Rated: PG-13
Categories: Humor Characters: Sesshoumaru
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Completed: Yes
Word count: 10377 Read: 76000
Published: 20 Jan 2012 Updated: 20 Jan 2012
1. It begins by SesshoumarusPriestess [Reviews - 0] (637 words)
2. Judges and Strippers AHOY! by SesshoumarusPriestess [Reviews - 0] (627 words)
3. Telemarketing Can Be Rewarding...can't it? by SesshoumarusPriestess [Reviews - 0] (819 words)
4. And they said wrestling was fake........ by SesshoumarusPriestess [Reviews - 0] (1010 words)
5. Perfection Thy Name is Sesshoumaru by SesshoumarusPriestess [Reviews - 0] (678 words)
6. Cause this is Thriller............Thriller Night by SesshoumarusPriestess [Reviews - 0] (679 words)
7. If I Ever Lose My Faith....... by SesshoumarusPriestess [Reviews - 0] (1144 words)
8. No One Likes A Sore Loser....... by SesshoumarusPriestess [Reviews - 0] (1313 words)
9. Superior Hearing Gets You Nowhere.......when you don't use it. by SesshoumarusPriestess [Reviews - 0] (1349 words)
10. All I Want For Christmas Is...... by SesshoumarusPriestess [Reviews - 0] (1089 words)
11. This Sesshoumaru Doesn't Do Work by SesshoumarusPriestess [Reviews - 0] (1032 words)