Expansion Extravaganza by Kittyb78
Summary: A little story about why you shouldn't eat things you're not familiar with -giggle- FE.
Categories: Humor > One-Shots, Humor Characters: Ayame, Bankotsu, Kagome Higurashi, Kirara
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 831 Read: 1719 Published: 21 Jul 2010 Updated: 21 Jul 2010
Expansion Extravaganza by Kittyb78

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, only this plot line.

Happy Birthday Bobby aka Shippo-chan! :D

Kirara, Bankotsu, and Ayame.

Rated G

Kirara had snuck into Kagome's backpack, and was currently snacking on something she'd knocked on the ground.

Bankotsu was walking through the trees, pissed that he'd not found the mutt and his friends yet.

Kirara mewed as her stomach began to expand and she began to turn blue. Bankotsu blinked and started laughing as he pointed at the dark blue cat demon. "What did you get yourself into?"

Spotting the miko's bag on the ground, with all kinds of unusual things strew on the ground, he laughed. "Ah miko, where did you go?"

Curiosity overwhelmed him and he walked over and began sifting through the contents and held up a wrapped something. "Chocolate, eh? What the hell is chocolate?" he frowned before deciding to tear open the thing.

Sniffing it cautiously, he flicked his tongue on the strange thing and felt immense pleasure in his mouth. "Mmm, this is good," he said, before biting a huge chunk off. His blue eyes filled with bliss as the sweet stuff coated his tongue and trickled down his throat.

Stuffing the remaining bar into his mouth, he grabbed another one and ripped it open, shoving it into his mouth as well.

Ayame came by and sniffed the air. "Damn he's not here either, but that priestess was." Deciding to ask Kagome if she'd seen Koga lately, Ayame entered the camp sight.

Her eyes landed on the blimped cat demon that was the color of a blue berry and asked, "What on earth happened to you?" green eyes widened with shock.

Bankotsu mumbled, "Stupid cat got into something I guess," continuing to stuff his mouth with the strange sweets.

Ayame blinked, "Who are you?" as she stared at the stranger. He was strangely handsome- for a human.

Bankotsu stared at the demoness and snapped, "Don't go getting no ideas there, wolf. I'm not interested in any demoness, especially not mangy wolf ones." Before smirking and jumping out of the way of her kick.

He mocked, "Let alone slow ones," laughing and savoring his chocolate bars, as he continued to see the anger building in her green eyes.

Ayame huffed and her claws dug into her palm. "What makes you think I'd be interested in a human?" eyes full of anger at the insults.

She kicked at the pile of blue berries and got some of the juice in her mouth. Deciding she liked it, she consoled herself by eating some of the yummy berries. Minutes later Bankotsu looked over at her and laughed, "Ha, so that's what you ate, eh Kitty?"

Turning to Ayame he mocked, "You shouldn't eat things you aren't familiar with." amused by her deepening blue skin, as her body expanded, his expression growing smugger by the minute.

Laughing his ass off Bankotsu grabbed another candy bar and ripped it open, a smug smirk on his face. "See ya losers later," he said intending to walk off. "What the hell?" he yelled as his body stayed stuck to the ground, he too had begun to expand, but he wasn't full of juice, it was chocolate.

Ayame smirked and mocked, "You shouldn't eat things you aren't familiar with," staring into his angry indigo eyes.

Bankotsu scowled and yelled, "You just wait till I get free wench, then I'll teach you not to mock me!"

Ayame laughed, "As if you could," she shot back at him.

Bankotsu fired back, "At least my skin didn't turn blue,"

Ayame smirked, "I'd rather have blue skin then look like mud like you do."

Bankotsu's eyes widened and he looked down. His skin had darkened to a rich muddy color.

Kirara, who was the biggest of the three, mewled desperately as Kagome walked into the camp. Her bruneous eyes widened, and then she fell to the ground laughing. "Ah man, you guys got into my trick candy. I was planning to teach Inuyasha and Kikyo a lesson with it."

Bankotsu glared at her and demanded, "How long before this crap wears off?" flecks of anger in his deep eyes.

Kagome sat up and replied, "Well, that depends on how much you ate."

His eyes widened and Ayame spat out, "Ha, ha, ha, guess that means you'll be here a while, eh human?"

Bankotsu growled, eyes promising retaliation when and if he was ever freed from this confining spell.

Kagome knelt on the ground and began collecting her things. As she did, she said, "Well I'm off now, play nice you three." With that she dashed for the well and faded out of sight.

"Get back here miko! I'm gonna break your damn neck as soon as I get free!" Bankotsu bellowed, vowing whole heartedly.

Ayame laughed. "Serves you right Mr. cocky," she teased him.

Bankotsu put all his strength behind him and tried to move but was glued to the spot. "Damnit," he screamed as loud as his lungs would allow, sending birds scattering for miles around.

This story archived at http://inuyasha-fanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=1794