Reviews For Solstice
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Reviewer: imagecentral10 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Jun 2012 2:14:11 PM Title: Chapter 5 - Revelation

Is it just me, or is this very similar to when Kouga kidnapped Kag in the anime... only with a much darker twist? Still, I love it.

Please update soon. This is a really good story and I want to see Inu kick Kouga's butt, hopefully for good this time!

Author's Response: Hehe~.^ it's a throwback to the series having him snatch her up. He's a bit more vicious right now than the series because of what he had to do to regain his body (and Kagome hasn't worked her magic on him just yet~.^). Thanks for the compliments, this story has been a blast to write!

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