The Hot Hanyou by MW Roach

Inuyasha-version of "The Hot Chick".

1000 years ago (feudal time), a witch by the name Aratule, mother of Urasue, ran rampant throughout the Northern tip of Japan on the Continent. Her spells and creations destroyed many villages and took hundreds of lives. She was also well known for her horrid tricks on people. One day, she went out and gathered the teeth of a male fire lizard, and the teeth of a female fire lizard. She made two bracelets, and bounded them together with the hide of a griffin. She put a spell on the bracelets; so that if the ties break, and the bracelets are separated, the souls whom wear them will switch bodies. If the two do not reunite the bracelets by the Lunar Eclipse, the souls will be trapped in each other’s bodies forever...

Plentiku is the Raccoon Hanyou of the North Continent and is known in her region for being a sneak-theif. After snatching one of the sacred braceletts, she unintentionaly switches bodies with Inuyasha, who found the other bracelett! How will Inuyasha cope with waking up 3,000 miles away from his friends in the body of a sexy female fugitive on the run from the law? How will Plentiku react when she awakens in the body of a hot n' bothered dog-hanyou with relationship problems and a very short fuse? With only 1 week before the Lunar Eclipse, Inuyasha and Plentiku must switch back before they become trapped in each other's bodies forever! Even with the mighty powerful (and very horny) Sesshomaru joining them, can they find each other and switch back before it's too late? 

Categories: General, Humor, Action/ Adventure Characters: Ginta, Hakkaku, Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kirara, Kouga, Miroku, Myoga, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 12741 Read: 70719 Published: 07 Jul 2009 Updated: 03 Aug 2009
Chapter 5: "Put Some Color in Those Cheeks!" by MW Roach
Author's Notes:
Exactly how it sounds...that's how it is...


Put Some Color in those Cheeks!”


Inuyasha and Kiachi traveled well into the night. The silence between them was unbearable for Inuyasha.

“So, chipmunk, how long have you known this ‘Plentiku’ girl?”

Kiachi grunted. “I’ve known her since she was 3 days old, and I do have an identity, you know.”

Inuyasha shrugged. “I know. What was it again? Umm…Pickles?”

“It’s Kiachi! How the hell did you get ‘Pickles’ from ‘Kiachi’?”

“I guess it’s because you look like a flea-bitten, moldy vegetable.”

Kiachi stopped walking and sat down. How on earth was he supposed to live with this monster for so long?

“Come on, Chi-Chi.”


Inuyasha chuckled to himself. At least he had entertainment. This little rat was nearly as fun as Shippo. Speaking of kitsunes, a female, around Plentiku’s age, leapt from the bushes, scaring Inuyasha half to death.

“Hi, Plentiku!” The girl said cheerfully.

Inuyasha growled and eyed her for a moment. Her long, silver hair was in a high ponytail. She wore an extremely short, furry skirt and a furry tube-top. A big, bushy tail occupied her backend. Inuyasha felt superior for some reason. His breasts were bigger then hers. He quickly brushed off the thought. Why did he care?

“Hello, Akira.” He said involuntarily. How did he know her name?

He was sure he’d never seen her before in his life. Without warning, she threw her arms around him and hugged. Inuyasha just stood there, immobilized. Kiachi watched from a tree. He growled and jumped down.

“Akira, wait! That’s not…”

Before the woodrat could finish, Inuyasha stepped on his head.

Akira broke the embrace. “I found this awesome hot spring. Let’s go.”

Inuyasha smirked. “Okay.”

When Akira disappeared behind a bush, Inuyasha snatched up Kiachi.

“Listen, cheese-face, if you breath a word to that girl, I’ll beat you with your own liver. Got it?”

Kiachi gulped. “Got it.”

Kagome tilted her head from side to side, getting a full view of it from all angles. Plentiku looked away, feeling a little awkward about the whole situation.


Ginta and Hakaku sat in silence. Hakaku was looking away, while Ginta stared intently at Inuyasha’s rear.

“He needs to get out more.” Ginta said. “His ass is so white.”

Hakaku looked up at Ginta with a disgusted look on his face.


At the hot springs, Akira was the first to start shedding her clothes. Inuyasha stood there, confused and slightly turned-on. Akira turned to him.

“Come on, Plentiku. There’s no one around.”

Inuyasha shakily removed his top. He felt so exposed. He then went for the pants.

Kagome’s stare intensified as Inuyasha’s body suddenly reacted. She looked up at Plentiku.

“Umm…are you thinking of anything…dirty?”

Plentiku shook her head. “No, why?”

Just then, Miroku arrived, trudging through the bushes with some grilled fish on a stick.

“Hey, you two. You want some…WHOA! NEVERMIND!” Miroku hastily turned away when he seen the perkiest, whitest, shiniest cheeks he ever did see.

Plentiku quickly drew up her pants. Kagome hid her beet-red face.

Hakaku and Ginta looked at each other, seemingly thinking the same thing. Ginta spoke it first.

“Should we…should we tell Koga about this?”

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