Good Kids by Sunset Miko
Summary: Kaede feels taken advantage of.
Categories: Drabbles, General Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Miroku, Sango, Shippo
Challenges: None
Series: Sunset's Drabbles
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 253 Read: 3398 Published: 03 Jun 2008 Updated: 03 Jun 2008
Story Notes:
Written for Issekiwa's exploit drabble theme.
Drabble by Sunset Miko
Author's Notes:

I do not own Inuyasha and Company, no matter how happy it would make me. Rumiko Takahashi does.

Written for Issekiwa's exploit drabble theme.

‘I swear, young people these days… no appreciation for anything!  I bandage their wounds. I keep them fed. They assume they’re welcome to sleep in my hut. Of course they are, but they could at least ask! ‘ Kaede frowned as she walked through the village to her overcrowded hut. ‘And they ask for this old woman’s advice, but do they ever listen? Of course not! They have exploited my kindness far too often.’


She was more than ready to throw them all out on their ears, after giving them all a well needed lecture of course. Her frown grew as she took in the sight of the small group sitting around outside her hut doing absolutely nothing. Sure, they deserved some rest, but lots of things needed to be done and she could use some help!


The old miko pushed back the bamboo curtain and froze as she took in the state of her hut. The little room was straightened, the floor swept, and hanging from the rafters were enough bunches of drying herbs to last months! Stacked in one corner were a supply of ramen and other supplies from Kagome’s time, including bandages and medicines.


Slowly the old woman turned around, coming face to face with three grinning teens and a very bouncy Shippo. Inuyasha was standing behind them trying to act disinterested, but his twitching ears gave him away. She thanked them one by one with tears in her eyes. ‘I always knew they were good kids.’

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