Membership status: Member
Hello all out there in the Sess/Kag/Inu universe. My name is Kat aka as SP on here and I am a fledgling writer of fanfiction.I am now 31 years old with an 8 year old son and 4 year old daughter born Aug 1 and Aug 10 respectively. I got my start after reading some wonderful works by some authors on here who would give published ones a run for their money. Kagome357,Danyealle-sama,Sugar0o,SunsetMiko are some of those people as well as Creature of Shadow and some other greats. Now I am proud of my latest fic and want to thank all of you who nominated, "This Sesshoumaru Doesn't Do Work" and made it a second place winner for the 3rd Quarter. It is more than I ever hoped I would get....I simply wrote this to be a contributing member here. I hated reading and not giving anything back for others to enjoy.
I like to read, attempt fiction writing, anime, tattoos, comic books,anime conventions,cosplay,video games and more. I love rainstorms and quiet nights and I also work and attend school. It leaves me little time to work on my fic but I do my best and hope you all like it.
I also know that not everyone is going to like my work and that is like always. Constructive criticism is welcome if it helps me out...but save it if you are just writing to tell me you hate my work. I had to learn that myself when reading other things and learned if you do not like CAN read something else or leave a NICE comment about how you feel and why. People are nice enough to write for you to read it and are getting nothing but satisfaction from it.........don't ruin that so they want to stop.
Once more thanks for the votes and I hope to do some more one shots and a serious fic sometime in the future. Much love and Peace ~SP
Categories: Humor
Characters: Sesshoumaru
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 10377 Read Count: 76000
Categories: General, Humor
Characters: Sesshoumaru
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 574 Read Count: 2955
Categories: General, Humor
Characters: Kagome Higurashi
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 390 Read Count: 3134
Categories: General, Humor
Characters: Sesshoumaru
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 890 Read Count: 2968
Categories: General, Humor
Characters: Sesshoumaru
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 980 Read Count: 2967