Penname: imagecentral10 [Contact] Real name: Anna
Member Since: 14 May 2012
Membership status: Member

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Challenges by imagecentral10

I don't know about you, but I think there are far too many stories about any character pairing that involve the pair in question getting into some kind of situation and this situation winds up getting them together, and THE END. That's the end of the story. I'm usually like. 'Don't stop now! What happens next?' I don't know how you feel about stories like this, but I think we deserve to know what happens during the Happily Ever After.

In this challenge, I, well, challenge you to write a story beyond the first kiss, beyond the first time, beyond the first admission of love. Tell me what this first of anything does for the couple in question. Tell me of thier life beyond that first admission of love.

There are some rules to this challenge, however:

1) The pairing in question can be any pair you want it to be. I don't care.

2) The author must not put himself/herself into the story. The characters must be already existing characters. If it is necessary for the storyline, you may add some minor characters, but the main focus of this challenge is on already existing characters.

3) The length of this story can be any that you want. It can be a one-shot. It can be 5 chapters long. Hell, it can be one of those stories without an end if that's what you want.

4) It would be preferable to avoid a story on HOW the pair gets together. In this challenge, we shall all assume that your pair is together somehow. Please tell me what happens now that they are together. However, if a backstory is necessary for your story, well, I'm not picky. Do that if you must, but please try to avoid backstories. 

5) There is no deadline. I want you guys to have fun with this.

6) This can be in any universe you want. 

7) I do not care if you put lemons in this or not. In some stories, it might even enhance the story.

Perhaps these are not rules per say. They seem to be more like guidelines. But I want you to have fun when you write this and if I restrict you too much, well, I wouldn't think it would be fun.

So, the Happily Ever After has begun. Or has it? Peace reigns the land, or does chaos still ensue? That is up to you. Go now, and write the best story you can write! I look forward to reading it. 

Categories: Adult, General, Drabbles, Humor, Poetry, Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance Characters: None

Remember the eighth episode, the one with the Toad Prince? This event could not have taken place more than a couple of weeks after Inuyasha gains the Tetsusaiga for himself in episode 7. But what I am curious about is how our favorite half-demon is capable of wielding the sword so skillfully in episode 8.

From what I have been able to gather, Inuyasha was probably far too young to so much as lift a sword when his mother died. And surely no one taught him swordsmanship, since he was so despised as a child. So, it confuses me that he is as skilled as he is so early in the series, because I have been told that mastering even the basics of the Japanese sword takes months.

So, I challenge you to tell the story of how Inuyasha became the swordsman he is in the canon, no matter how crude his style is to many of his opponents. How did he learn this skill? Is it something he somehow learned in the time between episode 7 and episode 8, or did he have a teacher of some sort?

There are no limitations at all for this challenge. I just want to see your ideas 

Categories: General, Action/ Adventure Characters: Inu Yasha