I do not own Inuyasha and Company, no matter how happy it would make me. Rumiko Takahashi does.
This was written for First Tweak’s Bikini Drabble Challenge (300 word maximum)
“Oh, we almost forgot to cover your ears!” Kagome squeaked while grabbing things out of the pantry, trying to pack everything for their day out. Her family was going to the beach and Inuyasha was coming along, which made her happy but also made the entire situation much more stressful. Keeping the hanyou in line wasn’t always easy and her head was filled with all the things that could possibly go wrong. “I left your bandana on my dresser. Go grab it, ‘kay?”
The hanyou muttered his usual complaints about how much he hated wearing something over his ears while stomping up the stairs. He walked into Kagome’s room and looked around for a moment before picking something up. “Kagome?”
“Just put it on!” she yelled from the kitchen.
He growled softly in frustration but did as he was told, trying to secure it in place over his ears before he hopped back down the steps. “I don’t think I like this one. It feels funny. Where’s the red one I usually wear?”
“Huh? Inuyasha, that’s the same one,” Kagome replied in confusion before turning around to see what he was whining about and a smile slowly spread across her face. “That… Inuyasha, that’s not… I can’t believe you…”
He frowned at the girl who was laughing so hard she’d had to sit down to keep from falling. “What? You said it was on your dresser!”
She couldn’t help but laugh at her hanyou, standing in the doorway with her new bikini top on his head, each ear covered by little red triangles of fabric and the strings tied under his chin in a little bow. “Inuyasha, that’s not a bandana. It does cover your ears, though.”