Information Coming Soon.
Other Results: 1 Challenges, 20 Series

Inuyasha's decision to retrieve Kagome leaves them in a compromising position.

Categories: Romance, Drabbles, Humor
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Miroku, Sango
Series: Inuyasha Challenge Responses
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 375 Read Count: 3035
[Report This] Published: 03 Feb 2012 Updated: 03 Feb 2012
Curiosity by Daphneshaggydoo Rated: PG-13 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 9]
Summary: What's this? A possible new power for Tensiega? Kikyo wanting revenge on Kagome? An old flame becomes rekindled? Even MORE people coming back from the dead? Plus the gang thinks they are being watched... There are lots of curious things about to happen in the Feudal Era...
Categories: General, Humor, Action/ Adventure, Romance
Characters: Ah-Un, Ayumi, Buyo, Eri, Hojo, Inu no Taishou, Inu Yasha, Izayoi, Jaken, Kaede, Kagome Higurashi, Kagome's Grandfather, Kagome's Mom, Kikyo, Kirara, Kohaku, Kouga, Miroku, Myoga, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shinidamachu, Shippo, Souta Higurashi, Yuka
Series: None
Chapters: 39 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 78426 Read Count: 631015
[Report This] Published: 13 Dec 2011 Updated: 01 Feb 2012
Summary: Summary: (Prom sequel) Once again finding herself on another blind date, she is pleasantly surprised with whom she finds on this date . . .
Categories: Adult, Romance
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Miroku, Sango
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 6757 Read Count: 593
[Report This] Published: 05 Jan 2012 Updated: 05 Jan 2012
Eyes to Life by InuYashaReader Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 30]

Photobucket  Photobucket

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, Rumiko Takahashi does.

InuYasha, Kagome, Miroku and Sango are on the hunt for the Shikon no Tama when Kagura makes a sudden attack. Was she really there, or was it a new battle that will begin? When InuYasha's wants his physical apperance, how will it affect his relationship with Kagome? And how do you fight an enemy, that you can only see? InuYasha is in a battle of his life, how does he know that something very powerful is at stake?

Categories: Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Adult, Romance > InuYasha/ Kagome, Romance > Miroku/ Sango
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kikyo, Kouga, Miroku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru
Series: None
Chapters: 26 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 88333 Read Count: 9494
[Report This] Published: 24 Mar 2009 Updated: 01 Jan 2012
Summary: How Miroku REALLY came to have feelings for Sango
Categories: Adult, Adult > Fetish
Characters: Miroku, Sango
Challenges: Bondage Challenge
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3991 Read Count: 634
[Report This] Published: 31 Dec 2011 Updated: 31 Dec 2011

Kikyo looked Koga strait in the eyes and said “I am not Kagome.” “But you’re alive! And you smell almost like her! Why?! How?!” “I could answer your questions or I could answer your wishes.” “What are you talkin ‘bout Kikyo?” “I am not Kagome, but I can make you a deal too good to refuse.” Koga didn’t know whether to run or hear her out. After debating with himself he decided there was no harm in listening to what she had to say “And what would that be?” Kikyo smirked, she had him right where she wanted him “You can have Kagome as yours. While I keep Inuyasha out of the way…”

Categories: Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kikyo, Kouga, Miroku, Sango
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 9293 Read Count: 629
[Report This] Published: 04 Oct 2011 Updated: 11 Dec 2011
Summary: 12 years after the end of Naraku, Kagome and Inuyasha are enjoying their life together in Kagome's time. However, all is not well, Naraku is back and a new jewel has made its appearance. (unfinished looking for Co-Author/adopter)
Categories: General, Humor, Action/ Adventure, Romance, Romance > InuYasha/ Kagome
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kagome's Grandfather, Kagome's Mom, Kirara, Kohaku, Miroku, Myoga, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo, Souta Higurashi
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 7594 Read Count: 23580
[Report This] Published: 26 Nov 2011 Updated: 01 Dec 2011
Summary: Kagome is the Princess of the Higurashi Kingdom who is being forced to marry Sesshomaru, Prince of the Taisho Kingdom. Refusing to marry Sesshomaru, she takes a chance and runs away with Prince Inuyasha, the younger brother of Sesshoumaru. Inu/Kag Pairing
Categories: Humor, Action/ Adventure, Romance, Romance > InuYasha/ Kagome
Characters: Inu no Taishou, Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Miroku, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 43407 Read Count: 3258
[Report This] Published: 29 Nov 2011 Updated: 29 Nov 2011

~A/U Inuyasha and Miroku are on a mission to protect Kagome from a violent assassin after women. Will they find the true suspect before he gets to Kagome? Warning: Molestation, Rape, Implied Rape, Language, Abuse, and Character Death. Pairings: InuXKag MirXSan 

Rating: M - R: Not suitable for children or teens below the age of 17 with possible strong but non-explicit adult themes, references to violence, and strong coarse language

Categories: Humor, Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance
Characters: Ayame, Ayumi, Eri, Hojo, Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kagome's Mom, Kikyo, Kouga, Miroku, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo, Souta Higurashi, Yuka
Series: None
Chapters: 23 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 132504 Read Count: 3735
[Report This] Published: 04 Sep 2011 Updated: 03 Nov 2011
Summary: This poem is a response to a challenge made by SilentWriter.
Categories: Poetry
Characters: Inu Yasha, Sango
Challenges: InuYasha's Ears :)
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 215 Read Count: 3166
[Report This] Published: 25 Sep 2011 Updated: 25 Sep 2011
A Miko's Love Story by Kittyb78 Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 77]
Summary: Past Featured StoryWhen a spell throws Bankotsu and Kagome into marriage-or-death predicament, the Inutachi and Shichinintai have no choice but to form an alliance. Fortunately, there seems to be more underneath the surface. What secrets does Bankotsu's past hold? B/K REVISED!
Categories: Action/ Adventure, Romance, Adult, Romance > Other
Characters: Bankotsu, Hojo, Inu Yasha, Jaken, Jakotsu, Kaede, Kagome Higurashi, Kagome's Grandfather, Kagome's Mom, Kagura, Kanna, Kikyo, Kirara, Kohaku, Kouga, Midoriko, Miroku, Naraku, Renkotsu, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo, Souta Higurashi, Urasue
Series: None
Chapters: 31 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 110640 Read Count: 26829
[Report This] Published: 07 Feb 2009 Updated: 14 Sep 2011
Summary: Past Featured Story

After being sealed away for 2,000 years hanyou Inuyasha comes close to being free again, but first he has to grant three wishes to Kagome Higurashi who claims to want nothing.  Well....almost nothing.

Fanfiction Feature

Categories: Romance > InuYasha/ Kagome
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kouga, Miroku, Naraku, Sango
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 29987 Read Count: 4734
[Report This] Published: 28 Mar 2009 Updated: 04 Sep 2011
Summary: Feature

The shard hunting group is rocked by an unexpected request from Sesshomaru and forced to endure the deal when, by mistake, Kagome agrees to his offer.

Fanfiction feature

Categories: Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome, Adult, Humor, Romance
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kikyo, Miroku, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Sesshoumaru's Mother, Shippo
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 2984 Read Count: 12531
[Report This] Published: 13 Sep 2007 Updated: 26 Jul 2011
Summary: After the defeat of Naraku, InuYasha uses the jewel to become full youkai. Saddened, Kagome leaves for her own time, undecided wheher she can still love him this way - and the well closes. InuYasha swears if he has to wait 500 years to see if she still loves him, he will.
Categories: Angst/ Drama, Adult
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Miroku, Sango, Sesshoumaru
Series: None
Chapters: 19 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 35557 Read Count: 15993
[Report This] Published: 29 Mar 2008 Updated: 21 Jun 2011

Secrets and lie create dishonesty, dishonesty becomes betrayal, and betrayal will make more lies and secrets until it's a never ending cycle of pain. All their life they've been feed the lie's of history, never had to the chance to learn the truth of the Shikon Jewel, Onigumo, or even how a miko came to be, a human with great powers. But the Wiccan's know the truth the nobles want everyone to forget of the war, the blood spill, love and betrayal of the humans and demons, and even of the Wiccan's: Witches, Wizards and Sorcerers, them selfs. And they don't care, in fact Wiccan's seem to enjoy not being noticed. For they have enough problems of their own, with the war they are in with each other. Which is why when a Sorcere's knight, Calieann is captured she dares not say anything, but she has caught the attention of the Inu. gang and of a certain demon lord of the west. But will they ever know the truth of Midoriko life and sacrifice, or Naraku's evolvement with Caileann past? Will Caileann go against her oath as a knight and shed light on history, or will they end up tagging along with her to her home and finding out on their own?


Categories: Action/ Adventure, Romance, Adult, Romance > Other
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kikyo, Midoriko, Miroku, Naraku, Onigumo, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 10357 Read Count: 172
[Report This] Published: 30 Jan 2011 Updated: 05 Jun 2011
Summary: Kagome comes across an injured woman that later turns out to be a Princess of an unknown place. Her death triggers a path that she now must walk... but why is Sesshoumaru involved and what is his crazy aunt hiding?
Categories: General, Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance
Characters: Inu Yasha, Jaken, Kaede, Kagome Higurashi, Kagome's Grandfather, Kagome's Mom, Kagura, Kanna, Kikyo, Kirara, Kouga, Miroku, Myoga, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo, Souta Higurashi
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 25146 Read Count: 773
[Report This] Published: 18 Oct 2010 Updated: 02 Jun 2011
Child by Kitaztakizz Rated: X starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 4]
Summary: Child 

by: DekiNo-Sama 

Kagome has been changed into a child, and Inuyasha meets one too many new people, will Miroku ever change? Who knew a child's imagation could lead to your destruction?

Categories: General, Humor, Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance, Adult
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Miroku, Sango, Shippo
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 10580 Read Count: 1433
[Report This] Published: 28 Oct 2009 Updated: 24 May 2011

It is said that music heals the soul, but is music enough to heal Kagome? Maybe a trio of musicians can help her sort out her past and prepare her for a bright future. IK MS ***I do not own Inuyasha. I don't make money for writing this.***

Categories: Angst/ Drama, Romance, Adult
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Miroku, Sango
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 23715 Read Count: 1071
[Report This] Published: 19 Dec 2010 Updated: 09 Mar 2011
Shikon Youkai High by Kittyb78 Rated: NC-17 [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Who is the new kid at school? Where does he come from? How will people react to him? Why does my family hate Naraku and Kikyo? What secrets do my past hold? When will this nightmare finally be over? BANXOC AU original publish- 08-06-07
Categories: Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance, Romance > Other
Characters: Ayame, Bankotsu, Ginkotsu, Hakkaku, Hiten, Hojo, Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kagura, Kikyo, Kouga, Miroku, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Suikotsu, Yura of the Hair
Series: None
Chapters: 42 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 95445 Read Count: 5582
[Report This] Published: 15 Feb 2011 Updated: 15 Feb 2011
Summary: Kagome is trapped by Kagura in a castle tower! Can Inuyasha resolve his true feelings to save her before she's discovered by the castle's inhabitants and rescued by Kouga, his rival for Kagome's love?!
Categories: Angst/ Drama, Romance
Characters: Bankotsu, Inu Yasha, Jakotsu, Kagome Higurashi, Kagome's Mom, Kagura, Kirara, Kouga, Miroku, Sango, Shippo
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 520 Read Count: 15504
[Report This] Published: 10 Feb 2011 Updated: 10 Feb 2011
Summary: The Post Manga story of Sango and Miroku.
Categories: General
Characters: Sango
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1596 Read Count: 20870
[Report This] Published: 05 Nov 2010 Updated: 05 Nov 2010
Summary: Inuyasha accidentally harms a good friend of his and now is thought of mentally unstable.  Surviving through mental rehabilitation was hard enough; now can he survive the after effects?  And can Kagome learn to love a man holding a secret she never wanted to find out?  Read and find out!
Categories: Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance, Adult
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Miroku, Sango
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 14060 Read Count: 397
[Report This] Published: 24 Jun 2010 Updated: 28 Oct 2010
Summary: Sesshoumaru is gone and has left Kagome without a mate. Plunged into a state of depression will Kagome find a wat to cope? Or is losing him finally the end of the line for her?
Categories: Romance, Adult, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Sango, Sesshoumaru
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 1036 Read Count: 495
[Report This] Published: 25 Sep 2010 Updated: 26 Oct 2010
Summary: Shikon High is a school for people with special abilities. A group of teens who treat each other like family must fight together to protect their school and their love ones. Find out what happens. pairings: Inu/kag Sess/Rin Mir/San Kog/Aya. Rated M for lemons and language
Categories: Romance, Adult
Characters: Ayame, Inu Yasha, Kaede, Kagome Higurashi, Kohaku, Kouga, Miroku, Myoga, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo, Souten
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 4606 Read Count: 357
[Report This] Published: 22 Oct 2010 Updated: 22 Oct 2010
Summary: Kagome finds Sesshoumaru near the brink of death and must act to save him. With saving him comes something that she could've never guessed. With the upcoming battle looming over all, decisions must be made...and whats with Inuyasha and.....Read and find me, you'll love it....
Categories: Adult, General, Humor, Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance
Characters: Inu Yasha, Jaken, Kaede, Kagome Higurashi, Kagura, Kikyo, Kouga, Miroku, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 52915 Read Count: 5061
[Report This] Published: 18 Oct 2010 Updated: 18 Oct 2010