Just a random day of bordom which led me to this idea. I hope you all enjoy it!
Categories: Romance > Other
Characters: Inu Yasha
Series: Generations of the Shikon no Tama
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 394 Read Count: 4518
Just a random day of bordom which led me to this idea. I hope you all enjoy it!
A Parody from the old poem, Twas The Night Before Christmas written by Clement Clarke Moore in 1822.
I really should be glad Inu wasn't round for this... hehe.
Originally posted December 28, 2007.
Time continues on and the Inu-gang are still looking for Naraku. However, will Kagome and Inuyasha ever admit their feelings for each other or will they not say a thing. Will they fight more, or enjoy each other's company? It's hard to tell sometimes. Will the crew finally defeat Naraku once and for all? So many questions to be answered.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.Kagome's drunken catcall finally confirms his hopes and suspicions that she wanted him and Sesshoumaru takes her home for an amazing night, but is gone when she wakes up and she can only remember bits and pieces. She never suspected that Inuyasha would go to such lengths to keep her from his brother.
Sequel to my drabble Open Mouth, Insert Foot
inuyasha and miruko play truth or dare.
She could have turned around, she could of turned away. But that was the problem, she didnt know that today, something would change. That this would be the day she would take a step she wasnt ready to take. That this would be the day she would die.
When Kagome comes back from her time to share with her friends what Christmas is about, she brings presents for each of them...and a special one for Inuyasha... will they tell each other how they really feel???
"What is it about the idea of the demon lover that makes my head spin?" A young woman takes a trip back home with her husband her imagination gets the best of her...maybe she should lay off the InuYasha? Nah - that couln't be it... lol.
Kagome finds out what really happened to Sesshomaru’s mother and why Sesshomaru became cold, Kagome meets up with Inu-no-Taisho and discovers something more. Spoilers from third movie inside.
Kagome and Sesshoumaru meet online and start dating. Kagome is just an avrage girl with an evil step mother and two half sisters. Sesshoumaru is high class and goes to a privet school. He is the captin of his football team. The story starts at the end of the school year.
Inuyasha, Sango And Kouga have gotten the wrong ideal about what Kagome is doing to Miroku (not that Miroku would minds) and all kind of horror and misunderstanding is unleashed.