Penname: Bumblebee [Contact] Real name: Katrina
Member Since: 10 Oct 2008
Membership status: Member

*****October 14, 2010******

My daily update plan fell through like usual. I've been extremely busy since it's my senior year with band and cheer and such.  However, I've been in the writing mood lately and felt like coming up with something completely different than what I have up now. I keep getting into writing moods and end up on facebook and then losing the mood. This time, I went ahead and got on the site to make sure I didn't lose it :) I'm not sure when I'll have an update but I'm woking on one.


About 4:30am on Sunday morning, I woke with delight in my heart as I witnessed the first Inuyasha episode I have seen in months. I was dumbfounded and excited at seeing it on my TV.  I turned over on the couch, slid on my glasses, and watched with hunger and interest.  My heart lept with joy.  I instantly began receiving ideas and memories of writing fanfictions of Inuyasha oh so long ago.  I nearly jumped up to race to a nearby computer to update my stories.  It only took that brief little moment to get me back to this computer to finish what I started. This site is my home away from home that never lets me down.  However, it could use some more activity and members.  But I'm sure it won't take much to get it off the ground once more.  So, in saying that, I am gladly happy to say I am BACK. 

I will work around my summer schedule to update no matter what and I will be reviewing and rewriting my current stories to slow down the storyline and get my information in there and make it interesting.  I shall make stories people beg for updates on.  It is my Senior year in high school and I'm in cheerleading and marching band. I also have some online classes.  Luckily, one is in creative writing so my style and vocabulary should increase ^.^  I am so happy to finally return and begin anew for everyone.

Alrighty then, let's get to work.

Happy Writings =^.^=

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Stories by Bumblebee
Almost too late. by Bumblebee Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 1]
Summary: There's a new one on board and InuYasha races off.  His excuse is Miroku has spotted Naraku and they're going to finally rid the world of him.  Or is InuYasha a little nervous about the new addition?  It could be a while until he returns.  So in the meantime, Kagome sits at the hut InuYasha built for himself, awaiting and then raising their new baby girl.  She has help, but not from InuYasha.  Will she grow on someone else? Will baby Mika recognize her dad when he gets home?  There's only one way to find out and that's in the chapters.
Categories: Romance, Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure
Characters: Kagome Higurashi
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 633 Read Count: 39
[Report This] Published: 02 Jul 2010 Updated: 02 Jul 2010

A story written in response to the challenge, "The Demon Prince"

Before Inutaisho is deceased and when InuYasha is a mere 3 years old, Sesshomaru has decided to finally leave for what he wants most. He desires strength and power, indenpence and self security. However, a young dog demon Hitomo would do anything to help him along the way. Will his strive for self independance push everyone and even her off?

Banner Creation: I made this banner above for my story because I figured a little color would brighten everything up around my site. 

Categories: Angst/ Drama, Romance, Romance > Other
Characters: Inu no Taishou
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 1239 Read Count: 2822
[Report This] Published: 16 Oct 2008 Updated: 16 Oct 2008

There are times when one must hold onto what they value most. Is it really true that you have no idea what you have until it is snatched from beneath your grasp? Perhaps.  Inuyasha soon learns the meaning of 'be careful what you wish for' as everything he could have never hoped for becomes a shocking reality.  When he loses what he wants most and receives something else in return, will he do anything to get it back and thrust the new into the trash?

----I have alrighty stated the rating as NC-17 because of further content. I'm sure I will only be using this rating for language, since PG-13 didn't seem suitable for some words, but just to be on the safe side, I don't want the younger eyes to be offended or influenced by language later on in the story that they take on bad habits.

Categories: Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance, Romance > InuYasha/ Kagome
Characters: Entei
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 417 Read Count: 299
[Report This] Published: 10 Oct 2008 Updated: 15 Oct 2008