Reviews For Dubious Relations
Reviewer: Nile Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Aug 2007 6:13:08 AM Title: Chapter 2
Date: 23 Aug 2007 6:13:08 AM Title: Chapter 2
Wow! Actually double inu wow! This is so good so far. I did expect Inu Yasha to resist for a bit, but it would not matter what the gender, Sesshoumaru is always shagworthy.
Author's Response:
Thank you! And I agree, though Sesshomaru in a woman's kimono has always looked like the most delicious thing in my own mind (the image fights with Peta in lingerie all the time!). Inuyasha didn't stand a chance! It's too bad Sesshomaru's a bastard though...
Thank you for reviewing, I appreciate it. ^_^