Proximity by Sunset Miko
Summary: Kagome and Inuyasha end of in a tight space.
Categories: Drabbles, Romance > InuYasha/ Kagome Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi
Challenges: None
Series: Sunset's Drabbles, Sunset's Inu/Kag
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 254 Read: 4584 Published: 06 Apr 2008 Updated: 06 Apr 2008
Story Notes:

This drabble was written for IyIssekiwa’s ( Close theme

Title: Proximity

Author: Sunset Miko

Rating: PG (mild kissing, language, forgive me, I have a hard time guessing ratings)

Genre: Romance/Comedy

Word Count: 249

Universe: Alternate

1. Proximity by Sunset Miko

Proximity by Sunset Miko
Author's Notes:

I do not own Inuyasha and Company, no matter how happy it would make me. Rumiko Takahashi does.

“Shit! Hide!” Inuyasha hissed before shoving Kagome inside the closet, squeezing in himself, and closing the door.


“Would you be so kind as to tell me what the hell you’re doing?”


“Shhh! Sesshoumaru’s back!” he whispered.




“If he finds out we were in his room he’ll kill us!”


“And leaving the room wasn’t an option? Why would you hide in his closet? I swear Inuyasha, sometime you just…” Her lecture was cut short when the hanyou’s lips covered hers. She froze for a moment before relaxing and soon she forgot they were crammed in a closet hiding from a rather violent and short-tempered taiyoukai. She buried her hands in his silvery white hair and lost herself in his kiss.  


On the other side of the door Sesshoumaru smirked. It looked like his little brother had finally done it. The hanyou had been trying to figure out how to show Kagome that he thought of her as much more than a friend for weeks. He’d asked everyone for advice. Sesshoumaru’s recommendation? Find a way to be close to her, closer than normal. If she shied away then it wasn’t meant to be but if she allowed the proximity then move in for the kill. Of course he hadn’t said to do it in his closet of all places, but he had to give Inuyasha credit. He’d found a way to be close alright.


Sesshoumaru sighed and left the room to speak with his father about getting a bigger closet.

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