Summary: Winner IYFG awards first place Best AU/AR, third place Best Serial, and third place Best Original Character (Agatha Barnes) second quarter 2008!
The year is 1872, the place, Arizona Territory. In the tiny town of Sweetwater, Inuyasha has found a home as the local sheriff, taming the once wild mountain camp into a safe place to live. But when the town of men repays him for his help in a way unexpected, everything changes. A gritty AU by Namiyo, with a big thanks to Ouatic-7 for the beta work on the early chapters and all the helpful advice.
Rated: R
Categories: Angst/ Drama,
Action/ Adventure,
Romance >
InuYasha/ Kagome,
Romance >
Miroku/ Sango Characters: Ginta,
Inu Yasha,
Kagome's Mom,
Souta Higurashi
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 22
Completed: No
Word count: 74843
Read: 5203
Published: 09 Apr 2008
Updated: 12 Sep 2008
Story Notes:
Fair warning-this is a very un PC tale. This is a historical AU/AR piece, and I have no intention of sanitizing things in this story. There will be sexism, religious issues, swearing, violence, and all manner of things. That said, saddle up, and please enjoy the ride.-Namiyo
1. The Town of Men: Welcome to Sweetwater by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 6] 

(4036 words)
2. Signing up, moving out by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 0] 

(3362 words)
3. Surprise! by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 0] 

(3118 words)
4. No Good Deed... by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 0] 

(3168 words)
5. Causes and effects by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 0] 

(4376 words)
6. True Confessions by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 0] 

(3357 words)
7. Moonless Consequences by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 1] 

(3018 words)
8. The devil you know-Part 1 by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 0] (3512 words)
9. The devil you know-Part 2 by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 0] 

(3106 words)
10. The Battle of Devil’s Canyon by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 0] 

(3371 words)
11. The nature of a woman by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 1] 

(4215 words)
12. The Breakout by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 1] 

(3705 words)
This chapter is dedicated to L. Mouse to say thanks for the recommendation! -Namiyo
13. Know when to walk away, know when to run by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 1] 

(2770 words)
14. The Art of Negotiation by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 1] 

(3486 words)
15. Fortune favors the bold by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 1] 

(2714 words)
16. Warm Baths and Cold Feet by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 1] 

(3407 words)
17. The Foretale by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 1] 

(4426 words)
18. Fit to be Tied by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 2] 

(3446 words)
19. Chaseabout by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 1] 

(2945 words)
20. A threadbare welcome by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 1] 

(3158 words)
21. Revelations and Reckonings by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 1] 

(3565 words)
22. Showdown in Sweetwater part 1 by Namiyo11 [Reviews - 2] 

(2582 words)