Membership status: Member
hmm. I've been into fanfic for awhile now, but I've recently started reading it ALOT. Like, recently, I spent 14 straight hours at the computer. When I normally try to only stay for a few hours at a time, at most.
I love anime, it's an amazing thing.
and i love fanfic. soo... ya. don't know what else to say.
Categories: Crossover, Action/ Adventure, Romance, Adult
Characters: Kagome Higurashi
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 24117 Read Count: 3589
Date: 07 Oct 2007 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 3
so far it's... interesting. not at all what i was expecting. but i'm hooked for now!
Date: 07 Oct 2007 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 8
GRRR!!! i'm angryy!!!!
i was really getting into the story... AND THEN IT ENDED!!! grrr!!!!!
Take a look at unselected cases
You'll find love has been wrecked
By both sides compromising... but what if its covered by doubt and centuries of controle?
My characters Sarela Amraphel and Sythe are under the Noncommercial and Attribution licensing if you would like to know more heres the address...
I dont own inu and co or the Dipeshmode song
Categories: Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Adult, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome
Characters: Inu no Taishou, Inu Yasha, Jaken, Kagome Higurashi, Kirara, Miroku, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Sesshoumaru's Mother, Shippo
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 21014 Read Count: 2758
Date: 25 Oct 2007 Title: Chapter 7: Final lesson: VIctory has a high price
so i loved this story. but i can't find Blue Nova.... it's posted on THIS site right? cuz i serached it, and didn't find it.... well, i hope i find it....
once again, loved the story!
Author's Response:
Blue Nova is still in the revamp stages, originaly it was a stand alone but this story popped out. The way this one ended it
NEEDED a sequal so I started to revamp Blue Nova. Personaly I'm glad I did, this version of Blue Nova seems more rounded
than the original and since you requested it I'll start posting the finished chapters of Blue Nova.
Categories: General
Characters: Inu Yasha, Jaken, Kagome Higurashi, Kirara, Miroku, Naraku, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 10923 Read Count: 580
Date: 31 Oct 2007 Title: Chapter 5: I am the master
AHHHHH!!!!! i loved it. and then they all died, and made me sad.
but it was an amazing story. i was riveted.
Author's Response: Thank you, this one took a good bit of work but i really enjoyed it. i havent encountered any fics so far where everyone closly involved in the curent plot dies and i like to try new things. I think this might have been a bit extream for most people. if you want to read the original ending go to a single spark and look under this screen name.
Categories: Angst/ Drama
Characters: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 8462 Read Count: 107
Date: 26 Oct 2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1
i loved this story, but it makes me really sad that Sesshoumaru had to die..... Why is it that in over half of the Sess/Kag fanfics, one or both of them die???? it's very depressing.... :((
Author's Response: I think some of it is just that writers have twisted minds but don't worry, I pick on every one equaly. Kougas next to get his round of death. ^_^ Because really picking on sessh and kag just isn't right. Anyway in my bio it warns that I have a taste for the tragic, so when reading one of my stories just remember that no one is safe.
Categories: Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome, Humor
Characters: Inu Yasha, Jaken, Kagome Higurashi, Miroku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 14030 Read Count: 48931
Date: 08 Jan 2008 Title: Chapter 1: My Sister... My Mother...
hahahahahahaha, that DID make me laugh! you are an AMAZING story writer!!!!
Will no longer be updated on this site. See Author's note in first chapter.
Sesshoumaru needs the help of a miko, and only one will do. His request for aid sets in motion an ancient prophecy, leading them all on an unexpected quest. Secrets kept for years finally are told, and an unsuspecting Kagome is thrust into a mission with a whole new set of tasks and troubles. She is the priestess spoken of in the prophecy, the one sent to redeem Midoriko, and her already strange life is once again turned upside-down.
Under revisions... Will be updated eventually, I promise!! No new chapters yet.
Categories: Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Adult, Romance > Miroku/ Sango, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kikyo, Miroku, Naraku, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo
Series: Sunset's Sess/Kag
Chapters: 33 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 127021 Read Count: 34515
Date: 23 Feb 2008 Title: Chapter 33: Chapter 33 – Caught with his Pants Down
I love it! i've actually been reading it pretty much nonstop! and when i did have to stop, it was all i could think about!!!!! finish!!!! pwease???
Categories: Angst/ Drama, Romance > Naraku/ Kagome, General, Romance
Characters: Kagome Higurashi, Naraku
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 6131 Read Count: 936
Date: 16 Jan 2008 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1
I swear, I'm addicted to them! I hope you always keep posting!
Categories: General, Romance, Adult, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome
Characters: Bankotsu, Inu Yasha, Jakotsu, Kagome Higurashi, Miroku, Sesshoumaru, Shippo
Series: Sunset's Sess/Kag
Chapters: 57 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 280965 Read Count: 74113
Date: 27 Jan 2008 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Four Guys, a Girl, and Some Chinese Takeout
It's cool that you have an update email list for your stories! I've asked a few other authors and I'm pretty sure they laughed at me. XD
well ya, my email is
So if you wouldn't mind, email me with updates!!!!!!
Author's Response:
You've been added to the list. Thanks for reading!
Date: 03 Feb 2008 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – A Unique Bond
idk if you want me to put it again for the NEXT chapter... but here's the email