Summary: The love that lasts the longest is the love that can never be. The tragic tale of Tsukuyomaru and Kaori, Shiori’s mother.
Rated: R
Categories: General, Angst/ Drama, Romance, Adult Characters: Tsukuyōmaru
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No
Word count: 1234 Read: 60
Published: 12 Jan 2011 Updated: 12 Jan 2011
Story Notes:
Disclaimer: The characters Tsukuyomaru, Shiori’s Mother, Taigokumaru, and Shiori belong to their respective owners. (i.e. not me.) Though Shiori’s mother’s name (She wasn’t given a name in the series… at least not to my knowledge.), Hansuke, and any other character that walks out of my demented little head is mine and mine alone.Summary: The love that lasts the longest is the love that can never be. The tragic tale of Tsukuyomaru and Kaori, Shiori’s mother.Warning(s): Some blood, violence, sexual content, and character death.
1. Chapter 1 by InklessTypewriter [Reviews - 0] (1234 words)
A/N: Howdy! It’s a snow day today—in Georgia, go figure—so I decided to put fingers to keyboard and get the plot bunnies to stop jarring my brain. I’ve recently rekindled my passion for Inuyasha by re-watching the episodes. Anyway, I’ve always thought that Shiori’s mother and Tsukuyomaru was a pretty underrated couple. Even though they were only mentioned in passing on like two episodes, I still think they’re story is sweet and tragic and deserves to be told. Is this is what I’ve come up with. Hope you enjoy!