!Enter InuGenki!
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 3636 Read Count: 3551
[Report This] Published: 04 Sep 2017 Updated: 04 Sep 2017