Summary: Kagomes friends show her how much fun Tequila can be, but her friends call some sexy boys to come over and play... Can Kagome keep a level head or will she fall victim to the alochol? Little bit of a girl on girl scene. if you think its wrong then dont read it, simple as that. :P
Rated: R
Categories: Adult > One-Shots, Humor, Romance, Romance > Hojo/ Kagome, Adult Characters: Ayumi, Eri, Hojo, Kagome Higurashi, Yuka
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 3690 Read: 920
Published: 08 Apr 2012 Updated: 08 Apr 2012
Story Notes:
I Do NOT own inuyasha!! Nor do I make money for this.. I just love to write
1. Hot and Heavy by Kogalover22 [Reviews - 0] (3690 words)
Kagome is a little sluttly but its due to her large intake of alochol