[Reviews - 0] Printer
Summary: thats Right were back
Rated: G
Categories: Humor, Crossover, Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance Characters: Custom
Challenges: None
Series: Tagumon/Solaris and Inuyasha
Chapters: 7 Completed: No
Word count: 1107 Read: 52238
Published: 17 Feb 2011 Updated: 17 Jul 2011
Story Notes:

1. Chapter 1 Saving Solaris by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (156 words)

2. Chapter 2 Inuyasha's mindquest "Do you think of me" by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (223 words)

3. Chapter 3 Kagome's Test "Do you need him" by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (136 words)
The Solaris of ILLUSION

4. Chapter 4 Sango's test "Do you need me" by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (233 words)
Sango time!!!

5. Chapter 5 Miroku's Test : Stop by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (48 words)
lol.... So short

6. Chapter 6 Enter Fusion True Solaris by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (151 words)

7. Chapter 7 Fusion Solaris vs Inuyasha by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (160 words)

uh oh fusion solaris has a bit of a evil streak

*Kaze no kiza =wind scar

*Bakyryuuha = baclash wave

* Don go desa = Adamant barrage