Rated: X
Categories: Adult, Adult > One-Shots, Adult > Yuri Characters: Kagome Higurashi, Miroku, Sango
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 5359 Read: 1633
Published: 19 Apr 2009 Updated: 19 Apr 2009
WARNING! MATURE READERS ONLY! You've been warned! [Masturbation, Yuri, Threesome] ONESHOT
1. oneshot by PitaBread [Reviews - 2] (5359 words)
A/N: Don't ask. The ol' muse is running around inside my head at light speed, and this popped in my head conveniently at four in the morning as I was about to go to sleep and wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it. So here it is. As always, the characters belong to one Rumiko Takahashi, not me. Because if they DID belong to me, this would be fact, not fan-fiction. Let it be known that I like to be thorough - I do NOT do things half-assed. OMG, longest lemon EVAR.
WARNING!!! Yuri AND threesome. If you are uncomfortable with these things, turn away now! You have been warned!
"If you need a fix -
Let me be the one you can call.
If you want a fix -
I can give you what you need.
If you need a fix -
Baby, you know I can give you
More and more, on and on." - Fix, Blackstreet