[Reviews - 2] Printer
Summary: Kagome gives Inuyasha and Kouga a reason to get along.
Rated: G
Categories: Drabbles, General Characters: Ayame, Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kouga
Challenges: None
Series: Sunset's Drabbles, Sunset's Inu/Kag
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 253 Read: 3882
Published: 10 Mar 2008 Updated: 10 Mar 2008
Story Notes:
I do not own Inuyasha and Company, no matter how happy it would make me. Rumiko Takahashi does.

1. A Reason to Get Along by Sunset Miko [Reviews - 2] (253 words)

This was written for iyfic_contest’s (http://community.livejournal.com/iyfic_contest/)

Week 134 – Action


Title: A Reason to Get Along

Word length: 249 (And man was it hard. I always have too much to say!)

Rating: G

Warnings: None

Pairing: implied Inu/Kag, Kouga/Ayame