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They Weren't The Only Ones – Chapter 3 – "Rejuvenated"

That crowing outside was really starting to bother her, as was the light shining in her face from that blasted sun. Couldn't they let an old woman have a few extra moments of rest? After all, they had done some pretty late night activities and it was only fair she sleep in at least some to make up for the loss.

Attempting to hide and fall back into a peaceful sleep, Kaede cuddled even closer to the warm chest that lay beneath her cheek and God was she grateful for not only the warmth but also the gentle rise and fall of said chest. It proved to her just how real the night had been unlike dreams she'd had before in her many previous years. Apparently the person beneath her had been awoken as well for she could feel a hand at the small of her back, rubbing the soothing circles that she so fondly remembered from long ago.

She was so thankful to be back in her husband's arms.

"I know your awake love."

A groan was Yasuhiro's only response as the head of grey hair on his chest tried to snuggle ever deeper. He knew just how she felt though; he didn't want to get up either, but if these villagers were anything like those of over thirty years ago it would be best if they did rise from their futon. These villagers had an awful habit of walking in without announcing themselves and the last thing he had wanted was for them to be caught like this. In no way did he feel reluctant about their relationship; it was just that for right now, until they got everything straightened out, he wanted to keep their little reunion between the two of them.

He began to get nervous then; from what few villagers were out he could already hear Kaede's name mentioned a couple of times and once he overheard someone asking where she was because she was needed. If they didn't hurry the two would surely be caught and Yasuhiro wasn't one who liked being in the middle of a bunch of angry, superstitious villagers.

"Kaede we must get up now, we'll be caught if we don't."

A bleary chocolate eye gazed up at him, its owner not once relinquishing her position from his person.

"Must we Hiro? I would be most content with staying here in your arms all day. What is so important that we must get up now?"

Hardy laughter erupted from him as he wrapped his arms tightly around her and sat up, letting the sheet covering them fall lower to their waist, exposing their skin to the cool air of the hut. Seeing her as she was now, bare before him without a care in the world, he just couldn't stop himself from claiming her lips in another earth shattering kiss before finally relinquishing his hold. The voices of the villages were coming closer now; if they weren't quick their little rendezvous would be discovered for sure.

"Quickly Kaede, we've got to get dressed. Surely you don't want the villagers seeing you like this do you?" He gently ran a finger from her collarbone to the edge of her breast just to prove his point.

Sighing, the elder priestess had Yasuhiro help her to stand up and assist her in dressing while she also dressed him, which led to feelings being re-kindled and the two of them almost heading back to bed. Honestly, who would blame her for feeling this way? She, no, neither of them had felt such desire in so long that it only took so little to be lost to desires.

Both were in the middle of yet another passionate kiss when the unthinkable happened.

"Lady Kaede you are needed…" The man standing in the doorway stopped cold as he watched the two occupants jump apart, which was remarkable for someone their age. It surprised him even more to see that Kaede wasn't wearing her eye patch; she never took that off.

"I…I will be out to assist and start my… duties in a few moments Headman."

The older gentleman smiled at her stuttering, knowing she was nervous about being caught with a man in such a way. In any other village, a miko would be cast out for such a thing, but this village was special and what he would say next would surprise her. He walked over to her and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Take all the time in the world Priestess. I am pleased to see that you've found each other again. You are truly blessed to be reunited after all these years and deserve to spend time with one another. I will pacify the community for now." The Headman began to take his leave.

"You… you knew?"

A smile crossed the Headman's face as he turned to look at Yasuhiro. "Aye, I've known all along. Who wouldn't have known with how much time you two spent together? I promise you Lady Kaede, no prejudice will be against you here. You deserve to be happy after so many years of service to us. " He made his way out the door but poked his head back in one last time.

"Oh, you might want to find your eye patch and tie up your kimono before venturing out into the village."

That brought a blush to both their faces.

The day had certainly been a wonderful one; filled with the feeling of "danger" at every turn. No, not the life threatening kind but the thrill received when you do something you know is wrong. Sure, the Headman had said that there would be no prejudice against her but the two of them but they honestly didn't want to take the chance. So throughout the entire day the reunited couple had done lots of small things for each other that, in the long run, made a huge impact.

For instance, as Kaede went about the village caring for the sick and injured Yasuhiro took it upon himself to look about her hut and see if there were any supplies she needed. Once he had gone over the list one last time in his head, Yasuhiro grabbed up the basket by the door and headed out to the woods first. Of course he knew he couldn't get all of the herbs his wife had needed but he could at least get a few – he'd had quite a few years of husbandly duties to catch up on after all.

Unbeknownst to him, Kaede was thinking along the same lines. Throughout her entire trek through the farming community, she had been thinking of what she could do to show her husband how happy she was to be reunited with him; though she was thoroughly sure she could in no way top last night. After finishing with her fourth stop the old miko had finally come up with an idea; one she knew Yasuhiro would enjoy greatly – especially on a lovely day like this.

It was getting close to lunch time as the elderly miko headed to her hut. Along the way she smelled the most tantalizing food; something that would be cooked for a feast not a midday meal. If that food was only cooking in her own hut….

Little did she know that it was.

Upon entering her hut, the aroma hit her full force as she was greeted with the sight of Yasuhiro hunched over the fire and stirring something in a pot. She'd forgotten what a good cook he had been.

"Are you going to stand there the entire time or come eat with me?"

The stew he'd cooked up tasted marvelous, better than anything she'd ever prepared and she was grateful for it. Apparently he'd added in many different herbs and spices that he'd collected especially for the stew; that's what made it all the more thoughtful in her eyes. Yasuhiro had always surprised her with his many hidden talents and the adoring little things he did to bring a smile to her face.

That's what made her love him all the more.

The whole time they had spent eating wasn't spent in silence. No, numerous times one or the other would stop to start a sporadic kiss or feed the other affectionately from their bowl – all the while voicing how happy they were to have the missing half of their heart back in place. They even went as far as to begin the previous evening's activities, having a small romp on their (now) shared futon before Kaede had to tend to her duties. Both knew that they were acting like a couple of horny, hormonal teenagers but neither cared. Honestly, wouldn't you act the same if you were in their shoes?

The couple was still exchanging kisses as Yasuhiro escorted Kaede to the door before cleaning up. With one last kiss the priest turned to tidy up the hut but a petite hand and warm breath beside his ear stopped him.

"Meet me at our special place by the stream a bit before sunset."

And with that – Kaede was gone.

As it got ever closer to sunset, Yasuhiro began to get all the more excited. He was definitely curious about what Kaede had planned and he just couldn't wait to see what was going to happen. For what seemed like the millionth time that day, the old priest wished the time would go by faster.

Believe me, he didn't just sit around and do nothing all day. He still took it upon himself to restock his beloved wife's supplies; even going as far as chopping wood to replenish the supply pile by their hut. It took an awful lot of time, he was an old man for goodness sakes, but for Kaede he would do anything – even something as simple as this.

Heading down to the stream now, the wafting scent of grilled fish tickled his nose. As he turned around the bend and entered the small clearing surrounded by huge weeping willows and hundreds of lightning bugs fluttering about - his eyes caught sight of a roaring fire and a lovely woman, her back turned towards him, wearing a rather regal looking kimono. The kimono surprised him; it looked suspiciously familiar but he just couldn't figure out where he'd seen it before. As he watched the woman the puzzle pieces of his mind began to fit together and he finally realized where he'd seen the exquisite kimono -

It was Kaede's wedding dress.

Yasuhiro watched as the person before him stood as long silver locks splayed down her shoulders before the most beautiful sound reached his ears. Slowly, the woman before him turned to face him and he caught a glimpse of what was playing the harmonious music. It had surprised him enough that she'd kept the kimono but for her to keep his old victrola along with the record… their song.

Her beaming face became ever brighter as Yasuhiro made his way closer to her, stopping just a few feet away to fully take in her form. Kaede had truly outdone herself; she'd never looked prettier than she did in this moment. Her hair encompassed her face gorgeously and the light trace of face powder and lip color lit her face up wonderfully. Before him he saw not an old woman but the young wife he'd left so long ago…

A pleased grin crossed his face as the old priest slowly bowed and held his hand for Kaede to grasp.

"Charming lady, would you honor me with a dance?"

A light blush made itself known upon Kaede's face as she took hold of the offered hand and stepped closer to her husband. God he was making her feel so young and lively again.

"Why kind sir, it would be an honor to dance with thee."

Leaving the fish forgotten by the fire, the two elders danced throughout the entire clearing with only the firelight and the songs of crickets to guide them for hours after the music had stopped and the sun had set. Completely were they engrossed in each other that they'd never noticed the aura coming ever near.

Closer and closer Kaede and Yasuhiro became until they were fully touching one another; his arms wrapped around her waist and hers were weaved about his neck while her head lay against his shoulder. Being like this made them both feel at peace; knowing that the other was real and that they weren't dreaming of this moment again. The old miko gazed up at her husband's face from the spot on his shoulder while he too stared at her; both relished in the tranquility of the moment before their lips met in the heat of the moment. Nothing could ruin this moment… well… almost.

It took quite a few minutes for them to break apart but it only took mere moments for them their lips to meet again in another fiery kiss.

Neither of them ever noticed the third person in their little Garden of Eden.

"Just what do you think you're doing?"

Breaking apart quickly, Kaede and Yasuhiro turned to stare at the outline of whoever was on the other side of the fire. They couldn't tell who it was due to flames having died down so much, but as the mysterious person drew closer to them the more their old eyes could make out the details; and boy was Yasuhiro surprised at what he saw.

"Kagome?" An audible gulp was heard coming from him; this wasn't exactly the way he had wanted to reveal this to his granddaughter.

"Nay, that is my sister Kikyo." He could feel Kaede grip him tighter; was she afraid of her own kin?

Finally Kikyo made her way to stand before them and took a few moments to take in their state of dress. The silence was killing them.

"What is it that ye want sister?"

Another few seconds ticked by.

"Who is this man?"

Kaede was doing her imitation of a fish now. Never did she think she would have to explain any of her life between Kikyo's death and now – it made her brain come to a complete stop.

"Well… that is… ye see…"

"I am her husband."

Kikyo gave her full attention to the elderly man who was holding her sister so lovingly. Something about him seemed familiar but she couldn't place him right off hand.

"So you decided to wed in your old age? How foolish. You know as well as I that no priestess NOR priest is allowed to take a life companion; it makes one impure."

"Yet ye were willing to marry Inuyasha at one time." Kaede countered.

"You would do well to keep your mouth closed Kaede. I will deal with you later."

"In no way will you talk to my wife as such! I'll have you know young lady that Kaede and I have been married for the last forty years but have been separated for thirty-five and we've just now found each other again. And another thing! Pureness of the body is not what gives one power but purity of the heart is what counts the most."

The stoic look still remained on Kikyo' face, "Why should I believe the ramblings of an old man?"

"Mph, Kagome was right about all the things she's told me about you.

NOW Kikyo knew where she'd seen the old geezer before. Though she was Kikyo, since a small bit of her reincarnation's soul resided within her she also got a bit of her next life's memories and this man stuck out in many of them. Most likely he'd come looking for Kagome and didn't know where to find her.

Well, she knew how to take care of that.

Neither of them noticed when the glowing blue soul catchers entered the clearing nor did they notice when they weaved themselves around Yasuhiro until it was too late. Kaede had tried to hold onto but her efforts were fruitless as she watched her husband being lifted up into the air, kicking and screaming, followed by her sister.

"Sister Kikyo, bring him back! He's telling the truth; I am his wife. You can't hurt him!" She began to follow as best she could before yet another soul catcher appeared out of nowhere and held her in place.

"Do not attempt to follow me Kaede or you too will face the consequences!"

All the old miko could do was stand there and watch as her beloved Hiro was toted away while tears poured down her cheeks.

She just hoped to God that Kikyo wouldn't hurt him.

Chapter End Notes:

A/N - Total words – 2,795

Yay! Another chap to my ever growing obsession fic. Dear Lord I love this pairing and I just can't stop adding to the story.

*Victrola - basically an early version of the record player that required no electricity. All you had to do was wind it up to make it work.


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