Rated: PG-13
Categories: Humor, Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure Characters: Inu Yasha, Kaede, Kagome Higurashi, Kagome's Grandfather, Kagome's Mom, Kikyo, Kirara, Miroku, Sango, Shippo
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No
Word count: 10404 Read: 52444
Published: 30 Apr 2011 Updated: 16 Feb 2012
*Rated PG-13 for language and such
I make no guaruntees there are no spoilers, but I don't intend on including any. But just in case you're wary of spoilers, be cautious.
As well, it's not all crazy drama depressing-ness. There is quite a bit of humor jammed in there that particularly doesn't fit, but is always fun.
**My first fanfiction, so feel free to leave some critisism and help me get better throughout this story. I'm not just writing it for me, y'know.**
1. Chapter 1 by ALittleLissa [Reviews - 0] (902 words)
This chapter is sorta morbid, in an interesting way, or at least I thought so. If you don't like it, try to bear through it a little bit. This chapter doesn't exactly set the plot for the rest of the story, it just sorta lets you see Kagome slip from happiness, to something else.
2. Chapter 2 by ALittleLissa [Reviews - 0] (1597 words)
Things are still getting in motion, so not a lot is really going to happen. Maybe by next chapter things will pick up.
3. Chapter 3 by ALittleLissa [Reviews - 0] (1699 words)
Things are going to start getting a bit more humorous and happier and such from this point on, so brace yourself for my bad sense of humor!
4. Chapter 4 by ALittleLissa [Reviews - 0] (1066 words)
Wow, it's been a really long time, so sorry about that. I was planning on keeping a consistant chapter update every day, but that clearly didn't happen for over a month. Really truly sorry, but with exams coming up I make no promises of things coming out on a great schedule. But for summer, I'm planning on at least every week you'll get a new chapter, so look foreward to it. Back to business, I'm pretty sure this chapter is a bit shorter than the others are, but it's a pretty important stepping stone into the really important chapters coming up and stuff. So enjoy!
5. Chapter 5 by ALittleLissa [Reviews - 0] (1410 words)
I didn't really read this one over too well, so I didn't give a crap how well it came out. This isn't too important of a chapter. The next one will be a really big one, so make sure to read it!
6. Chapter 6 by ALittleLissa [Reviews - 0] (2018 words)
This chapter is a bit lengthy, and involves an important piece of history that will fade into a big part of the story. The history isn't exactly perfect, and probably could use some work, so if there's any ideas for improvement, let me know!
7. Chapter 7 by ALittleLissa [Reviews - 0] (1712 words)
Wow, it's been so long! Seeing as I've fallen completely out of the loop since I last wrote and posted, I used this chapter as foreshadowing and sorta like a gateway and more of a filler than anything else because the next chapter is too long to be clumped with this introduction to the next actions. Hopefully I can try to get back in the swing of things and start posting more than once every seven months!