Reviews For Dubious Relations
Reviewer: thehotty Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Oct 2007 2:17:00 AM Title: Chapter 13
Author's Response:
Date: 16 Oct 2007 2:17:00 AM Title: Chapter 13
Keep up the good work. Normally I wouldn't read a story with male/male, but this is a good one. Well written. I enjoyed it. Can't wait for the next chapter to be up! Peace out.
Author's Response:
I'm glad to hear that! I'm not going to preach to you about the wonders on yaoi (it's just not some people's cups of tea), but I'm actually feeling pretty proud to have had you read this. I've just updated, so you can read the next chapter.
Thank you for the review! I appreciate it!
- Lupi