Reviews For This Sesshoumaru Doesn't Do Christmas
Reviewer: kalika Signed 

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Date: 08 Jun 2012 2:56:31 AM Title: Chapter 23 - The Chase

Date: 08 Jun 2012 2:56:31 AM Title: Chapter 23 - The Chase
awwww, your a good writer. I hope you can update soon. I Really want to continue reading.
Reviewer: Linnea_Sweden Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Apr 2012 3:24:21 PM Title: Chapter 23 - The Chase
Date: 14 Apr 2012 3:24:21 PM Title: Chapter 23 - The Chase
Give me more, give me more, give me more!!!! I crave for me, this is a really awesome story and I have read it chapter one to the very latest in one night, but now I want more.... It is very well written, interstering plot, loves Sesshoumaru's insecure thoughts about all of his demon heritage. It gives me as a reader another side of the proud taiyouaki that we all adore. ...Laughs a lot...Keep up the good work... :)