“A little to the left… a little more… wait! Too far! Back to the right a smidge. A little more… oh, I don’t know. What do you think Ayame?” Kagome asked, fighting to keep in her laughter
Ayame giggled. “I think it might have been better over on that wall.”
“You know, I think you’re right. Okay! I want to see it over on that wall again.”
The grumbling of an inu hanyou and a wolf demon could be heard between grunts as the two strained to move the thing again. “Come on Wench! I know you’re mad and all but you’re killing me!”
“Can’t handle it, half-breed?” Kouga said snidely.
“I can handle it better than you, ya mangy wolf!” Inuyasha yelled back.
“Sure doesn’t sound like it!”
“Um, guys?” Kagome said in irritation. “Isn’t this what got you in trouble to begin with?”
Neither heard her as they continued to argue, setting down the giant television they’d been moving around the living room for nearly an hour.
“Looks like it’s staying on that wall,” Kagome sighed. “If you guys are going to fight, at least go outside this time! Unless you want to be replacing more of my furniture, of course.”
The room fell silent as the two looked from the girls to the new TV they’d been forced to buy after breaking her old one during their last ‘disagreement’. Kagome wanted to smack them as they plopped side by side on the couch. “I guess not…”