Rushing through the front doors of her house, Kagome frantically searched
for her shoes. “Where are they?” she exclaimed. “I’m going to be late for school!”
Finding them at last, she slides into them, picks up her enormous yellow backpack
and runs as fast as she can, hoping she won’t be too late.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Sesshoumaru was late as well. He had spent most of his time in the shower dreaming the raven-haired beauty was in the shower with him. He didn’t spend nearly enough time cleaning his long silver hair, or his tall, lean, muscular body. Even now, in a rush, he was thinking of her hair sprawled on the pillow underneath him… NO. He didn’t have time for this. He was late for work.
Stepping out of his apartment building he raced toward his car. He never did really understand how amazing his car was. A beautiful silver 1969 Ford Mustang Fastback, with black racing stripes, it was a beautiful machine - and a rare one in Tokyo. But he was always thinking about her to have any room left in his mind for a car.
Finally on his way, Sesshoumaru sees her - her beautiful ebony hair flowing behind her as she ran, her little green skirt swaying with each stride she took, and her yellow backpack that must weigh more than she did. “Kagome!”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Did someone just call me?” she thought.
Turning around, Kagome sees a striking silver car racing towards her and pulling over.
“Do you need a ride, Kagome?” Someone asks from inside the car.
“Sesshoumaru, is that you?” She replies hesitantly.
“Is that a problem?” He smiles.
“Not at all Sessh. I just wasn’t sure it was you. But you’d think the car would’ve been a dead giveaway!” she jokes.
“So do you need a ride?”
“If you can get me to Tokyo College in 10 minutes!”
“Of course. Hop in.”
Jumping into the passenger seat, and shoving her obese bag into the back, Kagome accepts the ride. And, with a squeal of tires, and a cloud of smoke, Sesshoumaru raced off with Kagome by his side.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Pealing through town in his American muscle car, Sesshoumaru talks with Kagome, his raven-haired, brown-eyed secret love.
“It’s been a long time, Kagome. How’ve you been?”
“I’ve been alright. Things have been kind of hectic lately. But you probably don’t care about that. What’s up with you Sessh?”
“Work as always. Dad is keeping my pretty busy. But what is keeping you so busy? You haven’t returned my calls in a long time.”
“School is pretty rough right now. Exams are coming up. And I’m trying to find a job… I’m going to be getting my degree soon and need to start saving money. I guess I probably should have started saving for all of this when I first went into college 4 years ago!”
“You know, if you want, I’m sure I can get you a job at my firm - a secretary or something. As a matter of fact, my secretary just quit. Are you interested?”
“OF COURSE I’M INTERESTED! I mean… ya. That sounds good.”
“How soon can you start?”
“Well – wait. When would I get off? Because my classes are at night, but I still need to make sure I can make it to them.”
“Whenever you need.”
“Are you sure Sessh? I mean, I don’t want you to think I’m taking advantage of you or anything…”
“Nonsense, Kagome. I’m the one who offered you the job. And I would love to spend more time with you.”
“Ok. Then when do you want me?”
Sesshoumaru paused. So many different things came to mind. But he must keep his head clear. No more thoughts of her in that tantalizingly short skirt.
“Would you like to start tomorrow?”
“Wow. Really? It’s not too soon? I mean, you don’t have to ask your dad or anything?”
“No prob, Kagome. I’ll pick you up at your house tomorrow at 7, is that ok?”
“Sure, Sessh! That’s perfect! I can’t wait!”
“Well, here’s your school. I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
“Bye Sessh!”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“I can’t believe I’ve got a job! And I didn’t even have to go searching for this one!” Kagome mused. “This is amazing! I can’t believe I’m going to work for Sesshoumaru! And as his secretary! That must mean I’ll see him a lot right?”
Kagome was sitting in her economics class dreaming about her new job, and her friend Sesshoumaru. Kagome had secretly loved him for a very long time. But she knew he would never think of her like she thought of him.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Miss Sango, please come here.” Sesshoumaru paged his secretary from the intercom in his office.
“Yes, sir.” Came the reply.
As Sesshoumaru waited for Sango, he thought of how irrational it was to hire Kagome when he already had a perfectly fine secretary. “Well,” He thought, “Sango is pretty, but Kagome is beautiful, and I like her.”
“Yes, Mr. Sesshoumaru?”
“Please sit down Sango, we need to talk.”
“Uh oh!” Sango thought. “Nothing good ever follows those words.” “Y-yes sir.” She said nonetheless.
“Sango, I’m sorry to tell you this, but I have to let you go.”
“I understand sir. I will finish my work for the day and leave.”
“Very good.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Finally that’s over!” Kagome said. She really wanted to be a lawyer. And now she was going to be in a law firm everyday! Maybe if she did a really good job, Sesshoumaru would let her be an intern, and eventually a lawyer! “Wait,” she thought, “I shouldn’t get ahead of myself. I should just be happy I got a job!”
As she mulled over this thought, Kagome’s cell phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, she didn’t recognize the number. “Oh well,” she thought, “I’ll answer it anyways.”
“Hello?” she said.
“Kagome, it’s Sesshoumaru. I was wondering if you’d mind catching dinner with me. You’re out of class now right?”
“Wow, I’m glad I took the call.” She thought. “Ya I am. And I’m starving! Of course we can get a bite.” She replied.
“Ok, just wait in front of your school. I’ll be there in 5 minutes.”
Kagome waited for Sesshoumaru, and sure enough, right at five minutes, Sesshoumaru showed up. Kagome hopped in his car, and they sped off.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
After being seated, Kagome and Sesshoumaru sat across from each other in an Italian restaurant. Kagome couldn’t help but think about how amazing Sesshoumaru’s golden eyes were. She could stare into them for hours.
“So Sessh, what’s the occasion? I haven’t seen you in months, and now I see you twice in a day?”
“No occasion, Kagome. I just felt like seeing you. And I figured you might be hungry. You do like Italian food right?”
“Oh ya. It’s one of my favorites.”
“Good. I’m glad to hear it. I like Italian food a lot myself.”
“I think it’s kind of ironic that we’re in Japan, and hardly anyone eats Japanese food anymore. It’s all McDonalds and stuff.”
“You’re right, that is pretty ironic.” He smiled.
“Oh, while I’m thinking about it, you said you’d give me a ride to work tomorrow. I was wondering if it’s going to be an everyday thing or just because it’s my first day. And am I going to need to find a bus schedule or bring money for a cab for the ride home?”
“Nonsense, Kagome. I’ll pick you up and take you home everyday if you wish.”
“Oh, Sessh, I couldn’t impose on –“
“Kagome, it’s not imposing if I offered. And I will not take no for an answer.” He pushed.
“Fine, Sessh. If you insist.”
“And I do.” He smiled again.
“This is insane!” Kagome thought. “I’m sitting her with the guy I’ve loved for years, I’m going to see him EVERYDAY, and all I can think about is how great his smile is!”
“This is crazy!” Sesshoumaru thought. “I’m sitting with the reijin I’ve loved for years, and talking about how we’re are going to work together and ride together, and all I can think about is how beautiful she is!”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Sesshoumaru and Kagome are walking out of the restaurant to the car, and, when the reach the car, Sesshoumaru walks around to Kagome’s side, and opens the door for her, waits until she gets in, and closes it softly, and walks back around to his side of the car. Opening the door, and slipping in, he started the car.
“Wow,” Kagome thought, “He’s a gentleman. It’s like I’m falling for him all over again. And he still doesn’t even know.”
As they drove, Kagome was silent. She was thinking very hard about what she should do next. Should she have told Sesshoumaru she loved him BEFORE she took the job? Should she tell him now? What would happen if she did? Or maybe she should just pretend she didn’t love him. Why was this so confusing?
If Kagome only knew that Sesshoumaru was thinking virtually EXACTLY the same thing, maybe she would tell him right then and there.
Still lost in her thoughts, Kagome barely noticed when Sesshoumaru pulled over to the side of the rode and turned off the car.
“Why are we stopping?”
“Well, I was thinking. And I realized I don’t know where you live.”
“Oh ok. Well, from where you picked me up, just keep going from the direction you came, and it’s the one at the top of the big steps.” She said.
“Ok. We’ll be there in about 15 minutes then.”
“Ok Sessh. Whenever you want to take me home. But we could hang out awhile longer if you wanted you know…”
“Really? I mean, if you want to.”
“Ya I do. I haven’t seen you in a long time. And a lot of the time we spend together from now on is going to be work.”
“Oh, ok. Where do you want to go?” he asked.
She thought about this for a moment.
“I know the perfect place. But I want it to be a surprise. Would you mine letting me drive?”
“Not at all. I don’t have to be blindfolded too do I?” he joked.
“Actually, ya, you do. It’s kind of my secret spot.”
So, they got out of the car, and switched seats. Before starting the car again, Kagome pulled a green silk scarf out of her massive backpack, and tied it around his beautiful head with his enviously long silver hair.
This task done, she started the car, and with a wink that he couldn’t see, said “No peeking!” and roared off.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Almost Sessh. We’re almost there.” She assured him.
“Ok, Kagome, I trust you.”
Hearing those words made her heart flutter. Her breath caught in her mouth.
“Kagome, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing Sessh. Nothing at all. But…”
“What Kagome? You aren’t going to push me off a cliff are you?” he joked.
“No Sessh. But I want to do something before I take the blindfold off. Because I don’t think I’ll have the courage after that.”
As he was about to respond, Kagome stood on the toes and kissed him lightly on the lips. Surprised, he jumped back a bit. Kagome hesitated.
“Don’t stop Kagome.” He breathed, as he removed his makeshift blindfold. He was standing in a beautiful clearing. There were flowers everywhere, and butterflies floating all over the clearing. There were completely alone.
So she kissed him again.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kagome and Sesshoumaru had spent some more time in the meadow, which Sesshoumaru later discovered was actually in the backyard of the Higurashi Shrine where Kagome lived. If he had known this, he would’ve taken her back to the house long ago.
Holding hands, Kagome and Sesshoumaru came the door of her house.
“I had a great time tonight Sessh.” Kagome said.
“I did, too, Kagome.” Came the reply. He pulled her into his arms to kiss her again. After he released her mouth, she pulled her head back.
“Um… do you want to come in?” she asked.
“Only if you come with me.” He smirked.
“Ok, come on in then.” She said.
She opened the door for him and gestured for him to enter first. As she followed him in, she shut the door, and fumbled to get it locked up.
As she was doing this, Sesshoumaru was taking a look around. “Wow, this looks like its Kagome’s place. It’s very…HER.” The walls were a pale pinkish color, and there was stuff strewn everywhere. “She never has been very tidy,” he thought. Turning his head to get a better view of Kagome, he spotted a pair of her panties sitting on the couch. They were see-through red lace and there was barely anything to them. “Oh Kami.” He thought. It was bad enough he had to keep from jumping on her every time he kissed her, but this was pushing even his self-control. His mind was spinning. He was thinking about her in nothing but those and a matching bra. “Oh Kami, Oh Kami, Oh Kami!!!”
Turning away from her underwear as fast as he could, he ran straight into Kagome. His hand brushed her breast, and he blushed. Kagome lost her balance, and Sesshoumaru quickly caught her. It seemed like they were temporarily frozen in time. “This is perfect,” he thought. Holding her, he kissed her with a clichéd Hollywood kiss. At first, he thought she would resist him. But she gasped a bit, and he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. His tongue explored her mouth.
At last, he broke the kiss, and lifted her from the clichéd position.
“Up the stairs and all the way down the hall on the right.” She said huskily.
“What’s that?” he asked.
“My bedroom.”