Summary: Inuyasha x Lilo and Stitch Crossover.
After unintentionally hitching a ride to Feudal Era Japan, Stitch finds friendship with the brothers Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. But when Naraku learns of this indestructable new demon, he sets out for a sample of Stitch's DNA to make one of his own! While Stitch battles his evil Demonic clone, can he also help mend Inuyasha & Sesshomaru's broken family?
It's Demons VS. Aliens in this action-packed humor story that teaches us that when it comes to O'Hana; Nobody Gets Left Behind...Or Forgotten!
Categories: General, Humor, Crossover, Action/ Adventure
Characters: Buyo, Jaken, Kagome Higurashi, Kagome's Grandfather, Kagura, Kanna, Kirara, Miroku, Naraku, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6
Completed: No
Word count: 4743
Read: 45987
Published: 03 Aug 2009
Updated: 25 Aug 2009
Story Notes:
Believe it or Not Fact: A story doesn't have to be rated R, NC-17 or X to be a great read! You can ACTUALLY have a story with a plot and everything without a sloppy orgy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wierd, huh?
Give non-hentei fics a chance once in a while! You might be pleasantly surprised!
1. Chapter 1: "Roustabout" by MW Roach
2. Chapter 2: "Blue Japan" by MW Roach
3. Chapter 3: "Ohana Means Family" by MW Roach
4. Chapter 4: "Oh Great...He's Loose" by MW Roach
5. Chapter 5: "A Formidable Opponent" by MW Roach
6. Chapter 6: "Now This Won't Hurt a Bit..." by MW Roach
Chapter 1: "Roustabout" by MW Roach
Author's Notes:
My favorite of my Inuyasha stories. I hope you enjoy it, too^^
“The Demon Who Cried Stitch”
By: M.W. Roach
Ch.1 “Roustabout”
Lilo paced in front of Jumba’s laboratory door. She turned impatiently and banged on it with her fists.
“Jumba! Hurry up! I need Stitch to help me train my army of earwigs to attack Mertle’s house!”
“Almost finished!” Jumba called back.
Moments later, the door opened, allowing Lilo to enter. She sees Stitch sitting on a table.
“He looks the same.” Lilo pointed out. “Did you do anything?”
Jumba smiled and stood by Stitch’s side.
“Stitch got upgrade. Now has Evil Genius Language Translator. Can speak and understand 33 different earth languages including Spanish, Dutch, Japanese, Portuguese and even ancient Hebrew!”
Lilo nodded. “Pretty impressive. How does it work?”
“Language Translator activated by high-frequency pitches.”
Lilo stared at Jumba blankly. Knowing the child had no clue what he was talking about, Jumba laughed and proceeded to explain.
“It reacts to whistles. When 6-2-6 whistles, he flips to different language, like remote control, no?”
“Ooh, cool…Go ahead, Stitch! Give a little whistle!”
Stitch licked his lips, whistled and began talking. “Hola! Lilo, me hablo espanol!”
“Cool! Umm…Jumba, how does Stitch go back to speaking English?”
Jumba shrugged. “Keep whistling. He’ll find it.”
“Lilo! Come here, quick!”
Lilo sighed at the sound of Nani’s voice.
“C’mon, Stitch.” She muttered as she headed out the door.
“Yo venido!”
Upon seeing her little sister, Nani handed her an open envelope.
“What’s this?” Lilo asked.
“Read it!” She encouraged eagerly.
Lilo opened the letter, smiling as she read it.
“Alright! A trip to Chicago to visit my cousin! Can we go?”
Nani nodded. “We’re goin’ alright!”
Lilo leapt for joy. “Stitch, too?” She waited for a response.
Nani sighed and looked at the ground. “I’m sorry Lilo.”
Lilo turne to Stitch, who was still stuck in Spanish mode. She clasped her hands together in a pleading manner.
“Stitch, I…I really wanna go.”
Stitch sighed. “Si, bien. Stitch permanezca aqui.”
Lilo sighed with relief and hugged her alien. “Thanks, Stitch.”
“De nada.”
Excited about the adventure ahead, Lilo turned to Nani. “Let’s go to Chicago!”
3 Days Later
Lilo hugged Stitch and kissed his nose before placing him in a cage at the kennel.
“I’ll be back in 2 weeks, okay?”
Stitch nodded. “Ih.”
Lilo waved good bye and left.
3 hours later, Stitch was already beginning to grow restless. He paced around in his cage. It was impossible for him to just sit in there for 2 weeks. He had to go with Lilo, no questions asked. He tore the door off the cage with ease and leapt out. He climbed up the wall to a high window. He punched a hole through it and took off towards the harbor.
Stitch was 20 minutes too late to catch Lilo’s ship to Honolulu. So, he hopped on another. It arrived another 15 minutes later. Stitch jumped off and looked around. The airport had to be around there somewhere. He perked up his ears and listened. He heard an airplane. He made a run for the source of the sound. He tried to control himself in the large city. He had to. He couldn’t disappoint Lilo by destroying the capital city of their home.
He traveled through the airport by crawling on the ceiling. There were so many terminals; he didn’t know where to begin. He didn’t even know where Lilo was going. All he knew was it ended with an ‘o’. A voice caught his attention.
“Flight 619 to Tokyo is now boarding.”
That’s all Stitch needed to hear. Tokyo ended with an ‘o’. That must be where Lilo was going. Now, he had to get on the plane.
After finding the plane he was going to board, he dashed outside to where a couple of guys threw luggage and pet carriers into the cargo hold. The boys were more interested in the stewardesses then their work. Perfect timing. Stitch scurried over to a pet carrier, kicked out the Yorkshire terrier that occupied it, and took its place inside. He was loaded into the plane. Once inside, he burst out and crawled inside a food crate. He wanted to surprise Lilo.
12 long hours later, the plane landed. Stitch pressed his ear against the side of the crate. The voices were muffled, but one of them sounded like an old man, the other, a woman.
“Your order is here, Mr. Higurashi. One box of freeze-dried Ramen. 112 packages.”
“Thank you, Ms. Hokati. This will help my granddaughter, which is ill with pink eye. A really bad case, too.”
“Oh, dear! Give her my blessings.”
Stitch couldn’t understand the people. Maybe Lilo’s cousin was Canadian or something? It didn’t matter. He couldn’t wait to see Lilo’s face when he popped out! He felt his box being lifted and set in a vehicle. After, yet another hour, the vehicle stopped and Stitch’s box was taken into a house.
“Kagome! The food is here!” The old man’s voice rang out.
“I’m coming Grandpa!”
Stitch perked up his ears at the sound of the girl’s voice. It wasn't Lilo, but her cousin, perhaps? Stitch took a peek from a hole in the box. The kitchen was empty. The old guy must have left. He quietly crawled out. Suddenly, a heavenly scent grabbed his attention. It came from a yellow backpack. He looked inside, then crawled in. Just as his rear end disappeared from view, Kagome ran into the kitchen, grabbed 6 packages of the Ramen, tossed it into her backpack, grabbed it and dashed out of the house. She didn’t appear to hear the low growl that rose up from the depths of her bag or the loud “Ow” that was spouted when she threw the packages inside. Stitch was being violently tossed around inside the bag. Kagome ran into the well house and hopped inside.
Inuyasha waited on the other side when Kagome appeared.
“You’re an hour late! What took you so long?” He snapped.
“I had to wait for the Ramen to be delivered! You wanted it, right?”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Let’s eat.”
Kagome set her bag down and reached for the soup. Again, she was, completely unaware of the little blue hand that was giving her the soup. Once the soup was done, everyone gathered around to eat. Now, it was time. Stitch exploded out of the bag, arms wide.
Chapter 2: "Blue Japan" by MW Roach
Author's Notes:
Title is a parody of the Elvis movie "Blue Hawaii"
Ch.2 “Blue Japan”
Day 1
There was a long, uncomfortable silence. Everybody just stared at the odd blue creature. Stitch looked around. He didn’t know any of these people, and Lilo wasn’t with them. He slowly got down on all fours.
“Uh…bark! Bark!”
Sango smiled. “Kagome, when did you get a…umm…dog?”
Kagome shook her head. “I didn’t.”
Miroku examined Stitch carefully. “I don’t think it’s a dog.”
“What is it then?” Sango asked.
“I’ll tell you what it is!” Inuyasha hissed. “It’s a demon!”
Inuyasha quickly unsheathed Tetsusaiga. Stitch backed up slowly. He was frightened. He didn’t understand a word these people were saying, and now one of them was threatening him with a sword. He didn’t know what to do. Kagome stepped to his rescue.
“Inuyasha! He’s not hurting anyone! He’s so small.” Kagome picked Stitch up and held up to Inuyasha. “See? Look how cute the puppy is!”
Inuyasha stared at the little blue thing. Stitch flicked his tongue out and jammed it up his own nose. He smacked his lips together and slobbered. Inuyasha shuddered.
“It’s disgusting. Put it down, Kagome before you get a disease!”
Kagome rolled her eyes. She pulled Stitch close to her body and began stroking his head, totally ignoring Inuyasha’s demands.
“I think we should heed Inuyasha’s warning, Kagome. We really don’t know if that demon is dangerous or not.” Miroku said.
“Why are you guys giving this little guy such a hard time? Shippo is a demon. Kirara is a demon, and they’re harmless.”
Kagome held Stitch up and smiled at him. “You wouldn’t hurt anybody, would you, little guy?”
Stitch didn’t know how to respond to the girl’s language. He did the best he could.
“Isa bisa bah?”
Kagome shrieked and dropped Stitch on his head to run and hide behind Inuyasha.
“It talked!” She squealed.
Inuyasha cocked back his sword. Everybody backed up. It was the end for the little blue demon.
The attack hit Stitch perfectly. There was an explosion and a cry. Inuyasha smiled to himself. His celebration was quickly cut short when the smoke began to clear. Stitch was unharmed, and now, he was mad. The group gasped.
“It didn’t hurt it at all!” Shippo pointed out.
A low growl came up in Stitch’s throat. Lilo wasn’t here and he wasn’t home. An old feeling came over him. His destructive programming had taken effect. The group watched as the creature grew another set of arms. Antennae sprouted from his head and spikes poked out of his back. He leapt on a rock, making sure everyone could see him.
“MEEGA NALAKWEESTA!” He shouted, ending with a maniacal laugh.
Inuyasha turned to Miroku. “My wind scar won’t work! Use your wind tunnel!”
Miroku jumped back. “Now way! I don’t want that thing in my wind tunnel! Try wind scar again.”
“I told you already! It won’t…”
“Inuyasha! Look out!” Kagome shouted, but it was too late.
Stitch kicked Inuyasha in the face, knocking him to the ground. Stitch then snatched up the Tetsusaiga and took off into the trees. Inuyasha got up, bewildered.
“That hurt!”
“It must be stronger then it looks.” Sango said.
Kagome walked over to Inuyasha slowly.
“The blue thing kinda ran off with Tetsusaiga.”
“WHAT?” Inuyasha jumped up frantically. “I’M GONNA KILL THAT DAMN LITTLE ABOMINATION!”
While Inuyasha raved, Sango and Miroku noticed that Shippo was nowhere to be found.
“Inuyasha.” Miroku said.
Inuyasha glanced up, agitated. “What now?”
“Shippo is gone too.” Sango said.
Inuyasha scanned the trees. Kagome looked around the bushes.
“Where could he be?” She asked.
Once he felt safe, Stitch stopped running. He held out the sword and looked it over. He snarled and began chewing on the blade. Yes, he planned on returning the sword…but in little tiny pieces. He laughed at his idea.
Shippo hopped through the trees, searching for the little demon that stole Tetsusaiga. A thought crossed Shippo’s mind.
Wait a minute! If that thing were a demon, it wouldn’t have been able to touch the Tetsusaiga! Whatever it is, I seriously don’t think it’s a demon.
Shippo stopped when he heard a snarl. He followed the sound and found Stitch, knawing away at Tetsusaiga’s blade. Shippo gasped and leapt from the tree.
“No! Stop!”
Stitch stopped when he heard the tiny voice. He looked up to see Shippo. Stitch dropped the sword and retracted his extra arms, his spikes and his antenna. No matter what, he would never hurt a child, even if it had a big, fluffy tail.
Shippo approached the creature cautiously.
“Please, don’t break Tetsusaiga.” Shippo pleaded.
Stitch tilted his head. “Gaba?”
Shippo shook his head. “I don’t understand you.”
Stitch couldn’t understand Shippo either. He didn’t want to, but Stitch had no choice. He whistled.
“Hola.” He said.
Shippo just stood there. Stitch tried again.
“Oi?” He said in Portuguese.
Again, Shippo stared blankly. Stitch growled in frustration and whistled again.
“Hallo.” He spat in German.
Judging by Shippo’s blank stares, Stitch tried again and again. Finally, he found it. (Conversations will be translated into English.)
“Ha…he…Hi.” Stitch stammered.
Shippo smiled. “I understood that! Hello.”
Stitch wagged his little stubby tail. “My name Stitch.”
Shippo extended his hand. “My name’s Shippo.”
Stitch grabbed the boys’ hand, picked him up off the ground and shook him about vigorously. Shippo laughed.
“Wow! You really are strong! Now that we understand each other, I really should tell you. Breaking that sword would mean death to me and all my friends. You see, Inuyasha turns into a demon whenever he’s separated from the Tetsusaiga. And when he does turn demon, he goes on a killing spree. So, you see, Stitch, you really need to bring back Inuyasha’s sword, okay?”
Stitch thought for a moment, then nodded.
Stitch grabbed the sword and slumped over. He motioned for Shippo to climb onto his back.
Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango, and Miroku’s voice rang out through the forest, calling Shippo.
“Look! There he is!” Sango shouted.
Stitch landed 10 feet away from the others. Shippo jumped off his back.
“Inuyasha, I think Stitch has something to tell you.”
Sango and Kagome looked at each other.
“Stitch? Is that his name?” They asked in unison.
Shippo nodded. Inuyasha walked up to the little monster.
“So, ‘Stitch’. What do you got to say to me?”
Stitch held out the Tetsusaiga. Inuyasha knelt down to take it. Just as his fingers were about to touch it, Stitch snatched it back and, with all his might, cracked Inuyasha in the head with the handle.
“Uchaba kuchiba!” He yelled before dropping the sword in Inuyasha’s hands.
“I think he said that he doesn’t want you to attack him with it again!” Shippo giggled.
Inuyasha got up slowly, rubbing his bruised skull. He looked at Tetsusaiga.
“What the-…He’s been chewing on it!” He yelled, cradling the beat-up blade.
While Inuyasha whined over his sword, Shippo was busy explaining to the others that Stitch wasn’t a demon.
“Well, if he’s not a demon, what is he?” Sango asked.
The group looked over at Stitch.
“Meela alien.” Stitch said.
Inuyasha grunted. “Don’t listen to it. It’s a demon.”
Stitch growled at Inuyasha.
“Stitch naga demon! Meela alien!” Stitch argued.
“YOU’RE A DEMON!” Inuyasha shouted.
Stitch didn’t have the patience for the stubborn idiot. He grabbed Inuyasha by the leg and flung him into a tree.
Chapter 3: "Ohana Means Family" by MW Roach
Ch.3 “Ohana Means Family”
Everybody excluding Kagome and Stitch slept around the roaring fire. Stitch watched in a trance as the flames licked the night air. It reminded him of the tiki torches back at home. He sighed when he thought of it. Kagome seemed to have read his mind.
“Home sick, Stitch?”
Stitch looked at Kagome. “Ih.”
Kagome stroked Stitch’s head. “Don’t worry. I’ll see what we can do first thing in the morning.”
Kagome lay down and drifted off to sleep, leaving Stitch to think. The more he thought about it, the more he thought about staying. Why should he go back anyway? So Lilo could lock him up again? Stitch couldn’t go back. He got up quietly and scurried into the forest.
Inuyasha’s eyes shot open when he heard the rustling of leaves. He watched Stitch disappear into the woods. He got up and ran after him.
Stitch didn’t stop until he was far from camp, at least 5 miles away. He jumped when he heard a twig snap. Inuyasha appeared, panting like crazy.
“Man, you’re fast! What are you doing running away like that? Kagome’s gonna bring you home tomorrow.”
Stitch backed up. “Naga. Stitch stay here. Mad at Lilo.”
“Lilo? Who’s Lilo?”
Stitch lay his large ears back. “Ohana.”
Inuyasha tilted his head. “Ohana?”
Stitch nodded. “Ohana means ‘family’. Family means ‘nobody gets left behind’.” Stitch looked away, tears in his eyes. “Lilo leave Stitch behind.” He whispered sadly.
Inuyasha nodded. “Oh. I see.”
“M…Maybe Stitch find new family.”
Inuyasha shrugged. “Maybe. Are you sure?”
“Ih. Will Inuyasha help Stitch?”
Inuyasha sighed and rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. “Geez, now?”
Stitch looked up at Inuyasha with big, soulful eyes. “Please?”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “Alright, alright.”
Day 2
The group awoke the next morning. Inuyasha and Stitch were nowhere to be found.
“Where do you think they went?” Sango asked.
Kagome shrugged. “I don’t know. Should we look for them?”
“Maybe Inuyasha is just showing Stitch around. After all, the little fellow said he lives on an island. It’ll probably do him some good to explore someplace new.” Miroku stated.
Kagome nodded. “So, we’ll just wait here, then?”
“I don’t see a problem with it.” Shippo said. “We could all use a rest.”
Inuyasha and Stitch rested near a creek. Inuyasha lifted his head and figited in his seat.
“I hafta pee. Stitch, wait here. I’ll be right back. DON’T MOVE.”
Inuyasha hopped off.
Stitch sat for a moment, then got up and left. His ears perked up in interest when he saw light peeking through the trees. Finally, a break in the forest! Stitch made a run for the light. He burst through the trees and took a deep breath of air. His eyes widened when he saw a tall, white figure gracefully make his way through the meadow. With it, was a large two-headed creature, a small green thing, and a little girl. Stitch smiled a big, tooth-filled grin.
Eagerly, Stitch ran over to the strangers. First, he approached the little girl. He wagged his little stub tail. Rin immediately took a liking to him.
“Lord Sesshomaru, look! A little koala demon!” She said happily, petting Stitch.
Jaken was the first to stop and see what the child was babbling about. He gasped.
“My Lord! There really is a small koala demon with Rin!”
Sesshomaru stopped and turned to look at Stitch. He didn’t know why, but he liked the little blue demon. He walked over to it and knelt down. He put his hand on it’s head.
“It has no demonic aura. It’s not a demon.” He said calmly.
Stitch smiled happily. Finally, someone who knew he wasn’t a demon! He liked this Sesshomaru guy! Eagerly, he leapt on his shoulder, stub wagging. Sesshomaru didn’t seem to mind. He stood up straight and continued walking; the little not-demon perched high on him. Rin followed, giggling. Jaken rolled his eyes and followed reluctantly.
Inuyasha returned to where he left Stitch, only to find Stitch was gone. He growled.
“Damn it!”
He followed Stitch’s scent to the meadow, where he watched in shock as his brother strolled by, Stitch sitting comfortably on his armor. Apparently, Stitch found his new Ohana; by stealing Inuyasha’s!
Chapter 4: "Oh Great...He's Loose" by MW Roach
Ch.4 “Oh, Great…He’s Loose”
Day 3
Inuyasha had followed the group silently through the trees for a whole day. He wasn’t sure why, but he was extremely jealous. Not for Stitch, but for Sesshomaru. That was his brother! Why should Inuyasha share his brother, even though he hated him and wanted to kill him?
Sesshomaru wasn’t stupid. He knew Inuyasha was following him. He smelled Inuyasha’s scent all over Stitch, but pretended to ignore it. He stopped the group to rest by some trees. Jaken wandered off, wanting to be alone to rant and rave to himself.
“Oh, I can’t stand that little…that little…monstrosity! I can’t imagine why Lord Sesshomaru is so fond of it! I ought to destroy that little runt with my staff!” Jaken yelled, holding the Staff of Two Heads high in the air.
He shrieked when his precious item was yanked out of his scaly hands. He looked up to see Stitch, perched high in the tree.
“Oh, you little monster! Give me that back!” Jaken demanded.
Stitch flipped himself on his head, put his bottom in the air and shook it tauntingly.
“Ooh-hoo!” He teased.
Jaken shrieked at the obscenity.
“Why you little…I’ll come up there and pound some respect into that fat skull of yours!”
Jaken eagerly tried to shimmy up the tree, but when ever he got close, Stitch bopped him in the head with the staff. Jaken was losing patience.
Stitch lay on his back and flipped his tongue out. It dropped over his nose and a long, slimy string of spit dripped down to Jaken’s head. Jaken screamed and jumped back. Stitch slurped the saliva back into his mouth and laughed.
“That’s disgusting!” Jaken shouted.
Stitch laughed again and shoved the staff into his mouth. He started knawing away at the head of the man. Finally, Jaken broke down into tears.
“Stop! You slimy little trog! LORD SESSHOMARU!” He sobbed.
Sesshomaru looked over his shoulder casually.
“That little monstrosity is chewing on the Staff of 2 Heads! And he drooled on my head, Master!”
Sesshomaru couldn’t help but chuckle at Stitch’s antics. He looked away from Jaken.
“Let him have it, Stitch.” Sesshomaru said quietly.
Stitch did what he was told. It wasn't necessarily his fault that Jaken didn’t catch it and it landed on his head with a sickening crack. Jaken got up, cradling his sore cranium. It didn’t help the soreness when Stitch leapt out of the tree and landed on the pulsating lump. Stitch bounced from the lump and landed perfectly on Sesshomaru’s shoulder. He turned and looked at the very angry Jaken.
“You’re a vile little savage!” Jaken yelled, shaking his fist.
Stitch smiled. “Also cute and fluffy!”
Chapter 5: "A Formidable Opponent" by MW Roach
Ch.5 “A Formidable Opponent”
Day 4
Stitch and Rin stood side by side.
“Okay,” Stitch said. “Put hands on hips.”
Rin did what Stitch instructed.
“Now, follow my lead.” Stitch said, ending with a hip swing to the left.
Rin swung her hip to the left too. She looked up in surprise.
The hula lesson lasted an hour or so. Rin performed a perfect hula dance. Stitch clapped happily. Rin reminded him of Lilo, and Kagome. Stitch’s eyes went wide. He’d forgotten all about Inuyasha and the others! He wanted to leave and tell them he was okay, but Rin wanted more.
“Master Stitch, show me what else you can do!”
Stitch thought for a moment, then sat down, put his feet into his mouth, and rolled around like a little ball. Rin clapped happily and laughed.
“One more!” She begged.
Stitch had been saving the best for last. He dashed over to Ah and Un, and grabbed them by the tail. With one big heave, they were lifted off the ground. Rin looked up in amazement.
“Lord Sesshomaru! Look!”
Sesshomaru glanced over at Stitch. His narrow eyes widened slightly. Stitch was enjoying the attention. He sprouted his two other arms. He grabbed Rin with one of them and a very unwilling Jaken with the other. To make things better, he began juggling his captors. Rin giggled with joy. Jaken screamed and squirmed. Ah and Un didn’t move an inch, but stared pleadingly at Sesshomaru, who continued to watch, amazed.
Inuyasha, too, watched with disbelief from the forest.
Man, I knew he was strong, but this is unbelievable!
Stitch set everyone down. Ah and Un crawled away, now afraid of him. Jaken scurried behind Sesshomaru. Rin leapt up and down with excitement.
“Isn’t he strong, my Lord?”
Sesshomaru just stared at Stitch, who had relaxed enough so that his spikes and antenna showed. Sesshomaru turned and began to walk away.
“Come with me, Stitch.”
Stitch followed. He went to retract his extra appendages, but Sesshomaru stopped him.
“I prefer you in this form.” He said quietly.
Once out of hearing range of the others, except Inuyasha, who had followed them, Sesshomaru unsheathed Tokijin.
“Stitch, I am going to test your strength. If you do not survive, I give you my deepest apologies.”
Stitch nodded nervously. Sesshomaru struck out with his sword. Again, Stitch was caught up in an explosion. After the dust settled, Sesshomaru stared in shock. Stitch was still standing, unfazed by the attack.
Inuyasha watched from a high perch in the woods. He wasn’t as amazed as his brother was. After all, if Stitch could survive the wind scar, he could survive a strike from Tokijin.
I think Stitch just might be able to kill Naraku! Inuyasha thought.
Sesshomaru lowered his head to think for a moment.
This creature is not as it seems. It looks like a harmless little pest, when in reality, it’s a dangerous weapon. My weapon. He just might be the tool I need to defeat Naraku.
Naraku watched Stitch through Kanna’s mirror. Kagura, too, watched from over his shoulder.
“Strong little beast, isn’t he?” She asked.
Naraku nodded. “I know what those two are thinking.” He said quietly.
Kagura looked at her master.
“Do you know what they’re thinking?” Naraku asked.
Kagura rolled her eyes. “I ain’t exactly a mind reader, you know.”
Naraku ignored Kagura’s rudeness.
“Those brothers are thinking of using that monster to destroy me.”
Kagura wasn’t buying anything Naraku said.
Paranoid idiot.
Naraku glanced angrily at his creation. “Mind your tongue and your thoughts, Kagura.” He warned.
Kagura looked away, embarrassed. Naraku smiled. He had an idea.
“Go get me some of the creature’s blood.”
Kagura looked at her master. “What? Why?”
“Do as your told. You’ll see.”
Kagura went to leave.
“Wait.” Naraku said.
Kagura looked over at him. He handed her a wooden golom.
“Use this to distract Inuyasha and Sesshomaru, or you’ll never be able to get close enough.”
Kagura nodded and whipped her feather out from her hair. She hopped on it and flew off into the night. Naraku smiled again at his wicked plan.
Chapter 6: "Now This Won't Hurt a Bit..." by MW Roach
Author's Notes:
3 new chapter for ya....not like anyone's reading it anyway.
Ch.6 “Now, This Won’t Hurt a Bit…”
Day 5
In the early morning, Kagura flew over the place where Sesshomaru was, then over the forest where Inuyasha was. She grabbed the golom and threw down into the woods. Then flew higher to wait for the boys to get distracted.
Inuyasha perked up his ears and sniffed the air. He smelled Naraku. He was close. He leapt away towards the scent.
Sesshomaru, too, smelled Naraku in the forest where Inuyasha was. He ran towards it.
“What is Lord Sesshomaru?” Jaken asked.
“Naraku.” Sesshomaru said quietly.
Jaken ran to catch up with his master. “I’m going with you, Master. Rin, take Ah and Un and go hide.”
Rin did what she was told and hid in a cluster of trees. Stitch stayed put. He didn’t know who Naraku was, but he wasn’t afraid.
In the forest, Inuyasha battled the Naraku puppet. Sesshomaru arrived shortly after the puppet took shape.
“Oh, great. What do you want?” Inuyasha sassed, trying to hold the beasts’ tentacles at bay with his claws.
Sesshomaru didn’t answer. He tore out Tokijin and struck. The puppet dodged and lashed out with one of its mighty appendages.
“Oh, that was graceful.” Inuyasha said sarcastically. “It’s too fast, stupid! Don’t you think I tried Tetsusaiga already?”
Sesshomaru glared angrily at his brother and yanked out his whip.
“I’ll slice your face clean off when I’m through with this demon, Inuyasha. I assure you.” Sesshomaru said calmly.
“What’d you say to me?” Inuyasha threatened before being smashed into a tree by the puppet.
While the brothers fought, Kagura made her move. Stitch shivered when an ominous wind brushed his antenna. It grew quickly into a cyclone that carried the unsuspecting alien high into the sky. Kagura greeted him.
“Yo.” She said coolie.
Stitch growled. He didn’t like this woman at all. Kagura smiled.
“It’s a shame you’re so adorable. I almost feel sorry that Naraku is going to kill you.”
Stitch growled again and snapped. Kagura didn’t pay much attention to Stitch’s aggression. She removed a vile from her kimono. The vile had a needle attached to it.
“Now hold still.” She said, trying to get the needle into Stitch’s neck. He wasn’t going to have any of it. He bit down hard on her arm. Kagura shrieked painfully and yanked her arm away. It dripped black blood. She looked up at Stitch and grunted.
“You nasty little savage! I’ll show you!” She cocked back her fan. “DANCE OF BLADES!”
The blades didn’t cut Stitch, but one of them collided hard with his head. He dropped his head down and moaned painfully. Kagura took this chance and plunged the needle into Stitch’s tough-as-leather neck. The vile shook as it filled with pink blood. She removed it when it was full.
“There. Now, you are of no use.”
Stitch growled and snorted. His mouth filled with clumps of green mucus. He spat it into Kagura’s face. She yelled and wiped the chunks from her face.
“You little bastard!” She hissed.
She flung her fan in the air, summoning the cyclone to crash into a jagged rock. The cyclone dispersed at contact, throwing Stitch into the peaks. He bounced off the rocks and landed hard on his face. He groaned and fell unconscious. Satisfied, Kagura took her leave.
Sesshomaru continued chopping the puppet’s tentacles off with his whip, while Inuyasha attacked with his claws. Jaken tried his best by burning the many arms off with his staff. Just as suddenly as it appeared, the puppet vanished.
“It’s gone.” Inuyasha said.
Sesshomaru turned away. “That puppet was just a diversion.” Sesshomaru pointed out.
“A diversion? From what?” Inuyasha asked.
Sesshomaru didn’t answer. He quickly made his way back to Stitch. Inuyasha figured it out moments later, and followed.
When they arrived, Stitch was still unconscious. Rin sat over him, nudging him. Sesshomaru knelt down.
“What happened, Rin?”
“That evil lady that works for Naraku did this.” The girl whimpered.
“Kagura.” Inuyasha said.
Sesshomaru examined Stitch carefully. His neck wound had close up and was healed, but a tiny drop of dried blood was visible. Sesshomaru got up.
“She extracted some of his blood.” He said.
“His blood? What does Naraku want with Stitch’s blood?” Inuyasha asked.
Stitch twitched and got up slowly, rubbing his head and moaning. He looked up at Inuyasha and smiled.
“Aka taba!” He said happily, hugging Inuyasha’s leg.
Inuyasha smirked slightly and blushed. “Alright. It’s nice to see you, too.”
Inuyasha noticed Sesshomaru staring at him. He grunted and turned away.
“I gotta go, Stitch. See ya later.”
Stitch stayed latched on. “Naga!” He pointed to Sesshomaru. “Ohana!”
Inuyasha and Sesshomaru stared at each other for a moment. Inuyasha looked away stubbornly.
“I don’t think so.”
Sesshomaru, too, turned away. “Feelings’ mutual.”
Inuyasha walked back to the forest when Stitch released his grip. Stitch sighed as he watched the brothers turn their backs on each other.
Kagura walked into Naraku’s castle and tossed the vile into his lap.
“There! Happy now?” She hissed.
Naraku smiled and fondled the vile. “Excellent.” He closed his eyes and absorbed the blood, vile and all, into his body. He heaved a heavy sigh. “Delicious.”
Kagura looked at the bite mark Stitch gave her. She turned to Naraku. “Naraku?”
“What is it now?”
She thrust her arm into his face. “Does this look infected to you?”
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.