Summary: oc story)) two wolves both different in was a winter wolf the other a shadow wolf. they were both sisters. sadly one had darkness in her.. the other wanted to protect her. there names shiroi hana and nadeshiko (btw my oc is nadeshiko)
Rated: PG-13
Categories: Action/ Adventure, Romance, Adult Characters: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No
Word count: 1585 Read: 19163
Published: 17 Jan 2014 Updated: 10 Apr 2014
Story Notes:
this is my first story im so excited! >w< (adult only for language and maybe stuff idk im not that type of person to type that stuff)
2. Chapter 1 by Nadeshiko-WOLFdemon [Reviews - 0] (572 words)
wanna rp (roleplay) with me check me out at my name is nadeshiko you will find me at the zombie rp..come join me!! the site is free no sign up :)
3. Chapter 2 by Nadeshiko-WOLFdemon [Reviews - 0] (960 words)
sry the first 2 chapters where short ive been typing those on my dsi, if any of you could be SO kind as to tell me how to upload a pic on here i would b happy to draw all my oc's that take place in this story :)... id like to upload them from my photobucket
4. Chapter 3 by Nadeshiko-WOLFdemon [Reviews - 0] (53 words)
sry this chapter isnt finished i did it at school. :(