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FanFiction entries must be new, specifically written for this challenge.
 All entries must involve Sesshoumaru & Kagome as the main characters. Their relationship must be the focus.
 Other pairings are allowed in.

 Genre: Horror, thriller and kind that is dark but it also has to ave Romance in it. Dark Romance It also needs to be scary.
 Rating: MA

Warnings are needed with the story when they are needed. Like rape, limes or lemons, gore and so on.

No dead lines and this not a contest either. So you can take your time.

You can place this challenge any on fan fiction sites, like fanfiction, Dokuga, Inuyashafanfiction, M, PD, DA, AFF, and LJ. Just send the link to flaming witch of fire

Categories: Action/ Adventure, Romance, Adult, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome Characters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshoumaru