The village was filled with... well, the normal sounds of any human village. You could hear the farmers tending their fields, women gossiping, vendors calling out about their wares, children's cries of play in the meadow, and the usual animal noises. Yet, there was just one sound out of place on this fine day.
Outside the village just a way ran a stream, and by that stream was an extremely well know face within the village...
Puking her heart out.
This had become a daily routine for Kaede as of late. Starting at the beginning of the last moon, Lady Kaede had begun to get sick in the morning, every day, no exceptions. The only thing the poor woman was able to keep down was the mildest of broths and she could see its effects on her. Already she was beginning to drop weight and although most women her age would be happy with such a wonderful thing, she was not for she was perfectly accepting of the way she is.
Finally, she heaved out the rest of her stomach contents into the flowing river. Her old friend Suki sat petting her hair in a motherly sense as she took her first clean, calming, puke-less breaths in several minutes. Both minds wondered how long this sickness would go on.
"Truly dear I am starting to worry about you."
Kaede couldn't agree more but she was unable to voice her opinion. Her throat was very dry from the small bout of dry heaving she'd had at the end. She was thankful when one of the village children brought her up a cupful of water from the river. A gulp was all it took to down it and within seconds another was pressed into her hands; the young child had rushed to refill her cup and she was once again grateful. Not only did the child do this, but he also provided a bit of comic relief in such an odd situation.
"Granny Kaede, you're not going through what mama did are you?"
"And what exactly did your mother go through darling?" Suki asks while Kaede finished catching her breath.
The child was so innocent in his questioning that he didn't know that his response was so utterly absurd and out there that it wouldn't be possible.
"Mama was like that for a while before Papa found out my baby brother was coming."
Hearty laughter began erupting from both women as the child flinched away from them; fearing that he had said something foolish and was about to be punished for it. It surprised him even more when Kaede pulled him into her arms and kissed his forehead lovingly.
"Although that is a nice thought Kazuki, a woman of my age is unable to have a baby. Have you ever seen your own grandmother or any of the other elder women bear a child?"
The young boy thought for a moment and shook his head no. He made both women smile again though with his next thought. Not only that, he also planted a seed in Kaede's mind.
"I think you would make a great mama Granny Kaede! Maybe it will happen someday! You always said anything was possible."
When Kagome arrived back home for her quarterly exams three months later, she was truly surprised to see the chain running across the stone steps at the entrance; indicating that the shrine was closed, which was odd. In all of her memories she could only remember one other time when the shrine had been closed off and that was when her father died.
"Oh no..."
Fearing the worst, the miko rushed to the two story home and burst inside, calling for any of her family members to answer. Thankfully her little brother called out from the living room.
"Souta, what happened? Why is the shrine closed? Where is mom? Gramps?"
"I'm right here dear."
Her mother walked into the room. She sounded quite weary.
"Sit down dear," She motioned to the couch. "And I will try explaining everything."
Kagome had a feeling what she was about to hear an unbelievable tale.
The thought hadn't left her mind the entire day. So enthralled was she with the idea, she actually made a special trip into the woods to gather the ingredients needed for her task. This was what she was doing now.
The rare leaving she collected were now being roasted over open flames; various spices being thrown on every few seconds to complete the recipe. She was nervous. Could such a thing be possible with her age? She's certainly never witnessed such a thing.
After all, Kaede had stopped having her monthly blood almost twenty years ago.
Smelling that the herbs were ready, Kaede took one last deep breath to calm herself before taking a knife and slightly slicing her finger; letting just a few drops of blood hit the pan and simmer.
Minutes went by and she was becoming a bit calmer, but, her jitters returned when she saw the hue of the leaves begin to change; going from their original green color to that of an angry red... that wasn't caused by her blood.
She started to hyperventilate.
"Dear holy gods above,"
Kaede could feel herself hit the ground as one last flicker passed through her mind.
"I'm pregnant."