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Fanfiction one shots or stories must and need to be new and explicitly written of this challenge. Entries must involve Kagome and Sesshomaru as the main characters. Their relationship must be the focus.

You can make either a one-shot or a chapter story. Either way you need to make the admissions to have 8000 words.
Rin needs a mother and Kagome is it. This challenge is to see how creativity you can get with a old subject.

Genre- Romance and Humor wile the rest you can pick the others.

Rating: Your pick

Prologue can be included as it will not count as a chapter. Same with a Epilogue. Limes and Lemons can be involved but please place it in the rating proper in.

No dead lines and this is not a challenge either.

You can place this challenge any on fan fiction sites, like fanfiction, Dokuga, Inuyashafanfiction, M, PD, DA, AFF, and LJ. Just send the link to flaming witch of fire.

Categories: Action/ Adventure, Romance, Adult, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome Characters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshoumaru